Liga was lost and she knew it. The others were trusting her to find them a safe place to stay until someone could find and help them, but she failed them. She felt stupid, once again, for thinking she could take care of anyone besides herself. First, Rumbarth, now these innocents. She had no idea what happened to her own cub, but she hoped for the best. She hoped he wasn't being hurt like the cubs she now has. She wouldn't be able to bear that knowledge.

She wandered through the forest, the cub and girls behind her, and felt hope dwindling away from her. How was she supposed to give a signal for help if she could not find safety with a high place to hang the scarf? She doubted Otreg would come, since he had not wanted to be her friend in the first place, but maybe Cam or Zargis? Maybe Jose's dragon would find her? Not that she, herself, wanted to return to Korgenyegia. She just want the others to find a home that was safe and allowed them to care for their cubs.

"Liga, don't worry," Noine said with a small smile. "If it weren't for you, we'd still be in that place."

"And you might end up back there if I don't find safety and help," she sighed.

Noine wrapped an arm around Liga's shoulders. "If we do, we'll just escape again!"

Liga shook her head. "They won't be so trusting this time. And you might now survive the punishment they may doll out."

Noine shrugged. "At least we got a taste of freedom."

Liga smiled at the girl's optimism. She like Noine for that reason. When Liga first found herself in that place, it was Noine who had made her feel welcomed and told her wverything would be alright. It was Noine who had given the idea of poisoning the men to Liga in the first place. If it weren't for Noine, Liga wouldn't have had so much confidence.

A gurgle from one of the cubs had them looking back. Jeemo's cub was flying. A bit unsteady, but flying nonetheless. Everyone cheered.

Soon after, other cubs began to fly. They kept low to the ground as to not attract unwanted attention, but they were all doing well. They flew this way and that, weaving through the trees. It made Liga's heart lift.

Otreg and Rumbarth circled outwards from the building and didn't find anything. He didn't know where the women would go, didn't even know where Liga would go now. Would she try to find a way to contact help? Would she want to?

They spent a week searching from the skies, but with no luck, Otreg decided to regroup back home. As usual, Rumbarth was not happy. But the cub followed Otreg since he was the only one the cub trusted.

When they reached Korgenyegia, they headed straight to the castle. In the throne room, they were met with Kesar, Cam, and the King and Queen. All of them looked up expectantly. Otreg shook his head. "She wasn't there."

Everyone deflated. Their hopes dwindling.

But Otreg held up a finger. "But I believe she and the other women did something and escaped."

Thelia perked up. "She did? What did she do?"

Otreg smiled. "I heard something about poison."

Jose entered the room that moment and stared at Otreg. "Poison?"

Otreg nodded. "And you were right, Jose."

She blinked and tilted her head, the girl's way of asking what she was right about.

"Edgar is there."

Jose made fists. "Edgar no good!"

Kesar laughed. "Calm down Jose."

"He is not happy about what you were able to do," Otreg said softly. "Had tried to warn the leader against women, but the leader wouldn't listen. He still doesn't seem to listen to Edgar."

Kesar laughed again. Thelia then asked, "How do we know she and the others are actually safe?"

Otreg shook his head. "I don't. But I do know that there was no sign of anyone nearby. If they are safe, they're doing a good job hiding themselves."

Rumbarth nudged Otreg, reminding him of what else they found.

"And I found more eggs. They haven't hatched, but are in the basement of the building."

Cam furrowed his brows. "I didn't think to check. I was looking for Liga."

"We were looking too, and happened to find the eggs."

Zargis sighed. "Rest, Otreg. We will make a plan tomorrow on how to move forward."

Rumbarth growled.

Zargis raised a brow at the cub. "We cannot just use all our strength looking without a plan. You cannot keep going without some rest."

Rumbarth growled again, not liking Zargis's words. Otreg rested his hand on the cub's head. "Calm, Rumbarth."

The cub gave a grumbling sound, but scampered away and out of the room. Everyone dispersed except Zargis. Otreg felt his exhaustion pulling him towards bed, but he knew the King would want to talk.

He waited until the doors shut before turning to his friend. "Please, don't lecture me on my attitude."

Zargis raised a brow. "I wasn't."

"Then what are you going to say?"

"That Liga would be a good female for you."

Otreg smirked. "And what makes you say that?"

"She's smart, a cook, and makes you a man instead of the mischievous juvenile you've been acting like for years."

Otreg rolled his eyes. "I haven't changed. I'm still the same male."

Zargis shrugged. "Yes, but what will you do when she is back?"

Otreg sighed. "I will try."

The king nodded. "Good."

Thelia was in the library with Cam when the doors opened to see the cub Thelia had found in the carriage Liga had found. The cub was not a normal dragon. She was smaller than other dragons, faster, more quiet. Cam had bonded with the cub though, having spent time with her for hours everyday with the permission of the cub's parents.

Thelia smiled at the cub. "Why hello there!"

The cub gurgled. Cam looked up and smiled too. "Meghie, where is your mother?"

Meghie, usually so happy, bowed her head, guiltily.

Cam laughed. "Come here!"

Meghie jumped and ran over. She curled up near Cam's feet, happily snoring away within seconds. Thelia crossed her arms on her book and looked at her friend. "If I didn't know better, I'd say she imprinted on you."

Cam shrugged. "She has her mother, but her parents don't understand her very well."

"And you do?"

Cam gave a sly smile. "I have my ways, my Queen!"

Thelia shook her head as the doors opened again to reveal her mate. Zargis had been talking with Otreg, and usually when that happened, he came back with a worried look. Now, he seemed happy. "I'm guessing he's coming around?" she asked.

Zargis kissed her head and sat down on her left. "I think so."

Cam shot her hands to the sky and bent her head back. "Thank you whoever brings intelligence to us! Thank you for knocking some sense into my friend's brain!"

Thelia and Zargis laughed. "Don't get your hopes up too much," the King said. "They have to be here together and he has to be trying before we can rejoice."

Cam sighed. "Damn, you're right!"

Thelia leaned her head on her mate's shoulder. "First, we have to get her back."

Thelia had been angry with the woman, but when they found out she was in danger, she let that anger melt away. She understood Liga's emotions. While Zargis hadn't avoided her, he had been tricked into being in love with another. Thelia had done some stupid things before she understood the truth.