"Ei, ah, Dr Henry! Dr Henry! Please how is my husband doing?" Mrs Charles Douglas rushed to meet Dr Henry as he was pulling off the bloody gloves on his hands into a bin just beside the outlet of the ICU

"Really madam, the situation is complicated but you have to calm down as he is alive." He said

"Oh praise God!" She prayed and Elisa who had stood beside her shouted "Amen!"

"But" the doctor continued "I must warn that we do our best because the accident is fatal. If not for the immediate intervention, he would have passed out. Right now he is in coma due to the severe trauma resulted from the accident. It may take few days before he regains his consciousness" Dr Henry spoke and moved away to his office

He sat wondering about what they had planned and what had happened

"Anyways, maybe God doesn't want the abortion, that's if he indeed exist." He dropped the pen in his hand and picked a file

Elisa's phone rang. It was Deborah calling. Elisa felt glad and picked immediately

"Hello Elisa. We are sorry to have missed your calls. I and Ruth were at the station to check on the souls" she apologized

"Deborah, I and my dad with the driver had a fatal accident. Please..." They spoke briefly and Deborah promised to be with her that evening

Elisa called Evangelist Daniel's family asking him to put her father in prayer as he was at the verge of death

Just as she hung the call, the DPO drove in with some inspectors who had gone to investigate the scene of the accident

"Oh DPO Ebele you are here, please welcome." Mrs Charles Douglas greeted and a nurse led them to where Charles Douglas lay breathless

"Please can we have a room by the Conner where we can pray?" The DPO who had little patience in the things of God spoke up

"Oh sure sir! Please follow me." The nurse led the way and brought them into an entry office. There they held hands and began to pray for Charles Douglas

About 45 minutes later, Deborah and Ruth with two other sisters from the fellowship arrived and they joined the prayer

As soon as DPO Ebele saw them, his face beamed with a smile and he handed over to Deborah to lead in the Prayer. The Zionites prayed until the walls of the hospital trembled

The day took grudging steps until the blackness of the night fell upon the earth

"Charles Douglas! Charles Douglas!" He had a voice that sounded differently from that of an ordinary man calling

He wanted to stand up and see who was calling on him but found himself locked up in his body. His flesh trapped and caged him

Then all of a sudden he saw himself coming out of his body

He stood beside his bed and watched how he was banded with his legs hanging up

A force began to pull him again against his own will

He saw his family and others praying and calling out his name. He tried to understand exactly what they were doing but it felt strange

Then the force carried him off and he found himself in an empty space with nothing other than clouds

Questions flocked his heart and he searched for who could speak to him

Then he saw very far away, a gate of gold standing with a figure by the side

As he was wondering how he would reach it, he opened his eyes and found that he was already there

He saw the figure standing in the middle of the array with books on his sides. The figure had mighty wings. It was strange. He thought it must be a man wearing costume

Then he looked ahead and saw a mighty throne with a figure sitting on it . One whose countenance was too much of light for him to behold

"Charles Douglas! Charles Douglas!" The voice of the figure thundered like lightning with the voice of the sound of the rushing waters

"It is written of me, touch not my anointed and do my Prophet no harm" the figure tutored him

"Who are you?" He asked

"I am light. I'm your creator whom you have failed to acknowledge. I'm he who died for you and humanity" the figure added

"You have thought you were rich but now where is your riches? You turned your earthly riches into your god and refused to acknowledge me. But all that you have are given to you by me. Charles Douglas, the least of my children who served me and have eternal life are better than all the best of those who possesses earthly wealth but their destination is hell" the figure said

The demon of death was standing beside Charles Douglas waiting to claim his soul to hell

Then lucifer landed

"Thou son of the most high God! This is one of my sons. I have come to claim his soul to it final destination" he said

"Satan the Lord rebukes you" the angel replied him

"Yes it is your duty to claim those who are yours but that is after they have died

This man is not dead. The Lord has brought him here to expose your works to him" the angel concluded

"Then son of man, don't do it. Keep my works secret until I destroy him." Lucifer pleaded

"You are darkness Lucifer. The work of darkness is to remain v and the work of light is tvo expose darkness" the angel fired back

At this, Lucifer disappeared

Immediately Lucifer disappeared, a force lifted and threw him into a hole and he started descending on and on and on until he began to feel the heat of hell

He saw millions of others in the mighty flames of fire and soon he was one among them

The fire would carry them up and bring them to the bottom of hell to kiss her feet

This continued for three days

On the third day, an angel came to relieve him and took him to a department in hell where thousands of young men were chained and burning

"Do you see that?" The. Angel asked and Charles Douglas affirmed

"That is Dabo. The young man that impregnated Elisa. You can see him burning in hell." Charles Douglas nodded his head and cried

"Ah, Lord forgive me I'm sorry. I was ignorant of all these. Please show me mercy" Charles Douglas pleaded and the angel brought him to his feet

"Return back to earth and tell the daughters and sons of men what you have seen. But if you forget all that you have experienced here, you will be a snare in the trap of the enemy. Now go!!"

The angel ordered and Charles Douglas felt his eyes opened

A nurse was attending to him and when she had him called Elisa, she rushed outside and called Elisa in. Both Elisa and the mother went in

"Elisa, Elisa my daughter. Please forgive me. I don't want to go to hell. I don't want to go to hell. Please my daughter pray for me

Elisa turned to her mother and could not believe what her dad was saying

Never the less, Elisa could not miss the opportunity before it was late

She quickly led her dad to Christ and Charles Douglas was born again

Elisa couldn't contain the joy. She began calling all her spiritual family members informing them of the good news

Chief Charles Douglas closed the gate making his entire family a redemptive one.