"Kon, Kon, Kon," Isabella heard footsteps approaching her cell

Soon, she could see the shoe of the person approaching and without being told knew it was the prison Warden

The prison Warden had a like for that particular shoe and almost all the inmates could easily identify him by it

Isabella shrugged and held the rods of the cell burying her head in her arms

"Good morning Isabella" the prison Warden greeted with so much emotions unequal to his person

But Isabella answered no word

She was not ready for any trouble that morning but for a second thought wondered the change in the prison Warden's expression

She lifted her head and saw a changed man - she could easily testify of it but kept mute

This could be another means of him torturing her before she was hanged

The prison Warden with much compassion in his eyes lifted a note to her, and she looked at him closely as if to turn away and collected it roughly

"Isabella, I will give you time to go through that and I will be back in a moment." The prison Warden said turning away

"Wait!" Isabella said and the prison Warden who was already a meter away stoped and turned back to her

"I need a stick of cigarette" she said

The prison Warden threw a gaze on the floor of her cell and turned away

A packet of cigarette lay by her with a lighter by the side

She thrashed the paper to the ground and went for the packet which had one stick left in it

She lighted it and began to smoke but her heart troubled her

Minutes later, she picked the note, opened it and it read


Shock went through her nerves and the stick of cigarettes on her lips fell

"Is this not the same thing Mia appeared to me and told me in my dream today?" Her thought traveled very far

"But who wrote this? Well, maybe this is another nonsense." Her thoughts wandered. But how come the words are the same. Could there be something about life entirely that I doesn't know? She questioned herself

"Come on girl, you are too old for this bullshit." A thought deceived

Just then the prison Warden walked in

"That is a note from Mia before she was executed. She said the note must be delivered to you against all odds, that could be the only way to honor her death." He told her

"So you have joined the religious fanatics claiming that Jesus loves me! I believe they must have payed you for this so that you could torture me" She quizzed the paper and threw it on the prison Warden who picked it and dropped it back inside the cell.

"You may need this, Isabella" he said and motioned to walk away

Then Isabella breaking down with tears in her eyes suddenly, demanded that he should wait and the warden turned to listen to her

"I won't have believed that she wrote this before her dead if not that I saw her in my dream. When I woke up, I never felt it could be real but right now seeing the same on this paper has made me believe" she said with tears dropping down her eyes

"But Isabella, you are tough, you have never cried once, despite severe torture right from when you were arrested. Why do you speak with so much depths and in tears?" the prison Warden asked

"Mia's note to me has made me believe."

"I saw Mia and when I saw her she was not alone. She was with a man who told me that he is Jesus. He told me that he is the one sending the DPO to me to bring me home."

"He showed me home where Mia is right now, but I was in pains in the dream when I saw Vanela burning in hell."

"Please I want to be there where Mia is too. My days here on Earth are numbered. I have nothing to gain if I die without this Jesus I have been told of but at least maybe it is true that if I receive him I will be in a better place after my dead" she said, tears streaming down her eyes

"Isabella," the prison Warden called out. "This man Jesus is real. Mia truly saw Him and she is home with him now just as you saw in your dream. Accept him into your life and be saved." The prison Warden said

"I have made up my mind, but I don't know you to be a Christian. How come you are now talking about Jesus?" She asked confused

"Hmm, Isabella! Jesus is real. I was in the other religion but when Mia was dying and spoke of this man at her execution ground, I encountered Him myself and the DPO has led me to Him. I am now born again." He concluded smiling

"Then lead me to Him too. I now believe in this man Jesus. My other girls also need to hear about Him." Isabella said dropping on her knees. "He has appeared to me many days now but I have been stubborn to allow him save me

"Mmm, I don't really know how DPO Ebele and the girls prayed for me yesterday but I can try"

Although without absolute correctness as would an experienced preacher, the prison Warden led Isabella into a short prayer and pronounced her born again

The man called Jesus had stood there with them smiling and as the prison Warden rounded up with the prayer, His light penetrated Isabella's heart and instantly she felt like a heavy load had been lifted off her heart

"Ah!!!! No!!! Isabella!!! You made a covenant to serve me forever!! Noo!!!!!"

Lucifer yelled and the whole of hell trembled

Isabella was a mighty fish who had fallen into the river of darkness but now, the hook of heaven had fished her out

Hell went into great panic

This was beyond what the prison Warden himself could believe but Jesus had done it and Isabella was saved.