Dabo and his friends zoomed off with Elisa's body behind the car

"Oh my God, Dabo! We have a problem at hand," said Vesto who was driving

As though trying to clear the air for a better view, Dabo looked ahead and saw a military check point

"Okay guys!" Dabo called out, "you all should be calm, relax and don't make it seems we have an issue. Remember that we are not doing this for the first time. I will talk to the soldiers. The rest of you just agree to whatever I say!"

"Alright!" They responded

Limish (the demon) was standing at the check point, she wanted inflicting the soldiers with deep sleep but what's the need?

"There is a party in hell with Elisa's blood she must not miss" she concluded and flew off to hell leaving Dabo at their intelligence

After all they have demons inhabiting their bodies

"Tonight, Lucifer's cup would be filled with Elisa's blood and she would have her soul to torture" she whispered, but needless had she known that hell fire was on fire

"Hey, stop there! Where are you coming from?" A soldier at the check point thundered

"Greetings officers," Dabo replied. " We are coming from a party"

"Party!" Another soldier jumped from where he was taking cover and went round their car flashing his torch and searching through their faces

Their hearts beat fast but they were forced not to let it out otherwise they would be in a mess

"Go!" The soldier ordered flashing light as an indication for them to move on

Vesto zoomed off slowly. After about 500 meters, he accelerated and was out of sight

"I suspect those guys. We would have checked their car." Soldier one

"Well it's too late, none the less, they are just party boys going about drinks and girls or probably cultism" soldier two concluded

Dabo and his friends drove for another five more kilometers and stopped

Every where was silent, ruled with darkness and the sounds of crickets, they proceeded on a path into the thick bush with huge trees and there, Elisa's body was trashed

"Good night Elisa!" Dabo stood over her body and said, then they all did the sign of the cross and left for their car and were out of view

Elisa's body lay their wrapped in a sheet and a huge black demon with a robe over its body stood guard over her body

But Deborah and others in the fellowship weren't done yet

They had been praying for hours now and with heaven awoken, hell was suffering the consequences of their prayer