"Oh Elisa, you are already done and waiting." Said Faith (Evangelist Daniel's wife] hurriedly as she picked her Bible on the shelf and checked her time on the wristwatch

It was 6:47am, November 2. The family of Evangelist Daniel were preparing for Sunday service in his church

Seconds after Faith came out of the room, Evangelist Daniel came in after inspecting if the house was properly in place before they could leave

"Paul!" He called out his son who was earlier done and waiting. "Please come in let's say a word of prayer before we leave for church."

Daniel rushed in and mate them sitting in the palor. As soon as he entered, the others stood up for prayer and after saying a short word of prayer, evangelist Daniel addressed them

"Beloveth, I believe it would be awesome in church today because I have been having diverse encounters since the Friday extraordinary vigil"

"Elisa, the fire and presence of God on your life was felt and many people have been calling and registering to be in the meeting today" he said facing Elisa with a smile, then turned to face the wife and Daniel

"Canopies were hired because the hall is believed not to contain us as more souls would be pouring in."

"Elisa! You will be leading in the intercessory prayer as you have known. Daniel! You know your responsibility and I will be ministering with my wife by me. Are we ready for service?"

"Yes sir!" All voices responded

Coming out and shutting the house, they boarded the car and drove off with Paul handling the wheels

The demon lord and a colony of demons stood on the highway leading to the church

As Paul approached a spot, Elisa screamed "Jesus !"

"Elisa is there anything?" Evangelist Daniel asked

"No sir." Just that I feel a very strange sensation and I don...."

Elisa could not finish before the car went off the road and returned back.

They all screamed Jesus

Everything went calm again and they drove to church praising God for the deliverance

The sight at the church was marvelling as everywhere was filled up with souls already pouring in

The workers were doing pre-service prayer and Evangelist Daniel and the family went in

It was powerful that day, most especially as Elisa mounted the altar of God. Many who had doubts of a woman's ministration came clear of their doubts

Souls were on the floor and taking into the spirit

Testimony flocked the church and many souls were saved that day

At the time Evangelist Daniel came to minister, there was nothing much to do again

Service closed and they all returned home

The stress of the service took each person into his room as they slept off but Paul was restless in his room

"Elisa would be leaving tomorrow. I can't let my wife to be leave without letting her know. No! No! I have to disclose this to her" his thoughts quarreled

Paul stormed out of his room shylishly and mate Elisa reading a novel at the parlor

"Elisa." He called softly "can we take a walk into the garden? There is something I want to share with you."

"Okay, that's fine. Another revelation that must be." Elisa said patting Paul by the shoulder and they both smiled

They took a walk to the garden and sat apart to talk

" Nk nk" Paul cleared his throat. "Elisa, you know, for the past few days you have been here, we have learned much about ourselves."

"After coming home from my NYSC, I have been waiting on God for a life partner."

"Okay," Elisa responded becoming curious as suspecting Paul of a plot as she looked him into the face and Paul felt uncomfortable

Never the less, he managed to continue

"Elisa, I planned leaving for Oyo where I am expected to resume work with a company."

"But right now God spoke to me about you that you are my wife. I have prayed about this for confirmation but keep receiving the same. Please Elisa I don't know how you take this but I'm sorry how you feel about it."

Evangelist Daniel was out of the house strolling and then sighted Paul and Elisa having a close talk. He smiled and went back in with his hands crossing behind him

"Paul!" Elisa said harshly. "If I had known this is why you called me, I wouldn't have answered, talk more of coming here."

"Please let's not talk about this again." She concluded and stood to leave but Paul called out

"Elisa. I'm sorry but don't be angry I promise to be calm about this. I only felt I should let you know."

"It's okay Paul. I don't want to hear about this again. Please let's talk about something else." The topic of discussion changed

8:34am - November 3rd

"Elisa, we have already discussed yesterday." Faith spoke. "This is now your family. You are only traveling and you will be back again."

Elisa nodded her head and affirmed hugging faith and then stood up and headed for the car

Paul was stuffing her things into the car. After Elisa entered, he shut the door and handed her a note on a large sheet

He stood back with faith and waved as Evangelist Daniel put on his seat belt and drove off asking Elisa to do same.