It was early morning, Ruth was seen rushing to the house of Deborah as one could easily tell that there was an urgent matter to attend to

She arrived and heard Deborah praying. Knocking calmly on the door, Deborah asked who it was

"It is me Ruth!" She responded and Deborah permitted her to come in

Entering the room, Deborah asked her to sit down but she hesitated.

Flipping her fingers, she was eager to share with Ruth what brought her to her house at the early hour of the day

"Deborah," she started. "I saw a revelation this early morning shortly before my devotion"

"Okay, please what is the revelation about Ruth?" Deborah asked

"In that revelation, I saw myself sitting under a shade and I was given paper and pen by an invisible hand and was told to write what I see and send it to the sons and the daughters of men. As I was about to write, I woke up." Ruth explained

"Mmm, as you were speaking Ruth, I heard the spirit of God ministered the phrase "wait to see it unfold"

"Come on Ruth, rise up. I was praying for Isabella and her gang before you came in. Please join me" Ruth pleaded

Ruth in turn rose from where she was sitted and the two prayed fervently for the salvation of the Isabella girls

Two hours into the prayer, DPO Ebele phoned and Deborah picking, he told her to Inform Ruth and Elisa, and that the three of them should meet him at the correctional center where the prison Warden had demanded for their attention


"Welcome DPO Ebele" the prison Warden who sat in his office holding two papers in his hand greeted the DPO who had just entered

"Thank you Warden Yakubu. I was thrilled when you asked me to see you in the office with the girls. I was bothered and my thoughts wondered on the issues of Isabella and the remaining seven girls. I hope they have not escaped" DPO Ebele spoke frantically

"Not at all DPO." the Warden said, becoming emotional at the same time. " How about the girls?" He asked

"They are outside." DPO Ebele replied

"Please let them in" he responded referring to nobody. Picking the telephone, he called and commanded that the girls be brought in

Deborah, Ruth and Elisa were ushered in, into the prison Warden's office and were greeted warmly by him as he addressed DPO Ebele

"DPO Ebele, I call you here not because anybody has escaped the prison but on two counts"

"First, you are all aware that Mia and her fellow were executed yesterday"

"On the eve of Mia's execution, she wrote and pleaded under certainty that one of these notes be given to Deborah. Here!" He said stretching his chest over the large table to hand the note to Deborah

Deborah collected, read calmly and her face beamed with great smiles

"I SAW JESUS" Deborah read aloud and handed it over to the DPO who ensured that it went through Ruth and Elisa as well

Tears trolled down their eyes and they both lifted their voices praising God

"Nk nk," the prison Warden adjusted himself in the chair trying to sort for attention

"DPO Ebele, the second count is that in my twenty five years of witnessing criminals executed, I have never seen such a beautiful soul as Mia" the prison Warden continued

"The dying Mia yesterday had more joy and peace on her final day of existence than I myself. I saw that peace in her and I knew that she was going to be in a better place"

"DPO Ebele, I have witnessed right from the inception of the girls into this correctional center that you have followed up, preaching your Jesus to them until Mia received that peace, joy and confidence"

"I went home yesterday and my mind kept telling me that there is something you people gave to Mia that brought peace into her life."

"Please give that same thing to me so that I can have peace and fulfilment in my life." The prison Warden pleaded

"DPO Ebele turned to Ruth who was in possession of the note and and Ruth understanding, handed over the paper to him

"Warden Yakubu, please read this" DPO Ebele said and handed over the paper to him unfolded


"These were some of the words Mia said before they were fired" the prison Warden expressed his shock

"Please give me this Jesus too" he pleaded

Filled with joy, DPO Ebele led the prayer with the girls and the prison Warden was born again

After a brief Bible study with the prison Warden and proper documentations made to keep up with followership, the crew left his office joyfully

As they were stepping out of the Prison Warden's office, Ruth heard a voice said something to her and immediately her understanding opened

She turned to her hand and saw the paper Mia had addressed to Deborah and opened it quickly then screamed;

"Oh thank you Jesus. Deborah!" She hastened her step to catch up with Deborah and the rest.

"Deborah, look at this. The spirit of the Lord has just ministered to me concerning the revelation I told you this early morning. I believe that Mia's greatest wish would have been to remain alive and preach, The Jesus she saw to people. The Lord has just dropped it on my heart to write a biography of Mia's salvation experience and title it, " I SAW JESUS"

"Wow this is God, Ruth. Remember the Lord ministered to us to wait and the revelation would be unfolded." Deborah said patting her shoulder

"Yes! Yes! I remember. As a writer, I will begin work on the book immediately." Ruth concluded as others watched them sorting out the summary of their discussion

The crew entered the car, and at DPO Ebele's request, Ruth explained the all about of what she and Ruth were discussing

This pleased DPO Ebele so much that he pledged to sponsor the publication of the book

"I'm very sure my dad and mum would support this publication too. Indeed Mia is alive." Elisa said.