Liga woke to a tongue on her arm, washing away blood. She moved her fingers and Rumbarth gurgled happily. He turned big green eyes to her and gurgled some more. She smiled. "Rumbarth."

He gently licked her face. Liga was happy he was there, alive and well. She had missed him so much, but hadn't known if they had taken him too. She felt a little of herself come back as she realized she hadn't failed him or the women. She managed to lift her hand to Rumbarth's head and barely rub. "Rumbarth, can you find Nione? I want to talk to her."

Rumbarth bounded out of the room with a gurgle and a growl. Liga wanted to laugh, but didn't. Her body hurt too much.

A few minutes later, she heard giggling. Then, Rumbarth was dragging in the woman by her skirts. Nione could barely fight him off because she was laughing. However, that laugh died as soon as she saw Liga. Rumbarth let the woman go and went back to Liga's side, curling up with her. Nione slowly walked forward. Liga smiled. "Thank you," she whispered.

Nione shook her head. "No, Liga. Thank you! If it weren't for you, none of us would have trusted the man. Or the others who showed up because of your signal."

Liga reached out, and Nione took her hand, kneeling beside the bed. "Did he hurt you too much?"

"No, Liga. But you-"

Liga shook her head. "No. I knew what would happen if I ever saw him again. I knew I would be hurt brutally."

Nione finally let her tears loose. "But you were barely alive when they brought you back! We thought you were dead!"

Liga shuddered. She hadn't really known how close to death she was. She also hadn't known just how much Nione and the other girls cared for her. "How is everyone?"

"Happy. Jose, she's from Korgenyegia, she's making food. There's a guy named Citron. He's been giving the cubs play time and raw meat from his own house. Kesar left some time ago to get more help."

Liga nodded. "I'm glad you all are safe."

Nione leaned closer. "Liga, you're going to be alright too."

Liga closed her eyes. "Maybe."

A knock made the three of them look over. Jose was entering and smiled at them. "Liga better?"

Liga smiled. "I think we're getting there, Jose."

Jose nodded. "Good. Jose no want Liga sad."

Nione chuckled. "No one wants Liga sad!"

Jose shrugged and sat on the bed, petting Rumbarth. "Liga talk?"

Liga shrugged.

"Liga talk Otreg?"

Liga stiffened. "I don't want to see him."

Jose frowned. "Liga safe. Otreg safe."

"Otreg couldn't care less about me," she whispered.

"Liga, he's the one who found us! He is the one who carried you back from that man's place. He has been asking Jose about you nonstop!"

Liga shook her head. "Otreg regrets saving my life once. I won't look to him in thanks again. I won't mistake his actions for something nice again."

Jose sighed. "Otreg change."

"Otreg always changes. One moment, he's happy, the next he's pissed off. I don't trust him."

"Otreg no know Liga hurt. Otreg wants know."

It took a moment for Liga to understand what the girl was saying, but when she did, she shook her head. "I will tell anyone else, Jose. But I will not speak to him."

Jose knew she couldn't change Liga's mind, so she left the room. Her face must have shown Otreg the answer because he cursed and started pulling his hair. Jose did not like being the go between. She didn't like seeing two people so hurt. She missed Kesar. She wanted to ask him what to do, how to bring Liga together with Otreg. But he was gone for a few days.

Otreg waited until Nione and Hose were outside with the cubs before he walked into Liga's room. He shut and locked the door, wishing for no interruptions this time.

Rumbarth gurgled at seeing him, which made Otreg smile. But the sound made Liga open her eyes. She opened her mouth, but Otreg was faster. He pressed a hand to her mouth and raised a finger to his lips. "Liga, please listen to me! Just listen, that's all! I just want to explain then I'll leave."

She shook her head, eyes wide.

"Liga, please!"

Rumbarth began to growl at Otreg.


She whimpered. Rumbarth lunged. Otreg cursed and jumped away, not wanting to hurt the cub, but he didn't want to leave either.

"Liga, I'm sorry!" He sighed and fell to the wall behind him. Liga put a hand on Rumbarth's head, quieting him. But she did not speak. Otreg figured this was his chance. "I'm sorry! I know I've hurt you. I know I left you alone in a castle full of strange people. I know you believed I regret saving you, but I don't. I regret hurting you. But I was afraid!"

Liga stared at him. However he saw she was listening. Her eyes were wide. Her hand was holding Rumbarth as tightly as she dared. Her body tense.

He took a deep breath. "Something happened some time ago, something I can't talk about yet. But I will, with you. But for now, I am trying to change my attitude towards you, to try and be better for you. I've spent months searching for you! I've felt hope and dread so many times, I have thought I'd die from the whiplash. I taught Rumbarth to fly so he could help. He has been my true hope you have lived because a cub doesn't keep fighting without reason."

She furrowed her brows. And to his delight, she asked softly, "Will you stay?"

"Only if you want."

She nodded. "I do."

Otreg slowly approached her and sat on the bed beside Rumbarth. He didn't dare try to reach for her, unsure what she or the cub would do. But then, he felt her hand touch his arm and he grabbed her hand gently, rubbing his thumb across the top of it. "I won't leave you again, Liga. Not like that."

She nodded and closed her eyes, falling asleep while holding his hand.

Liga woke the next day with a start. She didn't feel Rumbarth beside her or Otreg. When she looked around, she saw the room was empty. Scared for no particular reason, she tried to get up. However, her legs screamed as she moved them. Her back throbbed from the whip lashes wrought upon it. She began to cry.

Her throat felt raw and she couldn't call for help. Her stomach roared with hunger while it also roiled at the thought of moving anymore. Liga squirmed and thrashed her head from side to side. Uncomfortable.

