"Hi darling! Baby love," Elisa's mom came into the bedroom calling softly and glancing through Elisa as she slept soundly

Her heart filled with satisfaction and great pleasure, she sat by the side of the bed and dressed Elisa's beautiful hair with her finger

Elisa turned on the bed and sat up searching round, then her eyes mate those of her smiling mother

"Good morning Mom," she greeted and they both exchanged brief moment of admiration and then Elisa called for a brief family prayer

"Mummy at least this once. After what the Lord has done in my life, there is need to thank Him. "

The mother oblige and they left for the sitting room where Charles Douglas was sited watching the news

Elisa ran to him, fell in his arms and they both exchanged a brief moment of greeting

"Daddy, I know you don't like prayer but at least after all these the Lord has done to your daughter, I think we should thank Him" Elisa said teasing and smiling

"Mmm, o, ok, alright. Why not, let's Pray" Charles Douglas said straining his eye balls like a guilty dog and they both laughed, with the mother mimicking

Elisa led the prayer and the family appreciated God although Charles Douglas and wife were getting their prayers mixed up as it wasn't there thing

"Elisa, please come along" the mother called as she led her into her room

"My baby, here are your things from school which I brought home. I thought I would never see my daughter again." The mother said almost breaking down in tears but Elisa rushed to comfort her

"Thank you mummy" Elisa said and continued

"Mummy how about my school?"

"Yes, I called the management yesterday informing them that you have returned" the mother notified

"Wow mommy that's splendid of you." Elisa awarded and the mother smiled in acceptance

"Mummy please I need your phone to reach out to my friends in the fellowship. They must have been death worried" Elisa pleaded

"Oh, that's alright. You can have it. I will send the driver now to get you a new phone" she said and handed the phone over to her

"But do you know any of their number off hand?" She asked and Elisa affirmed

"I have Deborah's number in my diary,,,,, over their mummy" Elisa said smiling as she sighted the diary ontop a box

The mother remembered Deborah and Ruth and felt guilty. She turned her face shylishly. Elisa noticed her countenance but her anxiety to call didn't allow her to ask what was wrong

"Hello!" Elisa came in

"Hello who is this?" Deborah asked sensing the tune of Elisa

"Ah' ah', Deborah, it's your baby girl Elisa."

"No no, it's not true! Elisa!!!!!!!" Deborah screamed in unfathomable excitement

Fortunately enough Ruth was with her in the house

There was great excitement from both Elisa, Deborah and Ruth.

"Elisa," Deborah came in " I and Ruth will be on our way immediately to your house this morning. We can't wait to see you" Deborah said excited and handed the phone over to Ruth

"Elisa! The girl that knows how to pray. The girl that can scatter ground. Hahaha..." Ruth came in and the both laughed out their hearts

The mother stood waiting and smiling

"Elisa, your father wants to have a talk with you" she called out

The two went out of the room to the sitting room and Charles Douglas spoke; "Elisa, hurry up and eat. The DPO wants to see you and ask you some questions"

"Daddy,,, I have already told you everything. Evangelist Douglas is innocent" Elisa pleaded

"Daughter! Leave that to the police to do their job. We will soon find out. Just do as I say" Charles Douglas cautioned

"Okay dad, but my friends from school are on their way to see me. Please can we wait for them before we go there? Elisa pleaded further

"That's okay" he said simply

About an hour later, Ruth and Deborah arrived in the house and the joy they felt for each other was numerous

Elisa took them to the room and told them briefly about Evangelist Douglas and his innocency in the situation

When she mentioned DPO, Deborah knew it must be DPO Ebele

She immediately called the DPO and informed him of the issue on ground and the DPO invited her to come along with the family of Elisa and Ruth

The idea didn't go well with Charles Douglas but he oblige after the DPO demanded

The family drove to the station and after close observation, it was found that Evangelist Daniel was rather a rescuer than the person Charles Douglas accused him of

At that moment, the demon lord knew there was nothing for him to do again. Burning with anger, he flew back to hell to re-strategize

"I'm not done yet!!!" He wail as he flew off

At that moment, Charles Douglas came clear of his confusion and apologized to evangelist Daniel

"DPO, this calls for a great celebration. Please come for dinner tonight. We all will celebrate the return of my beloveth daughter"

He said patting Elisa on the shoulder and DPO Ebele oblige

6:48pm, the family of Elisa sat on a round table with evangelist Daniel, DPO Ebele and Elisa's friends for a reunion dinner

Elisa and her friends had a lot to talk about as they threw gazes at each other

"Chief Charles Douglas, I have given my life to Jesus. I'm now born again. I think it's time you too do same with your wife and every other member of your household" DPO Ebele said smiling

"Ahaa, Deborah has succeeded in hunting you. Well, I will think about it" he strain his eyes again

"As for me, please evangelist Daniel will pray for me after the meal" Mrs Charles Douglas said

"Mine will come later, it's not yet time. Elisa and and her friends still have some works to do. Ah hahaha" Charles Douglas laughed.