The demon lord stood on the air withholding the wind which made network unstable for Elisa's number to be reached

Back in the club hall, Elisa looked for a place to sit but her eyes turned blurred again

She saw the souls of all the girls going up in smokes and demons descending into their bodies

The same thing went on for the boys in the party. She saw a demon stood afar beckoning for her to come. It was Limish

But Elisa had no idea this was the demon sent to make her commit abortion

Her head spinning so fast, she tumbled and fell on the ground

Dabo had gone in and mixed one of the drinks in a glass with sleeping pills.

He picked the other, then his eyes mate Elisa as she tumbled to the ground

He rushed to her trashing the glasses and every other person in the party gathered round her

But Elisa was in the world beneath where the party was holding in hell

She saw the souls of people in the hall chained. Her head spinning fast, she slumped.

"Quick!!!" Limish (the demon) cried out and a dozen demons rushed to chain her soul

Her neck, hands and legs chained, the demons dragged her away hurriedly

"She is death" Dabo said

"What are we going to do now?" Voices said (Dabo's friends)

"Quick Ben! Let's find a way to carry her out! Hurry up and get a bedsheet!" Dabo cried out

The party scattered and everyone running for his life, Dabo was left with him and three other friends as they tried to wrap Elisa's Body

One went for the only car they had come with and started the engine

Elisa's body became cold as she was wrapped and neatly placed in the booth of the car and they zoomed off with Dabo's friend handling the wheels

"Oh shit! Mess!! This is it with church girls" Dabo rendered a punch into the air

"In jesus name we pray!!!" Deborah cried out

"Brethren," she continued, "my spirit wails deeply and I know our sister Elisa is in danger. Do not be tired, she has been a general in this battalion"

"Cry for mercy, pray for her!!" Prayer went on, some on their knees and others moving about

"In Jesus name we prayed?" Deborah continued

"Now open your mouth and pray, that every power against her be consumed! Prayer in the name of Jesus!"

The place became charged and the demons sent from hell to monitor the vigil struggled away as flashes of lightning, thunder and fire went on every side

Fire visited hell and hell fire burned.