The Key

As I took the key from the mimic I could see a small title and description appear above the key.

• { Key of The Faithful }

Description: A Key that was given to the loyal servant Izavien to protect the gate of Creation. This key is used to access the Fifth gate which is used to create a lot of different things within the world.


"It'll be interesting to see what happens next." The Mimic says with a sinister smile across it's face.

The Key went into my inventory like every other item has and the mimic began to stand back up. I don't know what happens from here since usually the killing of the boss is what puts everything back to normal.

"Sevarian what just happened?!?!" Rika shouts out with confusion in her voice.

I didn't know how to react to everything going on, my head was still all over the place. Rika is calling out but it still feels so distant as if she's way further away.

A distant echo. Was the monarch really- No nevermind, no point in worrying about it right now.

"Hey Sevarian everything is disappearing around us!" Onyx shouts out in concern.

He was right.

"The way out is over there." I say while taking notice of an open door with bright white light.

We all began to make our way for the door as the mimic sat back watching us run away. That bastard is definitely up to something and it all ties back to the monarch in some way or another.

I'll close all the gates and cleanse my world of all these monstrosities. The Monarch will not succeed with his plan.

He's just some sick bastard who doesn't know who he fucked with.

Fwooosh! The surroundings had changed upon passing through the door and it appeared to be what was left of the town from before.

"We closed yet another gate." I say with an annoyed tone.

I'm not annoyed with the gate being closed but I am pretty damn annoyed about what happened. Screwing with my head like that wasn't cool at all.

Smash! Crack! Slamming my fist into the wall I didn't even realize I had cracked it. I'm pissed off now.

"What's wrong Sevarian?" Rika asks with a bit of concern in her voice.

"Just thinking about that damn Monarch. He's got a lot in store for us." I respond with a bit of anger in my voice.

"We'll deal with him nonetheless Sevarian." Elizabeth chimes in.

She's right but I guess I'm just letting my emotions get the best of me right now. We'll kill him and stop the world from being destroyed any further.

~System processing error. Will give rewards for completion of the gate upon restoration of the system.

Isn't that just perfect timing.

"The skies look even darker than before, I think there's even some red in there. It seems things are definitely getting worse." Onyx says with a bit of worry in his voice.

There's a lot going on but yet we don't know or everything that has happened here since we entered the last gate. How much of the world has plunged further into chaos and who is still fighting?

I'm not doing terrible stat wise but there is some questions on my mind, especially with the future gates. I was a bit under leveled fighting the mimic and yet we won by sheer luck.

It wasn't a defeat by combat which is the strangest thing but I know it's part of the Monarch's plan.

"My oh my, so he does still live." A mysterious voice begins to speak.

Familiar yet it's not at the same time. That's when I could see the witch from before with her blue robes, the long blonde hair that went past her shoulders, the sky blue eyes from before, and the same book within her hands.

Rena the Witch has crossed paths with us yet again.

"Expecting me to be dead?" I question with a bit of curiosity in my voice.

"No, you're hero friend there was destined for death. Onyx I believe his name is." She responds while glancing over towards Onyx.

All of us thought Onyx was dead until he recently returned to us so it's understandable to think such a thing. But I don't know if she already knew that or not.

"I should've died but my strength managed to save me quite a few times now." Onyx says with confidence.

Onyx is quite a strong hero so I shouldn't have doubted his survivability back in the previous gates. I'll put more faith in him going forward.

"Very interesting. Yet another gate has been closed, seems like you truly do have potential to stop the monarch." Rena says while looking down at her book.

I stood in silence for a moment as I watched her turn a couple of pages in her book. She seemed to have something interesting within that book so it might be wise to make an ally of her.

"Sometimes luck is on our side. I don't know what will happen next, even with the third gate closed." I reply while scratching my head.

Too many possibilities for what could or couldn't happen next. The system is also having some sort of complication right now that hasn't been fixed yet.

Whoever is the system manager now has not been looking out for me like Elizabeth used to do. I don't blame her for getting away from the monarch, he truly is an evil monstrosity.

"Maybe so. Tread lightly, you have one advantage up your sleeve. The key you received." Rena mentions with no hesitation in her voice.

She just knew about the key?!?! I really am curious what kind of powers she has or if that book is telling her about things with us.

"Right, you did get that key Sevy." Rika speaks up while walking up to me.

It skips the fourth gate and opens up the fifth gate which is an interesting thing to note about the key.

"Yeah." I respond while looking at the key within my inventory.

What is the play with this?