"Good morning Isabella" the DPO greeted pulling a chair /simply/ from the corner of the prison and sitting down

"Mr DPO! What do you want from me?" Isabella flared. "I have told you time without number that I'm not ready for your bullsh*t. I'm not even worthy, I Isabella aren't worthy for your Jesus!"

She yelled at him rising from the corner she had hung and throwing her hands into the air in anger

"I want us to talk Isabella." DPO Ebele gave out a professional smile and replied her simply

"If you want us to talk, then you know what to do to get Isabella talking" she said turning her gaze to the officer that had accompanied DPO Ebele into the prison

DPO Ebele turned to the officer in respond and the officer handed Isabella a stick of cigarette and trashed another for her on the floor

She shrugged her shoulder and the officer in anger hit her

"Take it easy on her officer!" The DPO warmed

"Come on, hit me officer. Hit a dead girl, come on!" She cried out moving to engage the officer in a fight and DPO Ebele rose up grapping her by the shoulder, then she calmed and sat by a corner again

She lit the stick of cigarette and began to smoke

"Isabella, I love you as I would love my daughter. I want you to be saved. Jesus loves you" DPO Ebele said as calm fell

"Nobody has loved me since I was born!" She responded angrily interchanging frantically with emotions

"Nobody loves me! Not even you! Not even your Jesus! Not nobody!" She tossed the smoke into the air throwing a finger at the DPO

"Come to think of it," she continued. " You and your fellow thieves and corrupt officers in the force have manhunted me for eight years"

"You finally had luck and arrested me and my gang, threw us into jail and sentenced us to death by hanging. Now you are preaching love to me. You never loved me. Stop torturing me DPO!"

"I am dead! I'm a dead baby girl. Hell is already waiting to receive my soul."

"Before I forget. When you guys are done hanging me, I don't want those bastard called my parents to come near my death body." She said and pulled into her mouth some smokes from the cigarette

DPO Ebele buried his head as if defeated then raised it again

His eyes had turned red and worries penetrated his skin when he heard Isabella spoke about her death sentence

"Isabella, I and my men brought you here because it's my job to do that so that we can have a better society"

"Think about the hundreds of people; men, women and innocent children you and your gang killed. They did nothing. Now imagine how many more would have been killed if not for your arrest. Our duty is to protect the right of every human in this country"

"But there is one who terrorizes the world beyond, where you will go after your death. I'm trying to deliver you from falling into his hands just that I and my men have delivered citizens from falling into your hands and others of your gang and colleagues."

"Please Isabella Jesus loves you. Give your life to Him so that you will have eternal life." The DPO said pleading

"It seems you have not heard me!" She yelled again pulling the fourth stick from the pack. "I have told you that nobody loves me. Where was Jesus when I needed him to show me the love and care that my parents never showed me? Please if you don't want me to kill myself before you hang me, leave my presence." She ordered

DPO Ebele stood up calmly and left the prison

He came out and hurried to the office of the prison Warden. After a brief talk with him, he entered his car and drove off to the SCIID office. From there he left for his district command and finally drove home

He arrived home and his wife could see worry staring from his face and exhaustion Clift on his body

"Love, what is it? What is the problem? Is this about Isabella?"

"Yes! She has stubbornly refused to be offered salvation and in no distant time, she would be hanged. I I'm helpless to watch her slip out of my hands into hell. It's too painful when I think of that" he replied sorrowfully

"I understand love, wait, why haven't you tell Deborah and Ruth about this? Their intervention could save the situation" the wife responded hastening

"Oh, that's very good of you. Ah, Dooshima. You are such an intelligent woman. Every other man would have left Delta for Benue state just to fall in love with you and marry you." He responded brightening up jokingly

"Oh no, come on baby. Let me call Deborah immediately so that you can speak with her" the wife said not smiling

"Please do." DPO Ebele responded pulling off buttons on his sleeves

Mrs Dooshima Ebele dialed the phone and Deborah picking, he handed it over to DPO Ebele and the two spoke for some distant time while she stayed by his side

"Oh, baby I feel blessed speaking with Deborah. I can't explain why this never came to my mind." He said

"My mind is at peace too. Please we will continue to pray for her. Meanwhile the shower room is set. Let me arrange the dinning table for your dinner" she said and rose up to leave but DPO Ebele took hold of her hand

"I'm glad I married you. Thank you for beautifying my life" DPO Ebele said romantically in a captivating tune

"Abegi, allow me serve your stomach some food Mr lover boy" the both of them laughed as Mrs Dooshima Ebele left for the kitchen while pulling her husband up to go and have his shower.