"This way?" Evangelist Daniel asked turning the steering to enter a street with the name, Charles Douglas.

"Over there sir!" Elisa pointed to him

The car came to a large, black metal gate with Charles Douglas inscripted on it. Inside stood a magnificent building

"This is my house sir!" Elisa said, her heart skipping a little out of her chest

"Okay" evangelist Douglas sigh and went for the gate

A gate man opened slightly to inspect the car

"Elisa! Elisa! Mad'am Elisa" He began to scream and jump, shouting in his mother tongue

Mrs Charles Douglas was at the parlor making a call when she heard the gate man shouting and immediately she dropped the phone and ran out

Coming out, there was no Elisa

"Where is she?" She screamed and the gate man pointed at the gate

"Go and open the gate you fool." She ranted

The gate man rushed to the gate, pulled it to a corner and evangelist Daniel drove in with Elisa

Mrs Charles Douglas was panting for joy as Elisa stepped out of the car

She began to hug, kiss and search her body to see if any harm was done to her

Then she dragged Elisa in and phoned her husband

"Hello darling, our daughter is back. Elisa is back home!"

"Are you serious?" Charles Douglas asked

"Yes dear. A man brought her home" she replied

"A man, who is he?" Charles Douglas asked hastening

"Darling I don't know. Please leave whatever you are doing and start coming home."

"Alright, I'm on my way" he replied and dropped the phone

Chief Charles Douglas was in his office. He searched around for his glasses and called the driver to get ready the car to drive him home

The demon lord was standing behind him in the office

As he took a step out of the door, a voice spoke through him but he had no knowledge it was a spirit speaking through him

"A man brought her home? What if this is the person that had harboured my daughter?"

"He must have tortured her psychological sense of reasoning to keep his crimes hidden"

"No, no, no. I have to call the D.P.O" he concluded and flinched

He turned back to the table and picked his phone which he had forgotten earlier and phoned the D.P.O

"D.P.O, the person who harbored my daughter for over a month has brought her home and must be arrested with immediate effect "

"Are you sure about this chief?" The D.P.O asked and he affirmed

"Alright, I will send some men to your house Immediately" the D.P.O concluded

Charles Douglas left the house and drove off with the driver

On his way, he felt really happy and at the same time thoughtful

"Elisa is my only child. I must have to do everything possible to protect her. That idiot should better be innocent otherwise he will smell his dead bones in jail"

"He is not! The man is guilty. Arrest him and teach him a lesson." A voice spoke in the car

"How do you know kunle?" Charles Douglas asked the driver assuming he was the one who spoke

Kunle was quiet for moment then asked, "sir are you speaking with me?"

"And who will it be if not you? We are only two in this car." He affirmed

But kunle denied saying a thing

"Well, maybe it was my thoughts I heard" he gave up

The demon lord who was sitting next to kunle smiled - the demonic way and they zoomed off

They arrived at home and mate Mrs Douglas and the house help attending to evangelist Douglas and Elisa as joy was masked all-over her face

"Oh darling you are welcome. Your daughter is back" Mrs Charles Douglas said

"Elisa hearing from where she was ran off and fell into his daddy's arms and the both hugged each other tenderly"

"My daughter, tell me who is responsible for this" he asked hastening for an answer

"Daddy calm down, rest first and we will talk. But be assured I'm fine now, very fine" Elisa finalized

"Alright my daughter. The good news is that you are now home"

Charles Douglas went to where Evagelist Daniel was and shook his hand marking his face. "You have done well" he said and went in

About fifteen minutes later, three able police officers stormed the house and went into the inner chamber

"Officers, this is the man that kidnaped and harbored my daughter. Please take him away" Charles Douglas ordered coming out of his apartment

Evangelist Daniel could not be allowed to say a word before he was handcuffed

Elisa and Mrs Charles Douglas rushed to stop him from allowing the officers arrest evangelist Daniel but knowing how tough a man he was, they pleaded in vain

His phone rang; it was the D. P. O calling

"Yes! Yes! The bastard has been taken away." He responded

"We will keep him in custody and try to find out somethings about him but we won't do much until Elisa comes tommorow so that we can verify the truth of the circumstance" the D.P.O concluded

Evangelist Daniel was led away with his car packed in the compound.