Liga woke to a warm body behind hers, and a wet tongue licking her face. She giggled and opened her eyes, seeing the dragon baby. "Hello, Rumbarth."

Rumbarth gave a happy growl and spun in circles, making her laugh. Rumbarth then leaped away to chase a grasshopper. She felt Otreg move and turned atound. She went to smile, but saw his hard eyes and stopped, frowning instead. "Are you okay?" she asked.

He glanced down at her and his eyes darkened. "Fine."

She stayed where she was as he got up and went into the house. She felt like she did something wrong, but didn't know what. Did she say or do something last night?

Rumbarth ran back and snuggled into her, his body warm and glowing. But she couldn't focus on the beauty of her baby dragon. She couldn't even think about cooking. She only thought of the man who rescued her, and now seemed to regret it.

Later that afternoon, Liga was sitting against a tree, Rumbarth snoozing beside her when Otreg strod up to her and knelt. Having not seen him all day, she tensed. She didn't like this angry side of him. "Come. We need to discuss something."

She slowly stood and followed him a short distance away, then made sure she was several feet from him as he turned to talk.

"Korgenyegia is the sky home of the dragons, Liga."

He didn't use Gorgeous. She felt a sting in her eyes, but kept her emotions from showing. Then his statement finally caught her attention. She stepped back, afraid of him now. "You're one of them…?"

"I'm a dragon," he confirmed. "King Zargis is my best friend. I am his best soldier. And because you are coming home with me, I am responsible for you until you're settled."

She didn't want to be with dragons. She thought that he was just another human like her, but nice and rich. Not a dragon!

Otreg saw the fear immediately. A part of him, the human part wanted to be happy, but the dragon was not. It raged within him. It infuriated him that this would happen at a time like this. Why him? Why now?

He couldn't stop himself from shifting. His golden dragon exploded out of him, roaring its ugly rage, making Liga scream. Otreg tried to push the dragon back, but it wouldn't listen. Instead, it calmed and lowered its head to the ground, looking at Liga with big amber eyes. Liga was shaking against a tree, fear making her brown eyes wide, and her unsteady. She screamed again, and began to run. Otreg cursed and allowed his dragon to run after her. It didn't take long. And it grabbed her in one massive paw and lifted into the air, going above the trees and into the clouds. He felt her hanging on tight to one of his toes, but knew she was awed by the sight below. It fascinated everyone.

He flew as he always did, letting her experience the magic flying held, the freedom. At one point, over a lake where he skimmed it with his free paw, he heard her laugh. Then again as he skimmed them over a grassy plain.

He finally set her down in the middle of nowhere, a little sandy beach no one was at currently, and shifted back to human. She was wind blown and glowing with joy. It made his heart jump, and he couldn't help but chuckle. "Did you enjoy that?"

"It was wonderful! We were so high and you're so fast! I thought we were going to crash, but you went up, and up, and up! It was the best thing I've ever done!"

He chuckled again, liking her exhilaration. "Gorgeous, please don't be afraid of us."

At his nickname for her, she paused and looked away. He knew she remembered his attitude earlier and felt guilt.

"Liga, I'm sorry about earlier. It wasn't your fault."

"Then why?"

He took a deep breath, not wanting to bring up the truth, but seeing no other way around it. Then, he said, "I have been in bad moods for a while now. Long before we met. And something reminded me last night of why I am so down." He ran a hand through his hair. "You make me forget my bad moods. Like now."

She seemed to relax, and gave him a shy smile. "Can we go flying all the time?"

He laughed, walking up and taking her in his arms. "Let's plan to go flying every night. After you have finished for the day and if you feel up to it, I will find you and we can fly for a while."

She hummed, leaning her head against him. "What about Rumbarth?"

"He will soon be able to join," Otreg said softly. "But for the next couple of weeks, we will have Thelia or Jose look after him."

"Tell me about you friends?"

And so he did, then he shifted and let her look and touch before he scooped her up in his paw and launched into the sky.

They were back at his cottage by night fall, and Rumbarth was furiously trying to get off the ground. Otreg let Liga go so she could calm the cub down, and went to shift. They spent the night inside on the floor of the sitting room, getting to know each other while the cub slept between them.

