"Help meee!!!!!" Elisa cried out from the bottomless pit and silence fell

Deborah started weeping and shouting Elisa's name as if calling to wake a dead man

She found herself travelling back against her will but heard Elisa cried out again. "Deborah! Help!"

As if a drop of hope restoring, she turned back and was running to save Elisa and heard the voices of millions of demons crying from the pit

"Kquia hahaha, hihaha hiahaha, she is ours!!!"

Deborah pushed forth to save Elisa but then she heard a sound like knocking "pkupkuku! Pkupkupku!"

She jumped up and found out that it was a trance

Sweat streamed down her body and her breathe panted for air.

Her chest beat hard and head ached with the sounds of the demons and cry of Elisa

The knock came again; this time at her door "kpupkupku!"

She went to answer the door and opening, Ruth came in with shocks all-over her face

She held Deborah's arm as if to prevent her from falling because of exhaustion

" DEBORAH!" She called out searching through her face to find out what was wrong with her

"Deborah what happen? I have been here knocking for the past thirty minutes"

"Thirty minutes? Does that mean I have been in this for thirty minutes?" Deborah asked wondering about the trance

" What are you talking about? Deborah? Did you receive any revelation? No wonder you couldn't answer the door when I was knocking. The revelation must be a serious one," she said dusting Deborah's wrecked hair and shoulders

Then like a flash, Elisa's image appeared in her head and the confusion cleared

" Quick Ruth," she told Ruth and began searching for her Bible

" Quick, quick, quick, the trance is about Elisa. She is in trouble. The devil and his agents are after her. You know I don't see visions anyhow unless God is telling me something"

" Ruth,,,,,," she called out, then stood and stare at Ruth who all of a sudden became restless

"Wait Ruth, is there something about Elisa that you and others in fellowship is not telling me?"

"No! No! Haha, nothing Deborah, why, do you suspect anything?" Ruth hastened

"Not really, just that you are acting weird and I feel strange"

The demon lord sent by Lucifer from hell stood by watching and when Ruth lied, he laughed..

"Hahahaaaa!" Then his faced burned with anger

"I have capture this one too, her lies have opened the door for me" and he flew away