"In Jesus name we pray! In Jesus mighty name we pray!!" Ruth screamed out her voice but there was no reply

The station was scattered; officers were still on their knees begging God to show them mercy

Some were confessing their sins and being ashamed of the life they had lived before

The D.P.O prayed quietly and stood up wiping his eyes with a handkerchief

"Sergeant!" He called one one of the officers as he walked pass and the officer responded with a salute

"See me in my office!" He order and the officer went in and shut the door behind him

Few minutes later, he was out again and headed straight to where Deborah and Ruth stood

As he came close, Deborah stretched her hands to be handcuffed and taken back into the cell but the officer declined

"No Deborah, oga say make I call you inside - two of you" the officer spoke in broken English

Deborah and Ruth followed him to the D.P.O's office and were offered a seat to sit down

The D.P.O went for his phone and called from home ordering that a banquet should be made for two guests

Deborah turned and looked at Ruth while they watched shylishly the D.P.O spoke on the phone

"Deborah" he called out with his large tune. "I am not a prophet but I don't know why I am having so much on my heart which I believe God wants me to do."

"We have a lot to talk about but first of all I would want to welcome the two of you to my home because you two have nothing to prove that you have a hand in the disappearance of Elisa. For that, I am releasing the two of you today"

"I have already phoned your school informing the management of your release."

"Your parents have been informed too and they are happy about the news." He looked at Ruth in particular

"Before you return back to the campus, I realize that salvation is sudden and my family; entire family needs to be saved."

"Please come with me Deborah and pray for every member of my family. From there we can discuss the way forward"

Ruth turned and look at Deborah whose face was glittering with gratitude to God

Is this how God works? They both imagined

"You can wait for me at the canter" the D.P.O spoke softly"

Deborah came out with Ruth and everybody had returned back to their duties

The D.P.O came out and headed for his car Calling the female revivalists; Deborah and Ruth to follow after him with two other police men

They both boarded the car and drove off

Within fifteen minutes drive, they arrived at the D.P.O's house and went in

The two were shocked that the D.P.O had already demanded for an assemblage of his entire family members

"Deborah! Ruth! Here is my entire family." He spoke pointing, " this is my lovely wife, children, cook and gate man. Please pray for us

The space at which things were happening marveled Deborah and Ruth

She went closer, demanded for a Bible but there was no one so she began to preach to them quoting scriptures off hand

After few minutes of sharing the word of God with them, she asked if they were ready to receive Jesus into their lives and they all oblige

That day, Deborah and Ruth led a total of 9 people to CHRIST aside the multitudes at the station; The D.P.O, his wife, five children; two boys and three girls, the gate keeper and the house cook

There was great celebration in the house and they all encountered the peace of God

"Ah, em, Deborah" the D.P.O's wife struggled to remember Deborah's name. " Please you people should come over this way and take a shower and have something to eat. There are new cloths for you to put on afterwards. Please come, you must be hungry

She held them by the hand and took them to different bath rooms

After few minutes, they came out looking sparkling and sat with the entire family at the dining for a meal

"De'b-orah!" The D.P.O called out trying to swallow a spoon of rice

"I have decided to open the station to you people for fellowship. Find a convenient day out of the week for general fellowship with both the inmates and officers on duty"

"I have also made arrangements to talk to my colleagues to see how their stations too could be reached. Meanwhile I will do every possible best to see that Jesus is preached. I have been waiting for this moment to give my life to Jesus and thank God I have done so."

"I'm placing the two of you on scholarship until you are done with your studies with the university and working."

" If there is anything the Lord is placing on your heart to do for his kingdom, please let me know about it." He concluded putting another awaiting spoon into his mouth

"Oh that's wonderful sir!" Deborah and Ruth replied going on their knees but the wife stood up hurriedly and held them from doing so

"Deborah! Ruth! I and my husband will do anything to support the two of you" the wife said giving them a hug

"Three beings stood watching what was happening; one an angel and the other two demons; the demon lord with Limish who were breathing out rage

The angel looked at the two of them and said smiling; "heaven has replied hell" and he flew away.