Otreg and Zargis kept the women and cubs busy for six days. But even they were ready for a bigger home, more room and privacy for themselves. So, on the seventh day, they prepared for their trip home. Liga was still unable to move, but Otreg told her everything that was going on. She was nervous about going back to Korgenyegia, but knew that if she wanted to make the situation with Otreg work, she'd have to go with him.

Nione went in that afternoon to start talking excitedly with Lisa about leaving. Even some of the other girls joined. Lisa was happy for them, even laughed with them when they did. But she couldn't get herself to completely relax. She wanted to, of course, but something nagged at the back of her mind.

The next day, Otreg woke her up early to prepare for the flight. She cried out when he helped put on a shirt and some pants, and was panting heavily by the end. Her body was in agony, and she wanted to sleep again. But, Otreg told her that they'd have to go outside in order for him to finally turn into his dragon.

So, Liga bit her tongue and moaned as he wrapped his arms about her body and lifted. "I know, Gorgeous. I promise the flight will more comfortable than this," he whispered into her ear. All she could do was nod. Thankfully, Otreg was quick with taking her outside, where he proceeded to lay her down on what felt like blankets. She looked around.

"What are these for?"

"Since riding on my back isn't an option for my fear of you falling off, and holding you directly in my paw will surely cause you pain, I will be carrying you in these. You will have a swift and comfortable ride."

"So, I'll be in a sling, of sorts?"

Otreg shrugged. "I don't want to cause you anymore pain than you're already in." He leaned down and kissed her brow. 'Please, let me do this for you. When you're healed completely, I will fly with you in my paw."

She sighed, but didn't argue. Instead, Liga looked around some more to find a huge dark red dragon letting several girls onto his back, one being Thelia. "Who is that?"

"That is Zargis."

Liga gaped. Zargis was a massive dragon with beautiful scales, but he seemed so dark and deadly. For once, she really was afraid of him.

As if sensing her gaze, Zargis looked over at her and his amber eyes seemed to grow warm. She saw that soft expression Zargis the male always wore and relaxed. LIga smiled shyly at him, then turned away at the feel of a wet tongue.

She giggled at Rumbarth's affectionate licks and gurgles. He was happy to see her out of the room and in the open where he thrived. Liga agreed wholeheartedly. "Hello, my baby."

Rumbarth nuzzled her chin then backed up a little and brought out his wings. As Liga watched, he flapped and rose into the air, as steady as any adult dragon. She was so proud of him, so happy he could fly on his own. She remembered how grumpy he was when Otreg had first taken them to his home, and knew the cub was happy to do this for himself.

"He learned fast," Otreg said softly. Turning to her, he smiled. "Rumbarth was determined to help find you, and when Kesar had brought him back, my friend told me that Rumbarth fought over riding in his paw. If it weren't for Jose, Kesar probably would have had to force the cub.."

"What did Jose do?"

Otreg shrugged. "That is a question for her or Kesar."

Liga smiled. "I'm happy he is happy."

Otreg leaned down and smiled, kissing her nose. "You seemed to have done your own flying lessons with the other cubs."

She blushed. "I didn't really do much. I just encouraged the girls to let the cubs practice because I knew it was essential. Besides, if they could fly, they would be able to let us know of danger or safety ahead."

Otreg hummed, then pulled back and stood. Liga frowned, only to watch as he shifted into his dragon as well. He was much larger than Rumbarth, but he was just as magnificent. When he bent his head to look at her, his amber eyes were warm and beautiful A growl from behind Otreg made him look around. Rumbarth flew right at Otreg, only to be dodged easily. Otreg seemed to grin at the cub as Rumbarth came at him again and again, trying to playfully attack the larger dragon.

Their play was interrrupted by a much more annoyed and mean sounding growl. Liga flinched at Zargis's dragon, but then Otreg was there, grabbing the corners of her blanket sling. Her heart began to race, her eyes going wide, and she began to be terrified of what was to come.

Otreg knew Liga was scared of being in the sling, but he didn't know of another way to carry her without hurting her. He put the corners of blankets in his mouth and flapped into the air. No matter what, he would not let her be harmed again. Rumbarth was swirling around Liga's cocoon, eyeing it curiously. But Otreg growled once as a warning. Rumbarth flew away to join the cubs.

The trip had now begun, and Otreg glanced down to his cargo every once in a while, not ale to see LIga, but knowing she was there by the weight. He didn't hear any cries of pain or fear, no squirming made the sling rustle a bit, so he didn't stop.

Zargis led the way home, his dark form an easy target to follow for the cubs, who were all excited and flying crazily about. Otreg was in the back, keeping an eye on the tiny dragons and making sure none got left behind. He also kept watch on the carriages that held the girls who weren't comfortable riding on a dragon's back.