It felt like an eternity before someone came in and cupped her face. "Liga? Gorgeous?"

She blinked up at the face above her and began to breathe. It was him, Otreg. "Hurt!" she cried.

"Okay. Hold on. Let me get something."

She whimpered when he left, but he wasn't gone long. He returned with a bottle, a glass of water, and Zargis. Otreg sat beside her and held her head as he poured medicine into her mouth. She gagged but swallowed it, then drank greedily from the glass. When she sighed with exhaustion, she was resting against Otreg's chest as he had moved to sit behind her. His arms were about her. His hands clasped on her stomach. She tried to curl up and snuggle into him, but the pain stopped her. She settled for just holding his wrists.

"What happened?" she heard Zargis asked.

"Her master."

"This is much worse than Thelia. Even Jose didn't have such horrible wounds."

"Jose's master didn't have a reason for beating her so violently. And I know Thelia got beaten. You just weren't there to see it. Besides, they didn't steal something considered valuable."

"Otreg, Liga's master couldn't have just been mad about the egg. I'm sure there are other slaves who have stolen eggs. He could have gotten another."

"What else, then?"

"I don't know, but this is too extreme for something he could have replaced."

Liga felt Otreg's hands flex as they reacted to the King's words. "She's going to heal!" Otreg growled.

Zargis sighed. "Physically, yes. But be prepared for setbacks in her mental and emotional healing. Jose took a while to heal from Edgar's and Gideon's treatment."

Liga opened her eyes and stared at Zargis. "Edgar?" she rasped.


Liga tightened her grip on Otreg. "What happened?"

"He had a man kidnap Jose and Thelia. Thelia was facing someone from her past and couldn't think straight. Jose did most of the planning. She played Edgar by seeming unintelligent. While doing so, she listened and planned. In the end, Jose stopped a fight against another leader by pulling all the captives together and showing their innocence."

Liga furrowed her brows. "But…he said that it was his fault for his look."

Zargis raised a brow. "What do you mean, Liga?"

"He's scarred."

Otreg had to keep his laughter at bay. What Liga said explained why Edgar hated Jose so much. Sure, it's bad enough Jose got the better of him. But apparently, after she and Thelia were dragged away, the other captive dragons went against Edgar, scarring him forever.

He grinned at Zargis. "Don't let me miss this conversation with Kesar and Jose!"

Zargis smiled.

Liga shifted, moving so she could look up at him. "Where is Rumbarth?"

"Playing with the other cubs," he whispered. "And possibly flirting with some of your friends."

Her eyes narrowed. "He is a baby."

Otreg kissed her brow. "Girls like adorable babies, Liga. Besides, you fell for him the moment he hatched."

She blushed and turned to the King. "How are you going to take them back?"

"Carriages," he said with a knowing look. Liga seemed to shrink then, knowing exactly what Zargis was talking about. Zargis chuckled. "I must say, Liga, you have courage to take on a flying horse without any help."

"I was not thinking."

"I know," Zargis agreed. Then he changed the subject. "Kesar and Thelia and Cam have brought several carriages for everyone. Some will have to ride one of us home, but I think we can make it work."

"I don't want to ride in a carriage," she whispered. "Or a dragon."

Otreg stilled. Zargis raised a brow. "Then how do you expect to get home?"

"How I was the first time I went flying."

Both men were confused before Otreg chuckled. His body relaxed as he bent to nuzzle Liga's hair. "That can be done, Gorgeous."

She smiled.

Otreg and Zargis left Liga's room so she could sleep in peace and went to the kitchen where they found Thelia, Jose, Cam, and Kesar. Jose was still mad at Otreg for not leaving Liga alone the day before, but he didn't mind. He had finally gotten to talk to her without being thrown out.

Zargis went to his mate and held her as he began to speak. "We will stay a few more days. With all of us, there should be no need to rush."

"What about Liga?" Thelia asked.

"She needs some more time to heal. I don't want to move her too soon to cause any bad reactions from her body."

"Besides," Otreg added, "I think the less people we introduce to her at once, the better."

"But Nallu can help."

"Jose same Otreg."

Kesar chuckled. "And you don't like that, do you?"

Jose scowled.

Otreg shrugged and turned to his King again. "What about the eggs?"

"That is something I have been waiting to bring up," he said with a hesitant look towards Liga's room. "I don't want to take you away from her. She trusts you, now. She needs you close. But I think Cam and Kesar can go find them."

"There's a dozen," Otreg hissed, shaking his head. "They can't carry all of them."

"We can if we have a makeshift pouch to carry them in."

"That risks dropping one."

"So does carrying them in our paws or mouth," Kesar claimed. "This way, every egg is in the pouch and we don't have to worry about crushing or losing our grip. They will be tied to us."

"I don't like it." Otreg said.

"You don't have to like it," Zargis growled. "You have to worry about Liga. Cam and Kesar know what they're doing."

After the meeting, Rumbarth wanted into Liga's room, so Otreg obliged and followed the cub. Rumbarth turned into a baby boy and fell asleep beside Liga while Otreg went to the window and stared out to the bright day.

He would worry about Liga. Always now. But his friends also had cause for his concern as well. They were about to retrieve dragon eggs that hadn't hatched yet and it was very possible some could get broken in the process. Someone could get hurt. He just didn't like the plan.


He turned and went to Liga's side, cupping her cheek. "Shh, I'm here."

"I want to go home."

"We will, Gorgeous. I promise."

She began to cry. "I don't want to stay down here! He could come find me!"

Otreg carefully lifted her to his chest and held her. She didn't even use her arms to help. She just cried into his shirt.