"Good evening all," Charles Douglas greeted

Few weeks had passed from the time he was admitted into the hospital until when he was discharged on a wheelchair. It would take him a minimum of six months if at all he would walk again without the wheelchair

He stopped and searched for his daughter and friends who were yet to join in the hall

The mother noticing, sent for them to be called for by a maid

"Deborah I'm afraid! Paul is here and I don't want any of them to know I'm pregnant" she whispered

"Until when Elisa? Come on. It's time the whole world gets to know that you are pregnant" she battled and Ruth blinked her face in affirmation

The door rang and opening, the maid informed them that the assemblage was waiting for them

They hurried out looking gorgeous

Everyone was now sitting family by family, class by class and group by group

The hall was a special one for family occasions like birthdays, Anniversaries and meetings. It was heavily decorated and sparkling with lights

The kitchen attendance and chefs were up and doing putting things in order and a Christian song was playing at the background

Few minutes earlier, the MC had already handed the microphone to chief Charles Douglas after a brief opening prayer by an invited guess

"Yes! As I started, I'm honored to have each and every one of you here today. I want to acknowledge the presence of DPO Ebele and his family, Evangelist Daniel and his family" applauses rendered joyfully

"I'm not here alone." He turned to his wife. " Please everyone, put your hands together for my beautiful wife and daughter, Mrs Charles Douglas and Miss Elisa Douglas, not forgetting her two beautiful friends; Deborah and Ruth." applauses went cheerfully into the air with smiling faces

"Please welcome my friends, the vice Chancellor of Princescribe University, professor Shedrach Olarotimi and from the field of medicine; Dr Henry Kenneth Ikechukwu." Again applauses sang beautifully into the air and he continued with his acknowledgement of men and women from the government, business sector and different professions

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here today because of what the almighty has done for me." Charles Douglas continued amidst tears.

"I would have been dead if not that the Lord showed me mercy ..."

The light went off

As the technician tried to put things in order, Deborah stood up immediately

"Sir! I have to pray and rebuke this presence. We are not here alone. The devil is not happy with what is happening here today. While you were speaking sir, I saw demonic beings hovering all-over and trying to distort the meeting. Please everyone open your mouth and say a word of prayer now!" Deborah commanded. She was no longer herself. The spirit of God had taken over her

Everybody began praying. DPO Ebele who had now become a firebrand was seeing praying and tossing his head left and right

The technician were trying to put on the light but to no avail

"In Jesus mighty mighty name we pray!" Everybody shouted "Amen!!"

"You powers from the kingdom of darkness, right now by the authority in the name of Jesus. Return back to hell in the name of Jesus Christ!!!" Deborah concluded, her eyes looking red and sweat streaming down her body

Immediately, the light was restored and everything began to function again

Charles Douglas looked around to ensure everyone was safe. He Confirmed so, only that VC. Prof. Shedrach Olarotimi was not in his seat.

He called his personal assistant to check after him but by them he had zoomed off in his car

Calm fell and the occasion went on

"Well, ladies and gentlemen, you have seen it for yourself that God is real. We have not even started"

"Today I'm a born again child of God." He stopped and everyone clapped their hands. "With what you have seen already, I believe by the time I share my experience of heaven and hell when I was in coma, all of you will see reasons enough to appreciate God" he said and handed over the microphone to the MC

Deborah and Evangelist Daniel were going to share the word of God, DPO Ebele, and Mrs Charles Douglas were all going to speak on their salvation experiences, Elisa would then share her own message of transition in hell, then Charles Douglas would share his own experience of heaven and hell

This is how the occasion went and by the time Charles Douglas had dropped the microphone, the sixty seven people who had gathered for the occasion were already on the floor in repentance

Some where crying and begging God to show them Mercy. Others were asking God to open their heart to accommodate them, some where seen on their knees muttering

After the occasion, many people spoke of seeing angels moving about at the time of prayer

Although hell anticipated a revival to break out, they had not imagined that magnitude

All the people present including Dr Henry who was a witness of their plan repented and believed in Jesus

They were led to Christ and went round congratulating each other

A thirty minutes session of prayer followed, by the choir of the church Elisa attended back home

After that, everyone joyfully ate and had time talking

Elisa introduced Deborah and Ruth to the family of Evangelist Daniel and they both spent time knowing each other

Charles Douglas had already told the story of her daughter's pregnancy which he was grateful for

"If not for this pregnancy which I saw as a misfortune, I wouldn't have encountered Christ." He said looking at her daughter tearfully

He declared that her daughter would keep the pregnancy and give birth to the child which he and his wife would be glad to take care of

"Scan has shown that the baby is a boy." The mother said. "I and my husband have for long anticipated a second child since the birth of Elisa but all efforts proved abortive. We didn't know that God has His way in answering us by giving us a child through Elisa."

"Elisa our daughter," she looked at her and her husband "we love you and we will take care of you and the unborn child"

Tears flooded down Elisa's face as her mother spoke on

So it wasn't a new thing anymore

Paul was already aware of her story and she felt a great relief, better still that she wasn't the one telling it

As she and Paul greeted, with the smile in Paul's face, Elisa felt like she was standing before her husband even though she had not given much thought to it

Everywhere boisterous, the curtains rolled and that day became to some, one of the best days of their lives but to the Douglas, it was certainly the best.