"Elisa!" Charles Douglas called after clearing his throat "nk nk"

Elisa came running from her room jittering but held her breath not to make anything obvious

Hearing from where Mrs Charles Douglas sat making up before a large and decorated mirror, she quickly stood up trashing the towel on her waist to the bed and hung on her flesh a night-gown, then left for the sitting room

It was 7:06pm. Charles Douglas was sitting before the news again as it was his usual habit most especially whenever he had a plenary with his family

Elisa knew the 'why' she was called. There was a unique tune her father used in calling whenever there was a pressing issue

"Elisa my daughter."Charles Douglas said softly "you are my only child. I am doing my best to educate you so that you won't end up on the street"

"Yes Dad" Elisa answered amidst Charles Douglas words as he continued

"Your mother disclosed to me that you are pregnant by a boy called Dabo who dumped your death body and later went to hell fire "

"Mhm" Charles Douglas mocked

"I am not disputing the fact that you are saying the truth because your mother has explained everything which you told her to me."

"I don't want to disbelieve your narratives. If not for evan....evangelist Daniels" he struggled to pronounce the name "who brought you back, I would have believed you moved in to stay with that useless street urchin until you were satisfied to return home pregnant"

"The vice Chancellor has informed me, on a lot brought to his table by lecturers how you abandoned your studies and was going from one Christian fellowship to another"

"Bu but...." Elisa tried to defend but chief Charles Douglas shut her up

"Will you be quiet and allow me to finish! I don't know who introduced you to that Christianity of a thing"

"Prayer is for those suffering! The begers and the orphans! Look at you Elisa. Look at us your parents!"

He said turning to his wife who blinked her face in disapproval as Charles Douglas threw his hands showing his riches and weath

"we are rich and can give you anything you want in this life. I don't know what you are looking for that you will be praying and forget your studies"

"Well, all of that doesn't even matter to me now. The issue now is that you are pregnant. Is that true?" he asked adjusting to the edge of the cushion

"Yes daddy but daddy..." Elisa fought to speak but he trimmed her expression again

"You are pregnant that is enough! You have answered my question."

"nk nk" he cleared his throat. "By the way, I phoned my doctor friend this early morning. The driver will take you there this afternoon by three to abort the pregnancy. He is an expert in his job and your safety is guaranteed" He finalized

"Ah darling! How can you think of abortion in the first place for our only daughter? What if something terrible happens to her? Don't you know that abortion has no guarantee?" Mrs Charles Douglas quarried into chief Charles Douglas' face shifting from the sit

"What are you saying woman?" He questioned

"At least you should be informing me before taking decisions on pressing issues like this." The wife cautioned angrily maintaining her respect for him

"Fine, woman! You tell me any other way that that useless thing in her stomach can be removed if not through abortion. Or do you want my reputation in this city to be watered down by the pregnancy from a street boy I don't know or I should believe to be in hell? Charles Douglas thundered

"It's not like that my husband" Mrs Charles Douglas said holding his hand. "Let's find a different approach to this for our daughters sake"

"There is no any other approach than to sit here discussing this, other than the one I have proffer" Charles Douglas said standing up to leave

As he motioned, Elisa graped him by the hand and dropped on her knees

"Daddy I'm sorry for all the troubles I have caused you. But daddy the Bible forbids abortion. I can't do it dad. If I do that Satan would claim my life" Elisa pleaded crying

"Then find a means to dissolve that pregnancy before I return tonight otherwise tomorrow you would be forced to do it or leave my house." Charles Douglas concluded and stormed out into the bedroom

The wife rose up with anger and pity and followed after him

"Oh no! I didn't expect this from him. Charles, how can you be doing this to our only child. She pursued after him crying

Elisa dragged her legs slowly to her room

She felt like the world should end just that moment

She held her breath to hear the trumpet sound but everywhere remained still

"Ah, o Lord, I'm sorry father! I'm sorry! For bringing shame to your kingdom. Dabo ah, I had only spend thirty minutes with him in his room that day and till now my life has shattered"

"Ahh....." Elisa could not help but cry until her head ached

What will she do now? Was the question on her heart

She picked her phone and dialed Deborah's number but it was switched off. That of Ruth rank but she didn't pick

"I'm weak, I can't even pray right now. If I don't speak to them now i may not stand this anymore." She spoke to herself in her heart

Then, she remembered Evangelist Daniel and she dialed his number

Fortunately enough, he picked

She asked Evangelist Daniel to pray for her as it was crucial but despite evangelist Daniel asking, Elisa did not disclose the information to him wondering how it would sound

"Okay Elisa, but whatever it is you are going through, you will overcome! Be strong in the Lord. Even though I don't know what it is, I sense the kingdom of darkness is at war. I and my family will be praying with you but meanwhile don't relent. Ensure to pray also" evangelist Daniel said and ended the call

"Mmm, oh no!" Evangelist Daniel exclaimed

"Darling to you remember that dream I told you I had about Elisa yesterday but couldn't remember a thing out of it?" Evangelist Daniel asked his wife as the dream echoed back to him and he could now see everything flashing back into his head as he saw

In that dream, be saw Elisa in a dark shadow walking amidst darkness. He was calling but the shadow kept moving without turning back until it was out of sight

With this revelation, Evangelist Daniel beckoned on his family and they prayed for Elisa fervently

Elisa too gained strength after speaking with Evangelist Daniel and she spend time praying as she knew Satan was behind it

But the following day, hell boiled in Elisa's home until heaven responded.