One month later…

Otreg grinned as Rumbarth flew through the air, as steady as any other dragon. The cub had grown considerably and was now up to Otreg's hip in dragon form. He spent the past month teaching the cub to fly, so they could go after Liga together, so Otreg didn't need to hold the cub the whole time.

Rumbarth was a determined cub, always listening, always doing his best. Today was the first time he managed to fly smoothly in the air without any problems. Otreg was sure they would be able to start searching soon.


Otreg turned to see Kesar near the edge of the training yard. Taking one last glance, he went over to his friend. "He's doing good," he said softly.

"Very." Kesar watched the cub a while longer before turning to Otreg. "Cam believes she may have found something."

Otreg sighed. "Every time we think this, it turns out to be nothing."

"She saw her."

Otreg nearly stopped breathing. He closed his eyes and looked at his friend a moment later. There was no smile, no hint of mischief, just a grin frown. "And?"

"She isn't the only woman they've taken. They've taken about two dozen."


Kesar hesitated.


"They're raising dragons. Cam sees them caring for the cubs until two are sent to an arena to fight."

"And the women?"

"Suffer watching while cubs are torn apart by each other." Another hesitation from Kesar. "Cam doesn't see any harm being done to the women, but that doesn't mean anything."

"Have her write down everything. I want to know the exact location so I can go."

"And how do you expect to get her out without getting killed?"

Otreg grinned again. "Rumbarth will be with me."

Liga had been with these other girls for months, was scared out of her mind, but had a plan. Noine, a girl with considerable skills in chemistry, was able to mix together a concoction that could be mixed with the men's wine that would make them very loopy. Boori had scavenged different objects they could use for weapons. Murris had found out where the exit was. And Jeemo learned the men's schedules.

All in all, Liga was proud of her small group of women fighters.

But the time had come. The dragon babies were growing up too fast. Any more and they would be too big to hide or help through the halls.

Liga and Noine prepared dinner for the men now, while the other girls prepared the dragons. They would begin their escape an hour after the men began eating.

"Where's dinner!" a loud voice demanded from up the stairwell.

"Coming," Liga said sweetly, and grabbed four dishes and carried them up, Noine on her heels with mugs of wine.

Liga stepped into the dining hall where men were laughing and acting like five year olds. She set her first dish in front of the leader, Dundor. He glared at her, but seemed to calm when Noine set his wine down. He grabbed the mug and downed the contents in one gulp. Liga went wide eyed, but hurried to feed the next man, Jundy. Then it was Linnah. And finally, Edgar, their guest. This man had scars on his face, and he did not like Liga and the women. He also didn't like their simple acts of obedience towards him. Liga wondered what had happened to him.

They went back and forth between the kitchen and the dining hall, setting dishes and mugs in front of unruly men. Some had the audacity to try and touch them, but Liga smacked their hands away. She wouldn't be cowed by their drunken stupor.

When every man had their food and wine, Liga and Noine hurried back to their chambers they shared with forty other women. Everyone was ready.

"Okay, we can do this." Liga glanced at each girl and dragon and smiled encouragingly. "We can escape this hell."

"Even though we're only women?" teased Jeemo.

The others laugh, bringing the mood from scared to light hearted.

"Let's go!"

They only had one problem on their way out: a man under the influence of Noine's concoction. He looked at them for a moment, gave a drunk smile, then began to dance like a ballerina. Liga giggled and urged everyone forward.

They were in the open air within twenty minutes. After, they looked around. "We're near Chetia," Murris claimed. She pointed towards a forest. "That's Sad."

"Come on!"

They all trekked through the high grasses and dodged animal holes. The dragons began to flap their wings, wanting to fly. Liga encouraged them, telling the girls that once they could fly, they'd be able to direct the rest to safety. So, the girls all helped their dragons as they continued walking.

No one was able to fly, but once they reached to forest, everyone seemed more relaxed now they weren't in the open. Liga continued to lead them to where she hoped she remembered a safe place. All she could do was hope. She needed that safe place, needed to find somewhere to hang a golden scarf high to signal for help. She had Noine streak it with red as she had seen Cintron do, so, knew a citizen of Korgenyegia will be able to understand its meaning. She just needed the girls and dragons safe…

Otreg and Rumbarth flew to the location Cam had given him, ready to burst in and start firing anyone who dared approach. It had been three days since they left, and now they finally made it. The place looked like an abandoned warehouse, and Otreg knew it was a perfect place to hide a bunch of cubs and women. He shifted into his human form. Rumbarth, he let stay in his dragon cub. They entered through a side door and quietly snuck through the hall.

Each room they passed was either locked or empty. Otreg listened close for any signs of cubs or women, but didn't hear a single sound.

They were just coming upon a large set of doors when Rumbarth gave a low growl. Otreg halted and listened. A man was cursing colorfully behind the doors, seeming pissed. Otreg leaned close to the doors and listened.

"Damn women! Stupid lizards! I gave them purpose and they betrayed me! I gave them food and shelter and they poison me!"

Otreg raised a brow and gave Rumbarth a quizzical look. The cub tilted his head, but offered no answer. As Otreg continued to listen, the cub decided to go down a set of stairs.

"I told yoI not to give them so much freedom," said another man. "Women like to deceive."

"These women had no need for treachery! They had no one!"

"I had taken a girl a few months back and believed her to be stupid. She outsmarted me."

"That's your own fault, Edgar!"

Otreg cursed softly. Jose was right. Edgar was a part of this.

A low growl made Otreg turn. Rumbarth gestured down the stairs. Otreg glanced at the doors from which he heard the men and followed the cub.

Below, Otreg saw a kitchen left a mess. There was food everywhere, some looking like it was made the night before m. But what Rumbarth wanted was to show him a piece of paper. It was a list.

Jeemo and Revorth

Noine with Jandiss and Mevut

Muuris with Rinim and Nidy

Boori is with Nugio, Risu, and Xusael

Liga is with Ukulut and Frudhoi…

Otreg stared at Liga's name and felt a momentary peace knowing she was here and with cubs. But that peace faded. Where was she now?

"Rumbarth, let's make sure they aren't hiding anywhere else before we abandoned this place," Otreg whispered. Rumbarth gurgled, then began searching swiftly. Otreg did the same, glad to know Cam hadn't been lying.

They searched the whole building, except the room the men were talking, and found no one. They made it to the basement though, and Otreg cursed as colorfully as the man leading this group.

On warm nests of blankets, there were at least a dozen eggs, still in one peace. He couldn't get them all out, though. There were too many. He couldn't use his dragon form because the space was too small. His heart sank as he knew he'd have to leave them behind.

Rumbarth sniffed an egg and gave a whine.

"I know, Cub. But we can't bring it along. We need back up."

Rumbarth nuzzled the egg, as if telling the cub inside that they'd be back soon, then, they ran up and out of the building.