It was 2:43am, Saturday morning, September 29

Deborah continued praying as she was lost in the spirit fighting for the soul of Elisa

The other sisters had fallen asleep

"That daughter of Zion - Deborah!! I would have killed her mother whom I lured into fornication before she would've born her!!!" Lucifer cried out as the fire of heaven crashed against that of hell

As hell trembled, Elisa was dragged Into its gate and taken into the inner Chambers of hell, her soul was chained and Limish with other demons flocked around her waiting to feast on her soul

Then from the end where Elisa lay, she saw demons dragging the souls of Dabo and his friends to another compartment of hell

"Dabo, what is he doing here, are they death?" She inquired

"Yes they are dead! Hahaha!!" a demon answered laughing mystically

Just as Elisa pushed forth against the chains as if trying to go and rescue them, everywhere began to tremble

Screams of demons went on everyside as hell vibrated

Lucifer appeared looking fierce and breathing heavily and a mighty being landed in hell

Elisa could not imagine what she was seeing; a magnificent, gigantic, muscular, huge and extremely tall creature with wings

"What do you want you trouble maker?" Lucifer inquired looking at the creature

"I have come for her" the being responded and his voice thundered

Lucifer: "I knew you would come for her."

"Then why do you steal her soul" the being asked

"Hahaha, steal? Do you say steal? Elisa gave me her soul by fornicating with my son Dabo who belong to hell. Now her soul is mine!!!!!" Lucifer responded

"No! The Lord has sent me to deliver her" the being finalized

Then he disappeared to where Elisa was chained and Lucifer screamed in pains

As the being landed where Elisa was, immediately the chains melted and she was set free

"My name is Micheal, prince of the host of heaven. The Lord has heard the prayers of Deborah and has sent me to deliver you

Immediately Angel Micheal said follow me, they both disappeared and landed on a mountain peak

"Elisa," Micheal called out

Elisa fell on her knees and started pleading for mercy as she cried and felt guilty for her sins

"The Lord has shown you mercy. Now follow me. There are things the Lord has sent me to show you before you return back to earth" Micheal spoke

"Now look over there." He pointed

And Elisa saw Deborah praying for her

Then they disappeared.