In the morning, Liga, Thelia, and Rumbarth were loaded into the carriage while Citron and Otreg spoke. Then, Otreg took the driver's seat and snapped the reins.
Liga slept for half the trip and talked with Thelia for the other half. Liga liked Thelia, mostly because she was someone who understood what it was like as a slave. While her former master wasn't the worst, she had multiple masters that were cruel and mean. She wondered what life in Korgenyegia would be like.
It was nearly nightfall when the arrived and she got a eyeful of the huge golden castle that towered above the houses and buildings. There were dragons flying about in the distance, humans on the streets, and children playing around. She saw a square where people gathered to dance and enjoy themselves, saw a fountain that sprayed water into the air.
Then, they pulled up to the doors of the castle and she saw three people: two males, one female. One of the males were old, but kind looking as he spoke to the other male who seemed as ruthless as Otreg when he was mad. Thelia nearly ripped the door off just to run to the said male, leaping into his arms and kissing him fully on the mouth. Liga blushed, but stayed in the carriage, unsure what to do.
"Come on, Gorgeous."
She shook her head at Otreg. "Isn't that the king?"
He chuckled. "King he may be, but friend first. Come on, he won't hurt you."
Otreg held out a hand. She hesitated some more as Rumbarth peeked his own head out the door and looked around. At the sight of said king, he gave a growl. The king looked to Rumbarth and growled back, but it was playful, teasing. Rumbarth seemed to scowl then let Otreg lift him to the ground. The little dragon stalked toward the king and sniffed. Liga felt protective and leaped after him, catching hold before any harm could be done. "Don't hurt him, please!"
A chuckle. "He will be a strong dragon, my lady. Do not fret, he is most welcome here."
She looked up at the king and saw him holding Thelia beside him while he smiled at her. Otreg walked up and knelt. "This is Zargis, Liga. He is ruler of Korgenyegia."
Rumbarth gave another growl, glaring at Zargis with ferocity that made the king laugh. "You have a bright cub there, Liga. I am happy you are with him."
She blinked, then smiled shyly as Otreg helped her up to her feet. She leaned against him and said, "I don't really know what he's doing or saying, but-"
Zargis laughed and turned to the old man. "Thiabolt, will you prepare a secure room for our two guests?" The old man bowed, then disappeared into the castle. Zargis turned back to Liga and said, "Your cub is as protective of you as you are of him. He is just warning me about hurting you."
Liga blinked again in surprise. "He is?"
Zargis nodded. "Dragon cubs aren't as strong as adults, but just as fierce. When they come to trust someone, it is a trust easily broken by a small betrayal." He paused to kneel and hold his hand out. "Which is why a dragon's trust is the most precious thing you could ever have."
Rumbarth still glared at Zargis, but didn't attack. "Why isn't he coming to you like Otreg?"
The king shrugged. "Being careful. He senses I am strong, lethal and smart. He just doesn't know how I'll use all of that. As for Otreg, it was you who made him trust."
Otreg chuckled. "It's not like I couldn't stop her from letting me help. Besides, she asked."
Zargis nodded. "This cub trusts you Liga, as a mother, so will look to you for any sign of trust or distrust."
Liga nodded, then put a hand on Rumbarth's head. "It's okay. Be nice."
Rumbarth relaxed, then nuzzled Zargis's hand. Thelia turned to the other female who hasn't spoken. "Can, do you think you and Jose could find some clothes?"
Otreg groaned, making Cam grin. "My Queen, that shouldn't be a question!" She turned to Liga. "I will have everything you need by morning. You just rest!"
She disappeared and Zargis stood up. "Otreg, in the morning, we need to have a word." Otreg stiffened behind Liga which made her go still. But the king smiled. "But for tonight, I think Liga would be happy to have your company."
"Don't assume, Zargis. She isn't it."
Zargis rose a brow, to which Thelia gave an exaggerated sigh. "Zargis, stop baiting him! Leave him alone!"
"She should be aware of the possibilities, Thelia."
"I wasn't told!" she hissed, glaring now.
Liga pressed back into Otreg, not liking anyone when they're angry. When the situation began to escalate, she turned and buried her face in his shirt. "Make it stop!"
Arms wrapped around her as heat exploded behind her. Then, there was a roar. She clutched Otreg tight, shaking in fear.
"Zargis, you're giving off the killer dragon vibe!" Otreg shouted. "Go take a flight and calm down!"
Another roar, followed by a tiny growl. Then, wind buffeted Liga as something flew away.
"I'm sorry, Otreg."
"Just go talk to him, Thelia." Liga heard feet go away before she felt Otreg's hands caress the back of her head. "It's okay, Gorgeous."
Liga looked around and saw only Otreg and Rumbarth. She relaxed but didn't pull away.