Otreg would have put LIga in one of the said carriages, but it would have gotten cramped with how many girls they'd have to put in with her. He also knew Liga would not want to be in a box in the sky. For some reason, she felt safest in his paw while they flew. He was fine with it. Love that she preferred to be held by him and trusted him not to let her go. Otreg felt happiest when Liga was trusting him.

Something shot through the sky and nearly took a cub down. Otreg gave a loud growl, signaling Zargis about trouble. He couldn't do much himself as he had Liga to take care of, but he did swoop around the cubs and gave another growl, this one a warning to stick together. He flew up beside a carriage and looked to the driver. The driver didn't need anymore encouragement. He signaled to the other drivers and they sped off in one direction. They would reach Korgenyegia much faster alone, and wouldn't be targeted.

Otreg heard a rip.

He looked down to see an arrow embedded in the blankets. Then, Liga screamed. Otreg brought his paw out and gently set her in it, blankets and all, then wrapped his paw around her. She cried out in pain, but Otreg felt her tiny hands grasp onto one of his toes, he brought his paw close to his belly to shield her from harm, then roared. Cubs began to flap harder, however one was shot in the wing. Otreg immediately dove for it, catching it on his back, the cub using its claws to catch hold of Otreg to hang on.

Another cry from LIga. Otreg didn't have time to check her, but urged the cubs faster. He went up by Zargis and held out Lig's prone form in his paw. Zargis took her, being careful since they were still in the air. Once Otreg was sure she was safe, and the cub had jumped into Thelia's lap, he dove for their attackers.

Liga watched Otreg disappear after transferring her to Zargis's care and felt her heart drop. She didn't want him to leave her alone! She didn't want to be with another dragon. She didn't trust anyone else. She cried out, began to squirm, but Zargis held her safely. He flew onwards without waiting for his friend, and Liga couldn't stop him.

What if Otreg got hurt? What if she never saw him again? She cried. Liga cried and cried until she fell asleep.

When she woke, it was dark. They were still flying and she old make out the cubs in the distance, looking gloomy an tired. Liga looked to her other side and saw open air. She looked up to a dark belly that meant she was still with Zargis.

Before she could cry again, a roar came from somewhere and made her grab Zargis's toes in fear. The dragon's head swiveled to see who made the sound, then roared back in greeting. Liga's ears hurt, her head began to pound, but she strained herself to see who it was.

However, Zargis began to move her away from his belly, making her cry out in surprise. She shut her eyes and held her breath as she felt wind rush around her, felt Zargis start to let go. "No!"

Liga held onto him for dear life, not wanting to die by splattering to the ground.

Zargis growled at her, trying to gently shake her off, but she wouldn't listen.

"LIga! Look beside you!" Thelia called out.

LIga barely heard the girl, but did as she asked. She saw amber eyes looking at her, a golden dragon face that was soft with worry, and a golden dragon paw held out beneath her. She slowly let Zargis go and he gently set her in Otreg's paw, who wrapped it around her protectively.

Liga held onto him, now relieved and content.

Otreg and the others flew until late morning the next day before they finally reached home. Liga was using one of his toes as a pillow as she slept, her arms wrapped around it. She had slept peacefully in his care since she calmed down the night before. He kept her close to his belly, both to keep her safe and to give her warmth from his body.

He let the others land first, allowing Zargis to let his passengers off his back before he shifted and went to Otreg. He held out his arms. Otreg slowly reached out with Liga. But she woke and cried in fear. "LIga, you're okay."

Liga looked around to Zargis and blinked. She then noticed where they were and looked up at Otreg. "I don't want you to go.."

"He won't go anywhere, Liga. But he can't turn into a man until you are safely out of his grasp. You could be dropped if he did."

Liga listened, and Otreg saw her eyes fill with uncertainty. He brought her up to his face and nuzzled her face gently with his nose, trying to reassure her in the only way he could.

"You aren't leaving?"

He shook his head.

Liga allowed him to put her in Zargis's arms.

Liga waited patiently for Ltreg to become a man, then take her into his arms. She was still in a lot of pain, but could bear it as long as Otreg was with her.

"Take her to Nallu. She'll be able to rest and get proper care there," she heard Zargis say.

Otreg began walking. "Who is Nallu?" she asked once they were out of range from the dragon king.

"Our healer." Otreg looked down at her with a soft smile. "She saved Jose's life several times. I know she can save yours."

"I don't want to go anywhere else. Otreg, I thought-"

"Hush and listen to me," he ordered as he went up a flight of steps. "Nallu is a good female. She is known for her abilities. She will take care of you." He paused, opening a door. "I will come around as much as I can, but I must help Zargis get the other girls settled. I must be ready to help when the eggs arrive."

He set her gently on a bed. Liga began to cry. "But you promised!"

Otreg cupped her face. "I know you don't believe me. I know you have no reason to, but I will come see you. I will come at night and sleep beside you and only leave when you're awake. I will return to you, Gorgeous. I will not leave you this time."