Liga didn't worry when she woke the next morning, but felt alone. Rumbarth even seemed down as he began sniffing around, giving little whines. She took him out and played a bit, then cooked deserts for Citron, allowing him to help her a little while they talked.

She wasn't completely comfortable with him yet, but knew she was safe. He was always asking her if she needed or wanted anything, offered to go into town to buy anything, and even played with Rumbarth. That night, they sat outside and spoke over warm milk. She allowed Rumbarth to lay on her feet, and looked to the sky.

"Thelia told me that Korgenyegia is a beautiful place filled with wonderful people," Citron whispered. "I am sure it is better than here."

Liga shrugged. "Why don't dragons and humans get along? What makes us drive them away?"

"They're dangerous," Citron commented. "They're stronger and more powerful. Some believe that the dragons stole from us. So, we learned to hate and fear them." He sighed. "Then, Zargis, King of Korgenyegia, came and made a deal with me. It was the first time I met a dragon and I learned the truth."

"What's the truth?"

"They're just like us in that they have their good and their bad, their wants and needs. Zargis is a good king, a great male in general."

Liga nodded, sighing. "What if I don't like it? What if I disappoint everyone?"

"Otreg doesn't seem disappointed with you, Liga."

She shrugged. "There are times when I think he regrets offering me the job. One moment he is happy and delightful. The next, he is angry and avoids me."

"He's a male, Liga," Citron chuckled. "We have mood swings just like you women do. It's worse for him because of his dragon."

She looked up at the man. "I like him. It's wrong since we barely know each other, but I do. Then I think I will hate him for bringing all this upon me, because I'm not sure I'll be able to take it."

Citron said nothing, couldn't understand her thought processes. But he felt her hesitation.

The next morning, Liga was playing with Rumbarth while Citron was out in town to grab food, when Rumbarth went very still. She stood and ran to the house, grabbing a large butcher knife before going back out. Several figures stalked out of the forest shadows, weapons of different kinds pointed at Rumbarth. She cried out and ran. She dropped onto Rumbarth and covered him with her body. "Don't hurt him!"

A dark, silky, male voice said, "release the dragon and we will spare your life. Or else you will be shot as well."

She shook her head. "He is innocent! He hasn't done anything wrong!"

A hand grabbed her hair and roughly tugged. She cried out, but held onto Rumbarth. "Let go, girl!"

"No!" She couldn't let go, couldn't allow them to hurt what was so beautiful.

Rumbarth began to grow warm, then hot. She finally let go and held her arms close, red marks from where her skin touched him. The man holding her threw her backwards, making her sprawl out in the ground. She cried. Rumbarth was alone in the circle of men, growling as ferociously as his tiny body could manage. They aimed their weapons again. She screamed, but Rumbarth blew fire. Sheltering her eyes from the blaze and heat with her arms, she listened as men screamed for mercy and weapons fall to the ground.

Silence fell. What felt like hours later, she sat up and looked around. The men were dead, all turned to ash. Rumbarth was in the middle, panting. Then, he fell to the side. Without thinking, she ran over and pulled him into her lap. There was an arrow in his leg, protruding out both sides. "No!" she gasped. "Rumbarth, it's okay! Baby, it's okay. I'm here!"

Rumbarth began to create a cross between growls and gurgling. She realized he was crying.

"Otreg!" she called. Burying her face in Rumbarth's tiny chest, she cried. She didn't know the first thing to help Rumbarth. Didn't know what to do to stop infection from entering his small body.


She sat up quickly and saw Citron. He dropped his load and ran over. "He's hurt!"

Citron cursed and took the baby dragon into his home.

Otreg was halfway back to Liga on the third day when he saw the shimmer of gold. It had streaks of red. He fell back and looked at the carriage passenger, giving a growl. The passenger nodded and Otreg hurried ahead.

Four hours later, the burst into Citron's house and looked around. Liga was nowhere to be seen, but Citron had Rumbarth in his arms, cradling the cub. "What's wrong?" he asked, softly but with panic.

"He was shot," Citron said, glancing towards the stairs. "Liga took it rough, even though she would have been ashes if she hadn't been thrown back."

Otreg knelt and saw the bandages around one hind leg, stained red. The cub twitched, then gave a whine. Otreg sighed. "Where is she?"

"Sleeping. I took her up after she fell over this morning."

Otreg nodded and went up to Thelia's old room. On the bed, wrapped up in blankets and curled up in a fetal position. Her face was red and puffy from crying, but relaxed in sleep. He went over and sat beside her, brushing hair off her cheek. His heart settled at seeing her unharmed, his dragon stopped raging and calmed.

When he returned back down to the sitting room, the carriage had arrived and his companion had walked into the house. She smiled at him from her spot next to Citron. "How is she, Otreg?"

"Fine. Asleep."

Thelia nodded. "From what Cam and Nallu have told me, and from helping stitch a lot of you up, this little one will be okay. The wound is healing nicely. No infection that I can see."

He nodded. "Good." He looked to Citron. "Mind if we stay until Liga wakes?"

He waved the question away. "She made enough food for a month! Besides, Thelia is always welcome."

Thelia smiled at her former master and began walking around the house. She seemed to feel comfortable and grabbing different things from several cabinets. Ten minutes later, she brought a raw piece of meat for Rumbarth, an ale for Citron, a glass of something clear for Otreg, and a mug of something hot for herself. When Otreg took a sip, he nearly coughed, it was strong with alcohol. "Thelia! I'm not that far gone!"

She giggled. "Maybe not, but it'll help you relax."

Otreg gave her a shake of his head, then sat beside Citron. "Who shot him?"

"No clue. They're ashes outside. We're that way by the time I got here. Liga wouldn't andwer any question, just begged me to help Rumbarth."

"Where were you?"

Thelia asked.

"Liga wanted to make some foreign dish and asked me to get some stuff." Citron shrugged. "I don't know who would know about my place or how they found the dragon."

Otreg groaned, then put his head in his hands. "I wish there was a way to contact us faster."

"I'm working on it," Thelia claimed. "It's hard though because we're in the sky."

He nodded.

They were all quiet for a while before feet were heard from the stairs. He looked up and saw Liga panting, looking around frantically. But then her eyes landed on Otreg and she broke.

Bursting into tears, she rushed over and fell into his lap. Otreg caught her and held her, relieved to see her awake. He stroked her back, whispering that he was there, then helped her so she could curl up.

Thelia was staring at them with a small smile. Otreg pointed at her and said, "Don't say a word."

She grinned but didn't say anything as Liga sat up and looked over to Rumbarth and Citron. "Is he okay?"

Citron nodded. "Just sleeping, little lady. You just calm down and rest."

Liga was about to lean back on Otreg again when she saw Thelia. She froze, but not for long. Instead, she sat up straighter. "I know you."

Thelia blinked. "You do?"

Liga nodded. "At least I've seen you. You were with a man, and you had slave garments!"

Wide-eyed, Thelia stared at Liga. "I'm sorry, but I don't know you. I've only just seen you for the fist time today."

"You seemed like a shy girl then. After that, I hardly saw you at all."

Thelia shrugged. "I kind of got kidnapped," she said with a glare at Otreg.

Otreg grinned. "You should be thanking me, and you should be grateful. If I hadn't, you would not be with Zargis."

Liga glanced at him. "You kidnapped her?"

"Not exactly," Citron said. "After all, she had planned on going to their home at some point. He just sped it up."

"Enough about that," Otreg whispered. "What happened with Rumbarth?"

Liga sighed and sat back against him, then told the story.