The wedding was a big success. Jose and Kesar were rightfully surprised and delighted with the event. Everyone enjoyed the feast, complimenting Liga on her delicacies as well as making requests for her to cook for them on one occasion or another. While Liga had wanted to keep an eye on everything being done, Otreg demanded she join the weeding ceremony. So, in a dark purple dress, she attended. Then, she went to the after party and danced with Otreg, staying close to his body and leaning her head on his shoulder.

The dragon cubs were all about the ruckus, and made the party even more entertaining than usual as they rough housed and switched from dragon to baby. Even Rumbarth was carefree as he joined in his peers' antics, leaving Liga in Otreg's care for the day.

That night, Liga went to Otreg's rooms and slept, being held in his arms safely as she dreamed. And in the morning, she was brought breakfast in bed, delighted with the broad display of food Otreg made. As they ate, they discussed the day before, laughing at some of the moments especially when it came to the couple.

When they finished eating, Liga was planning on going around and thanking her friends for all their help, but Otreg had other ideas. He told her to pack a bag, then said he'd be back in a half hour. When she asked what was going on, he gave no answer, just said to be ready. So, she packed a few dresses and cuddled with her cub until Otreg finally returned.

But he returned with some sort of contraption in his arms that looked very confusing. He had Liga and Rumbarth follow him outside and to the edge of Korgenyegia, then began untangling the contraption. It looked like a harness, but it was huge. She sat and watched him, then gasped as he turned into his dragon. As always, Rumbarth ran over and began playfully growling, then started climbing on Otreg's foreleg, trying to get on his back.

However, Otreg ignrored the cub and looked at her. She raised a brow. He used a paw and held up one end of the contraption while the rest she saw was wrapped around him. She stood and walked over, eyeing the leather and metal. She just didn't know what he wanted her to do with it. When she expressed her confusion, Otreg rumbled. She stepped back and he spun around, accidentally knocking Rumbarth to the ground. She smiled, but shook her head, still not understanding.

"He is definitely not good at this kind of thing," Liga heard a familiar voice from behind her. It was Zargis.

"What is he trying to do?"

"He had this made when we returned home and you were injured badly. He realized on the trip that he cant always hold you in his paw and that blankets were not strong enough. So, he had a friend make this." Zargis led her up to Otreg and started wrapping bits of leather about her waist and middle, buckling here and there. "This will allow you to be held, but allow him to use all his limbs. You can either lie in it, like you're flying, or, sit in it like a swing. No matter how you go about it, you will always be connected to him and he can easily grab you with a paw if the need arises."

Liga looked down at what was around her, and scowled. "I feel like I will fall out."

"Otreg said that it will, but when you're up in the air, it will tighten like a vest." Zargis held up another piece of leather and raised a brow. "Would you like more security with this?"

"What is that for?"

Otreg growled, making Zargis roll his eyes. "It'll feel like you're in a saddle." When Liga still didn't seem to understand, Zargis demonstrated. Immediately, LIga shook her head. Zargis shrugged. "Will you be alright, then?"

"How do I know this won't fall apart?" Liga asked, fingering the leather about her.

Another rumble from Otreg had her looking at him. He reached out and grabbed her with one paw, then launched into the air. Liga held onto his toe, however was not afraid. Otreg kept flying for a time until she felt him begin to loosen his grip. At first, she was scared, but as his toes unculed and he slowly lowered his paw, she felt the leather tighten and saw another piece of leather going from her to the harness about Otreg. She calmed and nodded. Otreg released her fully and she felt weightless. Then, she turned easily so she was on her stomach, and smiled joyfully at the clouds streaming past them, at the world far below zooming by with every flap of golden wings. Liga felt free. She felt alive.

A gurgle made her look about and see Rumbarth flying behind them, his own gold wings flapping faster in order to keep up with Otreg. She turned back to the world below and laughed, just laughed at the feeling her body felt at flying, but still being connected to Otreg, still being protected.

When they returned to Korgenyegia, she untangled herself from the leathers and waited for Otreg to turn into a man and do the same before jumping into his arms. Surprised, Otreg held her. He knew she liked the flight, and was happy the contraption worked. He just felt it needed a simpler way of untangling it since it had so many components.

"Thank you," she whispered in his ear.

"Anything to make you happy," he replied. When she pulled away, he said, "I have a few things to do, but we can go again later. Besides, Zargis has agreed that you need a break. So, we're going to my cottage."

At this, she frowned. "I don't want to go there."

Now, Otreg was worried. "Why not? It would be just you, me, and Rumbarth."

Liga hugged herself, looking away. "I don't want to be taken by him again."

Understanding dawned in Otreg's eyes and he embraced her again. "If he even dares to come near you, Liga, I will take his heart straight out of his chest."

This made her smile and lean up to kiss him. "You won't leave me?"

"Gorgeous, there is not one part of me that wants to leave your side." He cupped her face. "Besides, I also don't trust many people down there, so we are staying together. Especially in town."

"Will Rumbarth be safe down there?"

"He knows how to defend himself, Liga. Kesar and I have taught him well."

Liga hummed. "Okay."