"Elisa!" A voice called out

Elisa turned slowly from where she knelt and looked at a man who was standing next to her as shocks covered his face

"Are you Elisa?" The man inquired

"Yes I am Elisa. How do you know my name?" Elisa inquired as other questions pumped up on her heart

"My name is evangelist Daniel." The man replied and continued. " I came to this mountain three days ago and mate you praying but since then you have not ceased for once."

"You mean that?" Elisa inquired surprised

"Yes. I have been asking God who you are and the only thing revealed to me was your name. The Lord asked me to come close and have a talk with you. Actually I didn't know I could spend three days on this mountain but seeing you pray gave me the strength to continue. Please who are you?" Evangelist Daniel asked sitting down by a rock to listen to Elisa

"Hmm, my name is Elisa as you know sir. I can't remember I have been praying here for this long"

"The only thing I remember is that I was saved by the Lord and brought back to life from where my body was dumped"

"When I was restored, I heard people praying from a very long distance on this Mountain and I tressed my way here and joined them in the prayer"

"Then I started seeing visions of myself moving from place to place preaching to people and delivering them"

"When you called, I was at a junction praying with a sister who had been used and dumped by her boy friend. Whom I mate crying." Elisa concluded

"Hmmm, I can see that there is a lot about you Elisa. As you are speaking, I begin to see clearly. But I'm shock because nobody has ever prayed on this mountain. I was praying for where to do my prayers and the Lord ask me to come here

"I was afraid because it is a place invested by kidnapers and evil activities but the urge was so strong that I had to obey. Now I see the reason why the Lord ordered my step here."

"I am married to a very beautiful and virtues wife with a grown up son, please Elisa my family will be glad to meet with you, do follow me home."

Elisa could not believe all the strange happenings and how all of a sudden her life had turned from that of an ordinary person into a supernatural believer

Arriving at the foot of the mountain, Evangelist Daniel and Elisa boarded a vehicle and drove for some few kilometers then took a bike each and arrived at evangelist Daniel's home

The wife came out happily to welcome them as she collected Daniel's briefcase and dusted the dirt off his body

"Darling, please meet Elisa. I mate her on the mountain and the Lord placed it on my heart for us to welcome her home" Evangelist Daniel said smiling

"Oh welcome beautiful daughter of Zion." She hurriedly left for Elisa with much concerns.

"Oh you must be tired and worn out. Please come in and take a shower and eat something" Faith; Daniel's wife guided the two in with briefcase on one hand and the husband jacket on the other arm

Elisa went in first and had a nice bath and came out rocking in some of Faith's personal wears

"Oh look at you damsel," Faith said and both her and her husband broke into laughter while Elisa smiled broadly

Evangelist Daniel went in, had a shower and coming out, the dining table was set and the family sat down with Elisa for a meal

"Darling, where is Paul? I have not seen him since I came." Daniel asked confused

"Ah, that one, like father like son. He is in his room praying." Faith replied throwing a smiling face

Elisa had fallen in love with the family already and in her heart wished she had such a God believing family and then her heart kicked and she for the first time began to worry for her family as she had gone missing close to a month

"Elisa, is everything okay?" Faith noticed and asked her

"No ma. I'm just worried for my family" she replied

"Oh I can see. Come on, eat first and we will have a lot to talk about

"Okay sir." Elisa replied deeping a spoon into a bow

After meal, Evangelist Daniel left to check for Paul in his room and mate him rounding up with his prayers

"Ah Daddy, you are always on time. Good morning Dad" Paul greeted

"Good morning my son."

"Dad, I saw this revelation just now and it was so real. You know we have been praying about my wife to be. I don't know why I saw this revelation dad."

"I was on a mountain praying and all of a sudden I heard a voice asked me to look by my left. When I did, I saw this amazing sister coming towards me. Then the same voice said. "That is your wife Paul!" And then I woke up

"Oh I see." Evangelist Daniel said smiling as if he knew about something, then he said, holding Paul by the hand

"Come son, there is someone I want you to meet with." And the two walked out of the room to the dining.