
Students were talking all around me but I began to tune it all out for the time being since I had something on my mind. The thought of everything being real was still on my mind.

It did feel real so why am I confused about everything going on?

"Follow my voice Sevarian." A girl calls out with a soft tone.

Looking around the room I didn't see anyone staring at me or trying to talk to me so it wasn't anyone in here. The girls voice continued to call out to me with the same saying each time.

I probably should follow it, what's the harm?

No one would care if left the classroom right now anyway. Ashley is the only one who would notice but she's not in my first class of the day.

So I got up from my desk and made my way through the groups of students till I reached the door.

"Keep going Sevarian." The girls voice echoed off the walls once more.

I don't know who it is that's calling to me but they don't seem hostile in any sort of way. Walking through the halls I could see them changing as if they weren't clean and full of students talking.

Bodies and piles of blood began to appear before my eyes with no sign of it ending. Each step felt endless, almost like I would be stuck here forever.

"What's happening?!?!" I shout out with a confused tone in my voice.

"Just look forward." She says softly.

A girl with short silver hair stood before me, her eyes were bright green, she wore a lovely blue dress, and her ears were that of an elf.

"Who are you?" I ask while admiring her.

"Someone who won't let you die." The woman responds with a calm tone in her voice.

The world really did fall apart didn't it? How could that have happened to me and everyone around the city. That kind of stuff never happens in reality, it just couldn't be a real possibility.

"Go wake up Sevarian." She says as the world begins to change around me once more.

Pitter. Patter. Pitter. Rain was still falling all around me but the ground below me was the same as I remembered.

I was on the ground in front of the monolith once again but this time I was all alone in my own blood. The pain in my stomach was gone, I didn't feel like I was dying anymore.

It feels as if I just respawned back in the world but this is still inside the gate here.

"Sevarian!" Rika shouts in the distance.

My system was back online and I could no longer sense the Monarch around the area so he must've disappeared. That bastard will die the next time we meet, no matter what.

~You've successfully healed due to your slime tree regeneration skill. Welcome back Sevarian.

I almost died or did I die?

"He's over there!" Rika shouts while getting closer.

It seems that the others have made it into the gate and found me. Time to get up so I can greet everyone.

Standing up I could see the whole party running towards me with a shocked expression on each of their faces. I'm not sure what to expect from them after the random disappearance.

Within moments of that thought passing by I could feel Rika's arms go around me as she hugged me.

"I didn't know what to think. You have blood all over you!" She shouts with tears going down her face.

"I'm okay. I apologize for worrying all of you." I respond while holding Rika close.

My party just stood there with a relieved look on their faces but this wasn't the end of the journey here. A gate boss still remained here while we were enjoying our reunion.

"Don't ever leave us behind like that again." Kallista says with a serious tone in her voice.

"An unforgivable act." Onyx speaks up briefly.

Leaving the party behind is a pretty big deal since we've been working together as a team for a long time. The world has just been so damn chaotic for the longest time.

I guess I wanted to give everyone else a break from it for once.

"I won't abandon you guys again. There's a lot that I want to tell you about since I came into the gate." I say with a bit of excitement in my voice.

Rika was still hanging onto me as I spoke but I couldn't really blame her since she was one of the closer members of the party. Probably would be best to just catch up with everyone before proceeding onward.

"Are you really okay?" Elizabeth asks while staring at the ripped clothes.

"It was just from a small fight. I'm feeling great." I respond with a smile on my face.

I can't seem to remember all the details but some woman did save me from everything that happened. What did she look like again?

"Well we can catch up on all the details later. The gate boss still remains here." Onyx says while gripping onto his weapon.

"It seems to be mimicking a lot of different things here so it'll be a bit of a challenge." Kallista mentions.

I noticed that when I first got here but it doesn't mean much for our search.

~The mimic will be approaching shortly. Be ready!

At least you're good for something.

"Sevy I actually need some blood for this fight." Rika says after moving her head away from my chest.

"Not a problem." I reply while pulling my shirt down a bit.

My neck was revealed and made available for Rika to bite me like a vampire.

"Take this as payback Sevy. Hehe." She says with a slight chuckle.

Bite! Her teeth sunk into my neck like the last time she did but I wasn't as focused on the pain this time. Just her soft lips pressed up on my neck.