When morning came, Liga was awoken by Rumbarth again and carefully got up to feed him, then begin breakfast for Otreg. She hummed to herself while she worked, and gave Rumbarth a few scraps to see what he liked. Otreg didn't wake until the food was almost done and Liga was getting dressed in the bedroom.

She was surprised to find him at the stove, plating food and talking to Rumbarth. She didn't know why it surprised her, but it did. It also delighted her that he helped without having to be told.

Otreg looked up as if sensing her and gave her a smile. "Come eat, Gorgeous."

"You are quite the helper," she said as she took a plate from him.

"You were busy. I like to help where I'm needed."

They go the the sitting area and sit on the floor, Rumbarth scurrying after them. She frowned at his words then looked at him. "You said you're a soldier. Does that mean you won't be around much?"

"Depends on the crisis. Currently, there are dragon eggs lost and many couples are worried."

"How did they get lost?"

"Many dragons were imprisoned and tortured," Otreg explained. He nodded to Rumbarth. "This little guy is just one cub of many from that time."

She looked at the happy dragon that seemed attached to her. "Who's baby is he?"

Otreg shrugged. "It could be any combination, but he won't go back to his parents."

She snapped her eyes to him. "Why not?"

Otreg smiled. "Because, Gorgeous, he believes you are his mother."

Liga felt her stomach roil. "But, I don't know how to raise him! I don't want to steal a baby from his parents! I am not that kind of person!"

Otreg chuckled. "Liga, you aren't stealing him. He made you his mother the moment he laid eyes on you for the first time. Rumbarth won't take any other. He will always fight to return to you."

Liga was scared. She loved the dragon, but his parents were waiting with hope to see him again. If she took him, it would break their hearts. "Otreg, I can't take him. His parents should have him since they're worried sick."

Otreg cupped her cheek gently, smiling as if she were the most magnificent person in the world. "Gorgeous, they would be happy to just see him safe and happy, to know you are a good person and would see him taken care of. When he's older, then you can explain all this and let him decide. But for now, you are his mother and he is your cub. He will not have anyone else, not even me."

She slumped, not realizing how big of a job this would turn into by caring for Rumbarth. How much pain it might bring others. But… "At least he isn't being hurt by my master, right?"

Otreg nodded. "Exactly."

After they cleaned up, Otreg explained the trip to Korgenyegia: she would ride his back while he held Rumbarth in his paw. She felt terrified of riding him so high up, but he assured her that he would catch her if she fell. She knew he would, because that seemed to be his personality, but it didn't lessen the fear.

Rumbarth also seemed uncomfortable with the plans as he-bless his heart-wanted to fly. He was not cowed by Otreg's dragon, no matter it was fifty times larger than him. He growled and blew fire in anger. Liga couldn't help but laugh at his fury. It was adorable to watch him try to get his way when Otreg could squash him with one paw. Otreg caught her laughing and scowled, then nudged her forward to enter the argument. She didn't think Rumbarth would listen and she definitely did not want to get burned by fire, but Rumbarth instantly lowered his head at her hard tone. He gave a small squeak and crawled over to Otreg, then waited. Her heart fell. She wanted to comfort the dragon, but Otreg gave a growl to get on. She didn't know how she understood him, but did as he wished.

The moment he moved, she cried out. There were no hand holds, no foot holds, nothing to keep her from falling. She rocked from side to side, slipping both ways and her arms couldn't fit around his broad neck. She screamed for him to stop, and he did. She slid off and sat on the ground, hugging her knees to her chest. She wasn't afraid of heights. She wasn't technically afraid of falling. But she was afraid of both in the same situation. Otreg set Rumbarth down and became human. He knelt and said, "Gorgeous, I won't let you fall to your death. And once we're up in the sky, it'll be smooth flying. You won't even feel turbulence."

"I'm sorry," she whispered.

He sat fully and looked around. "Have you ever ridden a horse?"

She shook her head. "I wasn't allowed."

He grunted. "Well, that explains a lot." He sighed and grew silent, then seemed to get an idea. "Are you okay to be here alone for a day or two?"

She looked at him. "Why?"

