"Haha!!! At the rising of the sun in the land of mortals, I will have the souls of those daughters of mine in hell. Prepare their fire and make it burn with sulphur." Lucifer ordered frantically

The Isabella girls had demons already attending to them on Earth and waiting for their souls at the execution hour to drag them to hell

Charles Douglas sat in the wheelchair dressed for office when he decided to listen to news briefly

He switched the channel to The Nation's News Channel and the broadcaster served him timely; ........

"Two out of the notorious Isabella girls will face execution tomorrow Tuesday 16 November by 7am..."

"Elisa! Elisa! Please come and watch this." Charles Douglas hurriedly called Elisa to come for the news as he adjusted his wheelchair to listen more carefully

"The Isabella girls have terrorized communities and states in the country for more than eight years of manhunt from the security forces. Their leader; the notorious Isabella whose judgement is death by hanging will face execution in nine days time while the remaining seven will be executed seven days from now... " The Nation's News Channel reported

"Ah, daddy!" Elisa screamed

"Is it not the same Isabella girls stuff you told me that you will be visiting the prison with the DPO and your friends to minister God's word?" Charles Douglas asked curiously

"Yes daddy. We really have to act fast otherwise they will be lost to hell. Deborah and Ruth are on their way to meet me and from here we will meet DPO Ebele at the state CID office as he instructed" Elisa said hurriedly tying her head

"Hmm, my daughter you people should be extra careful. This girls are hardened criminals and can do anything. Please I don't want to lose my child" Mrs Charles Douglas said coming from the bedroom as she overheard the discussion

"If not that this has do do with salvation, I won't have allowed her. But I'm sure DPO Ebele will ensure they are safe." Charles Douglas said worriedly

"Dad, mom, don't worry yourselves. We will be fine. Please pray for me." She said kneeling down and her both parents prayed for her immensely

Just before the prayer ended, the maid was seen welcoming in Deborah and Ruth

After a brief greeting, the three left with the driver in one of Charles Douglas' car

They arrived at the state CID office and left the driver with the car and boarded DPO Ebele's car to the correctional center alongside a police van with two police officers in it heavily armed

Soon they arrived and the DPO led them in smartly

"Alright Deborah, the Isabella girls are put separately" DPO Ebele said as the prison Warden accompanied them in with the officers

"This is to prevent them from forceful collaboration and breakout from prison. The girls don't want to see me. We will wait behind meanwhile you attend to them successively. Please do your best as the Lord helps you" DPO Ebele said and step aside with the others

Deborah sigh, took her Bible from Ruth and led by the prison Warden and officer, she was brought to a visitor's room where one of the Isabella girls was brought before her

The girl sat with her head buried as Deborah kept preaching and trying to get her attention

Then she raised her face and with rage and anger, she spat into Deborah's face

Deborah wiped it off and sigh. She looked the girl into her eyes and saw a demon staring at her with great rage

"Satan I rebuke you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ?" She declared standing up from her sit

One could easily tell when Deborah was in the spirit. Her countenance would change and her face would brighten with holy anger, at the same time emitting compassion for the lost and rage at the devil

Immediately she rebuked Satan, the girl fell on the ground and roared like a beast

The sound traveled every conor of the prison

At this, the DPO with others rushed in to witness what was happening

Deborah pronounced the name of Jesus again and different spirits began to come out of her, python, tiger, death, etc

She was delivered and when she stood up from the floor, she watch with shock

Giving much attention as Deborah ministered the word of God to her, she accepted Jesus

The crew had much joy

As this turned out the crew thought that it would be same to every other of the Isabella girls

But when it came to the second on the death roll, things proved difficult as all efforts to get her saved proved abortive until the prison Warden demanded that it was enough

Joyful yet not completely, they left the correctional center to the state CID and the the girls were drove back to Elisa's home in her car

On the eve of their execution, the girl that got saved spent that night on her knees in silent prayers and then fell asleep

As she slept, she saw a very tall man whose height reaches the sky, with a radiating face standing in a beautiful garden smiling at her with his arms open to welcome her

She ran to him and fell into his arms

"Welcome home my daughter." The man said

She then gave the man her hand and the two of them walked into a bright light that emitted ahead of them

When she woke up, she had great peace of mind and wished she could see Deborah and her crew again to share with them her experience

At her request, she was handed a paper and pen where she wrote to her gang leader Isabella and to Deborah. In the letter she simply said; "I saw JESUS. Do not cry for me. I'm home."

Then she handed the paper to her attendee and made her promised that she would deliver the notes appropriately

The following day, the two of them were brought out for execution

They were seeing each other again for the first time in weeks

They were trapped into a chair and asked if they had anything to say

The girl that got saved raised her hand and she was allowed to speak

"I wish I can see Deborah again. My only regret of dying this day is that I don't have an opportunity to tell the world that I saw Jesus. Help me tell Deborah that I saw Jesus. To all of you standing, I saw Jesus. He loves you. You may not believe me because you know me as a notorious criminal but I'm changed now. I saw Jesus and he loves you all. Please make it quick, my Lord is waiting to receive me" her words moved a lot of people witnessing the execution most especially the prison Warden

The other was asked if she had something to say but remained mute

Hoods were placed over their heads. An execution officer went over to them and placed a small aim point over their hearts region

The Warden read the execution order and an officer issued a command and the firing squad shot severally

Within seconds, the girls were dead

"Good morning Mia!" An angel who was standing waiting for her greeted with a broadened smile. "I have been sent by the Lord to welcome you home."

She smiled, turned back and watched how her dead body hung on the chair

"How about her?" She asked about the other girl whose soul was being dragged by a demon

"She will be summoned before the judgement throne." The angel replied simply

She gave the angel her right hand and the two of them ascended in the blink of an eye.