"Ah!!!!!!!!!" Lucifer gave out a great cry and hell fire shook and stood still. The quietness of the place traveled endless miles in hell and all the demons quivered for the rage of Lucifer

From across the terrains of man, a beautiful being with mighty wings fly over the hollow of hell and as he descended, his appearance changed into that of a monster with rage of anger and defeat

"Summon me the demons" Lucifer ordered and as if carried by the heat of hell, all the demons assembled with shilvers running through their deformities

Lucifer looked at them for a moment and raised his hand to the air and the demons went through torture which made them wail greatly, then Lucifer spoke

"You have allowed defeat to overwhelm you. You have allowed the daughters of Zion to overcome my cup of affliction

Look at them!" A screen appeared and Deborah and Ruth were seen ministering to people

"Look at our captive." Lucifer ordered and another screen appeared showing Elisa and the family of evangelist Daniel as they were praying

"My lord Lucifer." The demon lord spoke trembling with great fear. "We have not lost all. We have captured one of the daughters of Zion and right now she is under our bondage

"Now this one! Hahahaha!!!!!!!" Lucifer laughed appeasing his soul

"She is finished." He spoke referring to Vivian. A screen opened showing Vivian making up in front of a mirror

"Hahaha!!!!!!!!! Make sure you torture her soul. Steal, kill and bring her soul for me to destroy. Now go!!!!!"

Lucifer ordered and the demons flew down to earth

It was Thursday 29 October, exactly a month Elisa had gone missing

And as if the sons of hell had made that day a special one to hunt down the daughters of Zion

Vivian was in front of the mirror making up when her phone rang and she picked

"Hello babe" the voice came through

"Hello Victor" Vivian responded

"Babe I'm waiting for you please hurry up and meet me at the party." Victor ordered

"Alright, I will be on my way."

An angel standing in Vivian's room shook his head; "if only she is aware of what awaits her" the angel said flew away

Vivian arrived at the party and after partying, the both went home where they had fun and made love to each other

"Oh baby, it has been long I enjoy myself this much." Vivian spoke to Victor on the bed

Then all of a sudden she started vomiting blood. As soon as Victor noticed her vomiting, he went inside, brought a red Calabash and began collecting her blood

As she was vomiting and strength was going out of her, she saw a demon standing few meters ahead of her with the name Limish

Her body began to fail her more and more while she watch blurred Victor collected her blood in a red Calabash

Then she passed out and was death

"Baba, I have done as you instructed me." Victor spoke on the phone

"Yes my son, now put her lifeless body in the coffin for three days and dump it. After that, you will be rich." The response came forth

Vivian watched her soul came out of her body and she saw herself been dragged by Limish into great darkness

Her soul filled with pains of regret, she cried as she was being dragged by the demons but her voiced echoed back to her

"aahaha!!!" Vivian! Your soul is now mine."

Limish dragged Vivian to a place where two books where kept and stood guard waiting for her soul to be handed over to her.