"lord Lucifer! The daughters of Zion have rained down the presence of that man on earth and they are taking back our captives. We have done everything but they are proving stubborn."

"We seek for your counsel. Prisons are emptied of their souls because the captives are set free" the demon lord spoke to Lucifer with great trembling as they had sort for every means to destroy Deborah but there was nothing

"Now look up you weak demon!" Lucifer ordered burning with anger

"They have set the D P. O and his entire family free. More doors have been opened onto them into cells to preach to our captives"

"Look at this!" Lucifer ordered and the demons turned their faces and saw the D.P.O having a meeting with the school vice Chancellor in his office

"D.P.O, I have heard you. I will order for their suspension to be withdrawn immediately for them to continue their academic pursuit"

"If not for you and our close relationship, I would have trashed them out completely, but you must warn them to take their religious activities lightly. This school is a non religious institution and such won't be tolerated"

"But how is that possible, seeing that I have joined the faith myself? Never the less I will tell them to take things easy as they are received back into the school."

The two men shook hands and the D.P.O left

"Now look at that!" Lucifer screamed with pains

"My lord, the vice Chancellor is not a believer of the faith. Let me go and occupy his body and use him to make things difficult for the daughters of Zion" a demon cried out

"You fool," the demon lord responded. "Do you want Lucifer to chain you in hell as he did others"

"There are legions of demons inhabiting him. Who told you that you will be successful. Once you are not successful, you are doomed in hell by the hand of Lucifer"

"Yes he will" Lucifer said rising up from his throne

"Nohrog, go and inhabit him and make the work of that man difficult for the daughters of Zion"

"Raise the spirit of religious opposition among them and make a stumbling block for them to fall upon. Now go!!!!!!" Lucifer ordered and Nohrog disappeared to earth

The day had passed and the night had fallen

The vice Chancellor was on his bed when Nohrog landed in his room; a monstrous and gigantic beast with many horns landed in the room and all the legions that were formally inhabiting him bowed and flew back to hell

The vice Chancellor was sleeping on the bed and was having a terrible nightmare about a python

When he had woken up, he felt heavy and confused.

His heart went for Deborah and the sisters fellowship

Without reason, he developed a deeper hatred for the sisters and vowed that they won't be holding any prayer or sisters' fellowship meetings on campus any more

Why the hatred, it was something he could not explain

Deborah and Ruth had been reintegrated into the institution and the fellowship had grown to a magnificent size

Sisters were coming out of addiction on daily account. They had records of students, female prostitutes repenting and commiting their ways to God

The fellowship had grown mightily with notable signs of revival in all meetings

Vivian was gone but the Lord had consoled them with more souls

It was on a Saturday morning after Deborah and Ruth had returned that Vivian's body was discovered on a refuse dump

The school management contacted her family and she was taken home to her family and buried

Lucifer had vowed on doing everything possible to hunt down the daughters of Zion

Nohrog had inhabited the VC and was ready to use him to influence the entire management against the he practice of Christianity

The demons had a meeting in hell the following night and Nohrog, Limish, the demon lord and Asprah were all among the attendees

After Lucifer was done giving them a general address, he turned to Nohrog and said; "you must not be in a hurry this time around."

We will allow the daughters of Zion to have comfort and grow for a while, then when pride had entered them as they would feel everything is normal and they have been under no attack, you would attack. Then you will get them hunted."

This mission is limited to three weeks. Hahaha!!!!"

"When the daughters of Zion thinks they have been grown and have become strong, we will strike" Lucifer concluded

Meanwhile Deborah lay on her bed that night praying silently for Elisa.

Despite no evidence of her, she felt she wasn't lost like Vivian

Then her mind went back to Vivian. Her voice came echoing the day she said Satan had already taken advantage of her

"Deborah broke into tears and cried pleading with God onbehalf of souls.