Let's fight a Mimic

My mind was all over the place after everything that had happened but now wasn't the time to let myself drown in thoughts. The enemy was a mimic nonetheless and needed to be defeated for this gate to be completed.

"I'm ready!" Rika shouts as her gauntlets form.

Everyone else seemed to be ready to fight as well but yet something seemed completely off about this whole situation. 

"HAHAHA to think that you would be alive after everything. What a pity, at least I can kill you myself now." A sinister voice says after letting out a crazy laugh.

The mimic seems to have some sort of personality after all but now is where things start to get a lot more serious.

Within an instant I was met with a giant monster that took the shape of a stone statue wielding a giant sword. Moss covered the statue but one thing seemed to be significant about this boss, it had the same cloak as one of the bosses I faced awhile ago.

Then again I guess it shouldn't be surprising since it's a mimic after all.

"Fight it together as a team!" Onyx shouts while gripping his sword.

A fight as a team was definitely the best option when going against the mimic considering the type of abilities it could have hidden within. 

Mimic (Lvl 200) (Caution Advised).

Only a little bit higher then my current level but I have a whole team here with me so its not the end of the world. The fight is bound to be a bit challenging though.

{Activate Demon Blood}

{Activate King's Strength}

{Activate Borrowed Power}

Let us begin.

The party began to charge in at the mimic all at once and began to attack from different angles to try and keep its attention off of one specific person. I was attacking from the left to try and utilize my speed to get an attack in as quick as possible. 

Rika and Onyx went for the head on approach as to try and get its focus from the get go rather than the path I had picked. 

Health isn't displayed, this must be due to its level. Damn, it doesn't matter anyway.

The mimic began to charge up a strange orange beam before firing towards everyone within an instant. It wasn't something that any of us could've expected but anything can happen in a situation like this since it's a boss gate. 

"Watch out!" Onyx shouts while using some sort of shield made from light.

BOOM!!!!!!! An explosion came off of Onyx's shield and sent a small shockwave amongst the party but it didn't keep anyone from fighting. Everyone kept up with the attacks and tried to do some sort of damage to this thing.

"Attacks from a full party is something else but this won't go how you expect it to." The mimic says while its dark red eyes begin to light up from beneath its cowl. 

I'm quite a bit of levels behind here but this isn't impossible. I began to charge up a fireball infused with my power once again. 

It takes a bit of power to do this each time but it will be worth it if it does some good damage to this damn thing.

King of Souls Fireball. A giant fireball with a pure white flame began to fly at the mimic with extreme speed before finally connecting with it.

The fireball made contact and immediately engulfed the mimic within seconds of hitting as the area began to fill with smoke all around us. No responses came from the mimic but yet I could still sense it, the battle was far from over.

"Sevarian we got to keep up the attack!" Rika shouts while charging in once more.

I felt weakened after that attack but I guess I'm still recovering from everything that happened.

"We got this!" Onyx chimes in as he looks down at his shield.

It was barely even damaged but that kind of power didn't do a thing to his shield or us? I wonder what level Onyx would show up as.

~To fight against this enemy and further would warrant death you know.

"I'm done with all that. Let's kill this boss and kick the Monarchs ass." I say with confidence while gripping onto my sword.

Speed, strength, my party, and the little strength I have left will be plenty to handle this piece of shit.

Everyone pushed right through the smoke and began to bombard the Mimic with attack after attack before it could recover from the fireball damage.

"A rather bold approach that I didn't anticipate." The Mimic says with it's eyes staring down at us.

A grin began to grow on the mimics face as it stared down at us. He was heavily damaged from all the attacks he just took but yet nothing was happening.

The Mimic didn't fall to the ground nor did it fight back.

"To think we'd have such a battle that I would even take this kind of damage is shocking. I conceed." The Mimic says before pushing everyone back within an instant.

It felt as if wind had sent us flying back away from the mimic but there was barely even a fight with it.

"What's going on Sevarian?!?!" Onyx questions with confusion and worry in his voice.

Do they not hear this thing? Not a single reaction from what it just said to us.

"What the hell do you mean you conceed!" I shout back with anger in my voice.

He's not even close to done, that force he used to push us back was infused with quite a bit of power.

"I've done my job and seen the results that we need. This belongs to you now." The Mimic says while kneeling down before us.

It began Extending it's hand out towards us with some sort of key. I don't remember what I got from the previous gates but this is definitely feeling different.