He rose from the throne and darkness flew after him

" Demon!" Lucifer called out the demon in charge of the host sent to hunt for the daughters of Zion

"How many days before we drink the blood of Elisa" he continued

"Three more days my lord!" The demon responded

"I have put Limish, the demon in charge of seducing the daughters of Zion into abortion. She will accomplish her mission in three days" the demon ended

"Hahahaaa!!" Lucifer laughed and vanished in the darkness of hell

The demon summoned Limish and she crawled out of clouds of darkness looking fierce

"Limish! go and ensure you seduce Elisa to commit abortion"

Before he could finish, Limish disappeared and landed in Elisa's room, she turned into a very beautiful female angel and began speaking to her

"Elisa, have you not read that the blood of that man washes away your sins? He also promise in his book to forgive you"

"Elisa, you must do the abortion to escape this shame. Remember you are the prayer coordinator. If others sees you with pregnancy, they will turn out of faith."

"Go on Elisa! Do the abortion! You won't die! Protect the glory of God"

Then Elisa heard the voice of Deborah....."No!!!!!!!!"

She jumped out of bed panting and searching for air as her chest went up and down with streams of sweat over her body.

It was a dream

Her memories returned

She is pregnant.....what will she do?

She touched her stomach and as if not enough, she opened her shirt to check if the pregnancy was true or the test was not just correct

But how can it not be correct after seven tests,,,,,,she wondered

"I am pregnant!" She shouted secretively in conclusion

What will she do? Her thought wondered

Then the dream she just had came afresh. She wondered about it and lay back on the bed to recall every detail in order to discern if it is from God or not

After five minutes of strong exegesis, she concluded it must be from God

"Angel, spoke softly, quoted the Bible....." Her thoughts sorted for satisfaction of the dream

"But I heard the voice of Deborah in that dream shouting no! Is this from God? But I must do this abortion." She concluded

She picked up her phone to call Dabo, to Inform him that she had agreed to the abortion but Dabo had not answered her calls for three days

What will she do?

Since she had declined to the abortion idea, Dabo had moved out of her life

Crowded with confusion, Elisa cried