He leaned forward. "Korgenyegia has many citizens who don't fly and who need to come down but no one is available to fly them. So, we have carriages with flying horses. It's a little bumpy and takes longer, but would that make you feel comfortable?"

She smiled. "That does sound better." Now she frowned. "But I don't want to be alone."

"Not even with Rumbarth for company?"

She glanced towards the baby dragon. "He's just a baby, Otreg. I won't be able to protect him if something happens."

Otreg thought for another moment. "What if I have a friend stay with you?"

"A friend?"

"He is human, and knows how to treat women." Otreg smiled. "He doesn't live far. I could have you stay with him while I go retrieve a carriage?"

She nodded.

Otreg wasn't completely sure about his idea, but Citron had changed from who he used to be. He helped Thelia and Jose when they needed it, and he has been stopping slavery around the country. His background might scare Liga, but Otreg hoped that Citron's current behavior suedes her.

They traveled by foot through the woods and arrived at Citron's house by nightfall. The man was skinnier than when Otreg first met him, but he had certainly cleaned up much. Citron heard their approach and stood, but smiled at Otreg. "I didn't think I'd see any of you again!"

Otreg shrugged, one hand in Liga's while he held Rumbarth in the other. "We come down occasionally."

Citron glanced at Liga and gave a gentle smile. "I see you saved another."

Otreg squeezed Liga's hand and said, "Liga needs somewhere to stay while I go home to get a few things. She doesn't want to be alone though."

Citron nodded, then noticed Rumbarth. "I didn't know you mated! Who's that little booger?"

Otreg laughed. "Not mine, Citron. I don't know who his real parents are, but for now, he has Liga for mother."

Citron grunted and gestured for them to follow him inside. Liga dragged her feet, and Otreg understood. He set Rumbarth down and took Liga in his arms. "I promise he wont hurt you, Gorgeous. He is a good person."

"He reminds me of my master."

"But he doesn't have slaves. He saves them, Liga. Has been for a while now."

She shook her head, unconvinced. Otreg decided to leave her alone while he conversed with the human man. He led Liga inside and sat her at a table. Memories of when Thelia was here filtered into his mind, and he smiled. Citron brought a glass of tea for Liga and two ales for himself and Otreg. Rumbarth scrabbled inside and looked around, then ran to a carpet and rolled around. Citron gave a scratchy laugh. "He seems happy."

"Rumbarth needs a lot of exercise before sleep," Otreg stated. "But he's a good cub."

Citron took a sip of ale. "How's Thelia? Is she going to have a child anytime soon?"

Otreg laughed. "She and Zargis have been arguing about children. She's not ready, but Zargis is impatient. I honestly think it's their biggest fight since Unda."

The man gave a growl of bitter hatred. "That woman drove me mad! What happened to her anyways?"

"She's in the dungeon, slowly losing her mind."

Liga glanced up at Otreg. "What did she do?"

"That, little lady," Citron said with raised brows, "is a story I would like you to wait on until you've left."


Otreg wrapped his arm around her shoulders. "Citron is known for a dark past, that with Thelia's help, changed his future."

Liga didn't ask anymore, but did seem relaxed afterwards. Otreg and Citron spoke a little more, then Otreg told him of the situation, of Liga's old master, and of the need to keep Rumbarth close. Liga added a few things here and there as she began to look around, ending up in the kitchen and beginning to cook something. Citron noticed and raised a brow at Otreg. "Does she…?"

"It is something she finds calming, I've learned." Otreg shrugged. "Let her cook, Citron. Don't let her do it all day and night, but let her do some. You'll find you haven't had food until you've tasted hers."

Citron, a lover of food, shrugged and watched the girl work. Otreg took Rumbarth outside and played for a while until the cub couldn't move. Otreg carried him inside and laid him on the carpets, then went to the table where Liga and Citron were eating what looked like some kind of cake. "Gorgeous, I'm leaving as soon as the sun rises. I don't want you to worry if I'm not here when you wake."

She slumped. "How long will you be?"

"Two or three days." She frowned. Otreg cupped her face. "I need my cook, Liga. I am not going to leave you here indefinitely."

"You'll be back within five days?"

"I said three," he chuckled.

She smiled. " I'm giving you some give."

"I'll be here within five days."