"Let's go find our chambers," he whispered and took her hand. She went with him, Rumbarth on her heels. She didn't notice much of the castle's insides because she was trying not to break down. But she did notice when Otreg paused and spoke to the old man, who ushered them into a living chamber that had everything one person could possibly need. The old man bowed, then left them alone. Otreg led her to the bed chamber and lifted her onto the bed, covering her before sitting beside her. "Rumbarth is going to stay with you, Liga. I need to go to my own chambers because I need to be up early. Thelia or Cam will find you in the morning to help you."
Liga frowned. "When will I see you again?"
"Soon," he said vaguely. "Take tomorrow to figure things out, and we'll see about introducing you to the kitchens the next day."
Rumbarth jumped onto the bed then and curled up by her side, giving a low gurgling sound and closing his eyes. Liga sighed. "Okay." She then sat up with wide eyes. "What if Rumbarth's parent come to take him?"
Otreg shook his head. "They won't. Zargis will give you a chance to settle before springing anymore surprises."
"I don't want to be alone," she whispered.
"I'll check in on you sometime tomorrow, just relax and rest."
She nodded and Otreg left, leaving her alone in complete darkness with only a baby dragon for company.
The next morning, Otreg went to Zargis's office and crossed his arms as they stared at each other. Otreg wasn't happy because he knew Zargis could read him like an open book. Zargis wasn't happy because his mate had a point last night and he didn't like being wrong.
"If you aren't going to be around her, then why the act last night?" Zargis demanded.
"She doesn't understand anything," Otreg growled. "Give her a chance to acclimate to our life."
"Otreg, you weren't like this with Jose or Thelia. You were around them all the time, told Thelia most of what she knows now about us! Why is it different with Liga? If she's your-"
"Don't say it!" Otreg growled through gritted teeth. Zargis shut his mouth and raised a brow. "All I did was give her a job and free her from slavery. I helped her with the cub and brought her here. I will help her find her way around, but then that's it."
"Why? You obviously are fascinated with her. So why the harsh treatment?"
Otreg sighed, looking away from his king and friend. "I need to go. Kesar and I have plans to spar this morning."
"I don't know what's going on with you, my friend, but you don't have to hide from me. I'm not one to judge. Let me support you."
Otreg shook his head and left the office. He couldn't burden Zargis with his problems. He couldn't let himself be open to anyone, including Liga. He couldn't be happy and relaxed, even though that female made him forget for a short time.
He left the castle and went into the heart of Korgenyegia, finding peace in the cheery citizens around him. They didn't ask what was wrong. They didn't notice his bad mood. They just continued on with their days. That is what he liked.
He groaned and turned to the teasing female voice to his left. "How is it you always find me when I don't want to be found?"
"My secret!" Cam exclaimed, then hopped off the fence she was sitting on and began walking with him. "Did Zargis interrogate you again?"
"It's Zargis. He will figure out a way to talk to you even when you hate it."
She frowned. "Is something wrong between you two?"
Otreg sighed. "No. He's just trying to help and I'm pushing him away. I'm pushing everyone away."
"How come?"
He shook his head. "Cam, you may be a great spy, but you suck at subtle hints."
She chuckled. "Otreg, you know I keep secrets, so let me help."
"I need you to help Liga. Not me."
She grinned now. "Liga is a nice female!"
He gave her a glower. "Don't start, Cam!"
She raised her hands I. Surrender. "Fine, but don't come crying to me when your dragon won't stop aggravating you!"
He scowled, then shook his head and hugged her. "She doesn't want me, Cam. I only saved her from life of slavery and gave her a job. She'll forget about me as soon as she begins to work."
"Whatever you say, but I disagree!" Cam gave him a knowing grin and skipped away, a bright light against his dark future.
Liga spent the first theee hours after waking up with Thelia and Cam finding dresses she liked, eating, then going around the castle with Rumbarth just ahead sniffing around. The two women spoke like old friends, but Liga was silent and very downhearted. She knew Otreg didn't want to see her today, but she wanted to see him. He made her feel safe in a world that was unfamiliar to her.
Eventually, they made it outside and Rumbarth scurried off in delight. Liga followed slowly behind, leaving the other two to be on her own. She saw colors upon colors, happy face after happy face, children playing and toys galore in yards. Even Rumbarth seemed joyful in this environment.
Liga thought it was a beautiful place, magnificent in everything, until she came upon a drop off. She nearly walked over and fell into the abyss that was sky. She gasped and backed away, putting a hand to her heart. Rumbarth hurried over to see and batted the air with a paw, seeming unafraid of falling. Liga pulled him back before he did fall, and sat on the ground with the dragon clutched in her arms. After a long moment, she began to cry.
Rumbarth let her, somehow knowing she needed someone to wet with her tears. He sat still, licking her arm occasionally in comfort, and soon curled up with her to fall asleep. She did too, not noticing the hard ground or the dragons flying close to catch a glance at her.