"Elisa listen to me. You must not abort this pregnancy no matter what. If you do, the enemy will find his way back to you and this time around that may be the end." Deborah warned, placing her left palm on Elisa's stomach and the other behind her after Elisa had shared the dream she had with them

"Elisa we will stand with you in this. Just as Deborah said, you must not abort the pregnancy or try to do so this time around." Ruth added

"By the way, have you tell you parents about this?" She asked

"M, m," she flinched her head. " I have not tell anyone about this with the exception of the two of you" she said

"Okay, why don't you tell your mother about this? At least she can relate it to your dad." Ruth advised

"I'm just afraid. I only told dad and mom I died in a party. Not even evangelist Daniel and Family is aware of this." Elisa narrated

"Alright, please do tell your parents about this before it is too late" Debora advised and Elisa grudgingly obliged

"Well, it's 6am already girls. Let's pray so that I and Ruth will be on our way. We have exam this morning" Deborah beckoned rising on her feet

"Wait, what I'm I going to do? I have missed the exam and....." She buried her head in her palm frustrated at what to say

She was now faced with the reality of life and it weighed on her heavily

"Elisa, I understand. Be strong. This semester is out already. Let's see what happen in the next semester. At least the vice Chancellor and your dad are friends. They can come to terms and you will sit for the exams." Deborah drew close to her encouraging with her right hand wrapped across her shoulders

Elisa was greatly revived and the three rose up to pray after which Deborah and Ruth returned back to campus

That morning, Mrs Charles Douglas went to Elisa's room where she would begin early morning devotion with her

Elisa taught Mrs Charles Douglas; her mother few songs of faith and they sang joyfully, studied John 3:16 from which Deborah explained to her the reason for Jesus' death on the cross

The mother was super excited

"Ah, my princess, I can't imagine this is what I have been missing all this while. Right now I have peace within me and I feel highly blessed" Mrs Charles Douglas testified squising her daughter's fingers into hers

"Mom I want to teach you the Lou...Lou ..." Elisa started feeling like throwing up

"What is it Elisa? What is it?" Her mother's countenance changed as she started searching into her eyes to see what was wrong but without control, Elisa threw up on the floor and vomited for some few seconds

The mother rose quickly taken her into the shower room where she cleaned her up

Elisa was 25 years old but her mother's treatment of her made her seems like a baby

Mrs Charles Douglas called for the house help and she arrived shortly and was ordered to clean up the mess while she took Elisa to her own private bedroom which was separate from that of her's and her husband

She sat her on the bed and started asking what was wrong with her

She looked into her eyes and had an idea but was too much in disagreement to say Elisa was pregnant

"I think this is the right time to tell Mom about this before it is too late" her mind mustered but she still struggling kept silent

"Let me call the driver so that you can be checked in a clinic." She said reaching for her phone

"Mom," Elisa called out

"Yes daughter what is it?" Mrs Charles Douglas hastened

"Mom I'm pregnant!" She broke out the news

The mother jumped out of bed

"Elisa what do you say? You are pregnant?" She went for her stomach and opened her eyes to check for the truth. Lo and behold, the truth was confirmed

"Who did this to you daughter?" The mother asked

"I'm sorry Mom. It's Dabo." Elisa said quietly

"Debo! Who is Dabo?"

"He is the one that took me to the party from where I passed out. He was the one that deposited my body away. I mate him in the party he invited me to take me to where I could abort the pregnancy." Elisa answered shamefully

"Oh my God!" The mother exclaimed "and where is Dabo right now let me get him arrested myself?" She thundered

"Dabo is dead mom. He is dead and gone." Elisa said knowing her mother would be confused

"What do you mean Dabo is dead? Is he not the one you said deposited your body? How then do you know he is dead? Or you want to hide him from being arrested?"

I'm sure of what I'm saying mom. Remember I told you people what happened just that I didn't mention the part of pregnancy. I saw how Dabo died and was brought to hell fire. I even saw him last night in hell."

"Can you just shut up Elisa! Listen to yourself. Are you hearing yourself at all? You are becoming weird. A student of microbiology speaking like someone who is uneducated?"

"So this is what this Jesus of a thing is all about?"

"Becoming pregnant for some street boys, dying and going to hell and coming back with some stories to make people believe you en? How can....."

"Mom!! Stop it! Stop it mom! If you don't believe me fine but I'm saying the truth." Elisa shouted and broke out into tears

"Mom believe me. You know your daughter. I have never for once lied to you. Please believe me. I'm saying the truth" she cried

"O Jesus! What has come over me." Mrs Charles Douglas was moved by her daughter's tears and horridly went to her and cuddled her in her arms

"I'm sorry Elisa. Please forgive me. Forgive me Jesus" she repented

I was just...., I don't know my child. It's okay I'm sorry"

"I'm sorry too Mom. I fell out of faith when Dabo came into my life. He slept with me and I became pregnant. He asked me to abort it but I said no until I was pressured to do it. Jesus saved me otherwise I would have been in hell by now" Elisa pleaded crying

"It's okay my princess. Mommy believes you. I will let your father know, then we will go to the hospital later to conduct checks to see if you are okay." Mrs Charles Douglas finalized

"Okay Mom."

"About your school, your father has already spoken to the vice Chancellor. He has assured us not to worry as you will be sitting for your exams next semester" the mother added

"Thank you so much Mom. You are my hero." Elisa said

"I know your dad won't take this likely but be sure I'm by your side. As a mother, I understand better." She finalized, stood up and left the room

Meanwhile in hell, Lucifer had gathered his demons and had a meeting with them how they would bring back the soul of Elisa to hell

"My lord Lucifer, Limish will possess chief Charles Douglas and make him ensure that Elisa his daughter commit abortion, from their we shall claim her soul back to hell" Limish said confidently

"Hahahaha!!!! This battle is not close to finishing. We will fight until we have the bones of Elisa crushing down in hell. I am anxious to have a taste of her blood. Now goo!!!!!"

Use my son Charles Douglas and make sure Elisa commits the abortion for the seed in her shall be mighty" Lucifer ordered and Limish flew off

Charles Douglas sat at the palor watching news. He felt a vibration went through his body. A midst fell on his face and everything became normal again

"This my eyes." He said picking his glasses to enable him see better not been aware that Limish had taken hold of his body and mind.