"Hello DPO Ebele, I will like to have you and the girls in my office tomorrow morning. Will you be chanced?" the prison Warden asked

"Good morning Warden Yakubu. I have a function tomorrow at the state CID office but I will ensure I and the girls are there first thing tomorrow Morning before I report back to office" the DPO responded then quickly asked after the well-being of Warden Yakubu and put off the call

Paul had come to pay Elisa a surprise visit since the occasion held by Charles Douglas

This came as a surprise to Elisa but not totally as they had been communicating via calls

Paul had gathered much informations about Elisa and the two had become fund of themselves although Elisa was maintaining stiffness not to allow a second mistake of her life that would cause her another agony

"Good morning sister Elisa," the maid called out bending her knees slightly

At the time she was inducted into the house, her way of addressing Elisa was "small madam" but Elisa stopped her and told her to address her as sister Elisa

This of course came evident as she acted as a sister to her, showing her love in whatever way she needed

"Sister Elisa, there is a man outside the house who wish to see you. He was in the occasion oga held the other time" she said

"A man, who could that be." Her mind searched but couldn't arrive at anybody and she decided to go check for herself

Behold, it was Paul

When she saw that it was Paul, she smiled and stretched her brows, went to him and collected the small case he was holding in his hand

"Paul! You didn't tell me you were coming and we spoke this morning over the phone." She frowned playful

"I was afraid not to be turned down. Just a little surprise for this firebrand sister." Paul said and jiggled his body slightly

"Hmm, stop it and come on in" she said leading the way

The home was tried; Charles Douglas and Mrs Charles Douglas had both gone to their separate offices

"Where is everybody?" Paul asked curious as he jently adjusted his belt and carefully place himself onto the cushion

"Everybody is gone to the office. I'm the only one left at home with the domestic workers" she said moving over to the dinning table

She mate her phone which she had formerly dropped ringing. It was Deborah

She answered the call and had a quick conversation with Deborah who informed her that they would be going to the correctional center the following day early morning

She felt happy about it

This was most especially as they and DPO Ebele had been holding vigils since their first day at the correctional center, as they engaged in marathon prayers asking God to save Isabella and all the girls as they contented with Lucifer and hell

None of them knew why the prison Warden had called for heir presence and they didn't ask as well

None the less, they were expecting that as they visit this time around, there would be a positive turn out to the glory of God

She said a quick prayer of thanksgivings and hurriedly dropped the phone on the table remembering that she was keeping Paul waiting

"Favor!" She called out the maid who responded and came running

"Please arrange the dinning for my visitor. Make it orderly, okay" she pleaded hopefully

The mate nodded her head and went into action

In a short moment, she came to the sitting room informing Elisa that the table was set

"Oh thank you favor. I believe you were busy before i called. You can have your time."

"Thank you ma." The maid said and left their presence

Elisa led the way and Paul followed jently as they soon sat at the dinning and began to eat

"I hope I'm save in your parents absence?" Paul asked

"Absolutely Paul. You aren't a stranger to my parents. They will be happy to have you around" she said smiling

For a moment, silence danced at the table until Paul cleared his throat in a gentle manner and began speaking

"Elisa, I have come to see you because I didn't want to repeat what I have spoken to you about before in absence"

"Before coming here, I had discussed with my parents and they are happy if you will give me a chance despite the pregnancy." He continued emotionally

"Elisa, I understand what you have gone through. I don't want you to go through this alone. I want to stand by you. I want to be a father to the unborn child and take care of you." He said as Elisa picked it up

"Paul, you speak with so much confidence. What manner of man would want to marry a pregnant lady. I have messed up myself Paul. I'm not the type of woman any Spirit filled brother like you would want. I don't deserve that Paul. I just want to live my life, give birth to my baby, be a mother and bring my generation to Christ. I..." She wanted to continue but Paul interrupted her

"Elisa, Elisa, please listen to me. I speak with so much confidence because the Lord has spoken to me, not once and I'm convinced this is His will for us." Paul said with much hope in his eyes

"Alright Paul. I understand you. After the occasion of my dad. I began seeing so many visions of us together but I waved them off trying not to allow my emotions lead me into error

"I shared this with my friends and they have all spoken positive of it. I'm just too scared how sudden this is becoming."

"Come to think of it Paul. I'm not even totally whole yet. I'm still trying to stand solid so that I don't fall again."

"I will appreciate if you give me a little more time to think and pray about this one more time." She pleaded

"That's not a problem at all. I'm not in a hurry Elisa. Thank you for considering to put this into prayer again." Saying that, he picked a piece of meat, threw it into his mouth and surrendered the fork

"I would like to be on my way Elisa. Thank you for entertaining me" Paul said rising up and adjusting his trousers waist

Elisa led him through the door and appreciated him for coming

When she sighted Paul through the window as he boarded a taxi, she smiled broadly and left for her room picking her phone along

As she entered, she all of a sudden developed a strong desire to sleep as her body became weak and stressed

She threw herself on the bed transversely and at the blink of an eye, she was in a deep sleep

"Elisa, Elisa, consider my son Paul. For I will use him to perfect what I am doing in your life. I will use the two of you to raise up for myself pillars." The voice said as she felt the spirit of God standing beside her although she could see nothing

She jerked out of bed, the sleep cleared

Standing up, she stormed out of the house to the gate but Paul was gone

As if her confusion had been cleared off, she went in, kneeling down beside the bed, she gave thanks to God.