The Corrupted Legion (2)

Fighting against one of my toughest bosses yet, I was slowly losing my grip on my sword with each second that passed by. This damn thing won't give up.

But before I could say anything or think anything further, a strange bright purple light hit this thing across the face. Immediately I broke through it's block and slashed across it's chest.

I couldn't let this opportunity go to waste, so I kept laying down attacks with each second. Slashing across this things chest over and over again till my arms went limp.

"Cheap attacks." The Boss says while taking a few steps back.

It definitely sustained a significant amount of damage from my attacks but that was because of Kallista right? I've never seen Rika use much magic before so it would be Kallista who did it, or at least that's what I'd think.

A strange blood like liquid began to drip onto the floor from the bosses wounds, but I knew it wasn't going to just give up. This thing was determined to keep it's life how it was.

"I would've gotten those attacks either way." I say with a cocky attitude.

I doubt I would've but I can't let him think I'm worn out.

"Cocky, but it's good to see you have some sense of humor." It says while lifting it's sword once more.

Before I could react, the boss was already in front of me swinging it's sword.

Clang!!! Swoosh!!!

As I blocked the attack, the force from it knocked me off me feet and a couple of feet away from it.


I felt pain throughout my whole body as I sat against the wall I just crashed into. That attack was a lot more powerful than I had anticipated, how am I supposed to kill this thing?

Drip. Drip.

I could feel my own blood running down my face and onto the ground, I'm not done yet though. The Boss in the distance seems to think it killed me, or it just hasn't realized that I'm still alive.

Gah.. I slowly began to feel my regeneration kicking in again, at least that'll keep me alive for the most part. I still feel all the pain and I'm sure that I can die just like any other human.

But this isn't the place where I'll die. Stabbing my sword into the ground I begin to use it to stand back up.

I could barely feel my legs but that wouldn't stop me from killing this damn boss.

"Still alive. How lucky." It says while walking towards me.

Rika and Kallista are still fighting against the remaining enemies so I need to take this boss out. They can't come to my rescue all the time, I need to be able to protect them too.

Gripping my sword once more after standing, I felt the adrenaline kicking in. Time to end this damn boss already.

I felt my speed increase as I dashed towards the boss, this was definitely something I needed for this fight. It took moments for me to reach it, and once again our blades clashed but this time I pushed his to the side.

Slashing across his chest and immediately turning my swing towards his shoulder. I put as much power into this as I could, watching as my blade went right through.

Taking off his arm that primarily played a part in holding the sword was my biggest advantage.


"Hahahaha. A very good attack indeed." He laughs while his arm falls to the ground.

His sword also fell to the ground as he laughed more at my attack against him.

"What's so funny?" I question with a serious tone.

"You barely won this fight, and you expect to defeat the others." He answers while falling to his knees.

"I'll win the others too." I say before slashing my sword across it's neck.

Thud. It's body immediately fell to the floor and I couldn't hear him speaking any longer. This boss was dead. Not long after, the remaining enemies began to fall to the ground as well.

Seems we completed the gate. That's when I felt everything go limp as I fell to the ground myself.

I forgot how much energy I had used and honestly I'm lucky to be alive.

"Sevarian!" Rika shouts in the distance.

Everything faded for away for a good while, I honestly thought I was dead. But this feeling was different, I couldn't really understand what it was to be honest.

"The world is cruel." A Voice says with a soft tone.

As that voice echoed I began to look around me, nothing seemed to be here.

"Who are you?" I question while checking all around me.

It felt like I was floating in the abyss but yet I wasn't dead, this definitely was different.

"You'll recognize my voice soon enough Sevarian. But you've been awarded for completing the gate, now you just need to keep going." The Soft toned voiced responds.

Before I could ask anything else, the darkness disappeared and I quickly woke up to the sight of both Rika and Kallista next to me. Both of them were waiting by my side for me to wake up it seems.

"Glad you're okay." Kallista says with a relieved tone.

"Yeah, just exhausted myself a bit." I reply while slowly sitting up.

Before I could do anything else, I felt a warm embrace from Rika almost immediately. She hugged me, this was something that threw me off for a loop completely.

She didn't strike me as the type to be like this but she was happy I was alive and also seemed to be relieved.

I'm happy to be alive too.

"I'm happy you're okay Sevy." Rika says while hugging me.

"Me too." I reply while hugging her back.

There's still so much left to do, I've definitely got a long journey ahead of me. But who was speaking to me before about this world and the rewards?