Otreg heard the commotion from the back of the house and narrowed his eyes, however, when the female walked out half an hour later,she didn't look hurt. Nervous, but unharmed.

He gave her a smile, letting her know he was safe, and it seemed to work because she went to him without anymore hesitation. He wrapped an arm around her back and held her close, feeling her press herself into him. "I need help," she whispered.

Otreg tightened his arms and lowered his head. "Let me sign this first, okay?"

She nodded, then stepped away as her former master walked into the room with a sheet of papers. Otreg smiled and began reading it over in case of any loopholes, then signed. Finished, he grabbed the girl's hand and smiled. "Let's go see what you have."

Before they moved however, her master stepped forward, eyes on her. "Where is it?"

"Under the floor, as you ordered," she said without any hesitation. Otreg wasn't sure what was going on, but since the master backed away, he didn't think too much on it.

She led him to her room, shoved him inside and firmly shut the door. Otreg was surprised, until he saw what was on her bed. "Where did you get him?"

She blinked, but stayed silent.

Otreg supposed he had used a harsh tone, and cleared his throat. "I'm sorry, Gorgeous. Please, tell me where he came from."

She pointed to a pile in the corner he hadn't noticed before. Egg shells. "He brought it home, told me to watch it. I didn't know what it was until today."

Otreg believed her, going over and kneeling beside the bed. The dragon cub stared at him with big green eyes. "He's imprinted on you," he said softly."

"Please don't hurt it!"

Otreg glanced at her with surprise. "I won't hurt him, Gorgeous. He's special."

She didn't move or say anything. Otreg was becoming intrigued with her more by the second. "What's your name?"


He gave her another smile. "My name is Otreg. Grab your things. We are going to say goodbye then come back for him."

She hesitated. "He wants the dragon. It isn't supposed to leave the house."

Otreg shrugged. "If he dares to come after the cub, Liga, your former master has a huge surprise waiting for him." He smiled. "Don't worry. The cub will be coming with us, safe and sound."

She relaxes.

They leave the cub on the bed and grab her small pack of belongings, going to the front of the house. She gives the man a soft goodbye, then walks out the door. Otreg followed her, finding her with arms across her abdomen. "Liga?"

She shakes her head.

We are both startled by a small gurgling sound from the other side of the house, the dragon cub crawling across the grass towards them. Otreg chuckled. "Little tyke doesn't want you too far," he said, going and picking up the cub.

"How did he get out?"

"Baby dragons begin learning inside the egg. Once hatched, they're fast to catch on." Otreg nuzzled the cub and glanced at Liga. "Come, we are going to a private place for the night before going home."

Liga went closer to him, taking his hand, then gasps as the cub leaps over to her. "I can't carry it," she gasps.

Otreg grabs the cub. "Have you named him?"

She pauses. "What do I name a dragon?"

"He's not just a dragon, Gorgeous. Wait a few weeks, you'll see he turns into a baby boy."

She gaped. He chuckled and led her deep into the forest, staying close to her. She didn't complain. She didn't make a single sound of protest at the long journey, and he was a little worried for her, but said nothing.

At sunset , they finally made it to his little cottage where Zargis had stayed with Thelia. Otreg set the cub down to roam, then swung Liga into his arms. "What are you doing?"

"You're exhausted, Gorgeous. I'm carrying you."

She opened her mouth to protest, then shut it at seeing the inside of the tiny house. It was beautiful with a nice kitchen and spacious sitting room that had lush rugs near a fireplace. Otreg sat her down on a chair, careful even though he knew she was a strong female. Then went back outside to find the cub. He was rolling around on the ground, growling and gurgling. Content the cub knew to stay close, he went back inside to start food. But Liga was already rummaging in the cabinets.

"Go sit," he ordered.

She jumped and stared at him. "But I'm hungry."

He gave a nod. "I will make something. Go sit."


"Gorgeous, we have been walking all afternoon. Either go out and play with your dragon cub or sit down and rest. I will cook."

She bit her lip. "Please? I like to cook. It's my favorite thing to do."

He knew this. Saw it in her eyes as he offered her the job. "Liga, I will let you cook to your heart's content after you've rested and been fed. For now, I will cook and make sure everything is as it should be."

She hesitated still. Then, "Can I have a bath?"

He grinned.

Liga bathed in hot water, something she never hoped for in her life. Then, she dressed in a light blue dress with flats. The golden fabric Otreg had in her hair, she tied around her throat, not wanting to part with it.

She made her way back to the main area of the house and smelled delicious food that made her stomach grumble. Then, she heard a wobbly growl and laughed. Turning a corner, she saw Otreg and the baby dragon playing in the sitting area, both on the floor, growling at each other. The dragon baby paused, however, when she appeared and gave a delightful gurgle. Otreg turned and smiled at her. She slowly walked over and sat in a chair behind him. He stared at her, as if mesmerized. She blushed before the dragon leaped onto her lap and curled up to sleep. She stroked its back.

"Food is almost finished," Otreg said softly.

She smiled. "Thank you, for everything."

He shrugged. "When we get home, I think you'll have great friends who will help you adapt."

"Where do you live?"

He stood and stretched. "Have you heard of Korgenyegia?"

She shook her head. "Is it far?"

Otreg gave her a frown. Instead of answering, he said, "Tomorrow, Gorgeous, we need to have a talk about who you'll be working for."

Now, she frowned, uncertain. "Why? Is it bad? Am I-"

Otreg shook his head. "Liga, you'll be safe and happy. I promise. However, some of us aren't like you."

She relaxed. "Oh."

He smiled. "I will explain in the morning. For now, enjoy being ignorant."

The food was delicious: lasagna with fresh salad. The dragon had raw steak that made Liga wrinkle her nose, but accepted the situation calmly. After dinner, the three of them went outside to play, letting the baby release energy. The two adults were happy, but tired. They didn't make it to the beds inside, but slept under the stars, Liga in Otreg's arms. The dragon baby in hers.

Very early in the morning, Otreg woke to someone approaching and slowly sat up, not wanting to wake the female beside him. However, he calmed when he saw one of his fellow soldiers and friends. "Kesar."

Kesar walked up and rode a brow at the female on the ground. "So, you've been caught?"

Otreg scowled. "I haven't been caught."

Kesar grinned. "It isn't weak to admit, Otreg. You need a mate. You need happiness."

Otreg rolled his eyes. "Where is Jose?"

"Home. She and Thelia are having a sleep over. No males allowed."

Otreg rolled his eyes. "Why are you here?"

"Came to see if you're alright." Kesar glanced again at Liga. "But I now know you're better than alright!"

Otreg shoved at the other male and crossed his arms. Kesar laughed, then froze. Otreg knew why as big green eyes stared at them.

"Otreg, where did you find it?"

"I didn't." He sat back down and smoothed the black hair from Liga's face. "She was made to keep it safe. Asked for help."

Kesar grunted and knelt. The dragon cub growled softly, but crawled forward. Otreg watched with fascination as the cub sniffed Kesar, then rubbed against him. Content. Trusting. "What is his name?"

"She hasn't said," Otreg said and watched the cub crawl back to Liga and lay down. He didn't sleep though, but watched Kesar. Maybe not so trusting…

"When are you coming home?"

"Soon. Tell Zargis I have a cub, but that he's imprinted on her. He won't go to his true parents."

Kesar nodded. "She's imprinted on you, too."

Otreg blanched, not liking the sound of that.