"Kpu pku pku!" knocks came through on Ruth's door

She rose to her feet, turning a gaze to her wrist watch

"Ah," she yelled and went for the door. It must be Deborah, but she had arrived earlier than expected. She said she would be in her place in fifteen minutes time and this was just seven minutes into it

"Is that you Deborah?" She asked and Deborah confirmed as the door opened and she threw herself in

"Are you done? She asked searching round the house with her eyes

"Yes, just give me some minutes to put off my PC" Ruth said picking some papers from the ground

"What are all these papers for Ruth? Do you have a writing contract?" She asked staring into her eyes

"You must have forgotten then. I'm working on "I SAW JESUS", the biography of Mia and the Isabella girls"

"I had a goal yesterday to arrive at some lines so that when I'm back from the correctional center, I will continue from there. I have been working tirelessly on this and the Lord has been helping me."

"Can you believe Deborah.... let's not be late. When we are back I will tell you how I have been having encounters of Mia in heaven every day" Ruth concluded opening the door for Deborah

"Wow! God is really doing great things Ruth. More grace to you for this project. We will be praying for this book to be used by the Lord." Deborah said and Ruth answered "Amen"

The two girls boarded a vehicle to a junction where they stood waiting for Elisa who in no distant time arrived with her driver

They drove from there to the state CID where DPO Ebele was in a small facility praying and waiting for them

As they drove into the office, DPO Ebele sighted them and sent an officer to bring them to him

They joined him in the prayer and together they prayed for God to intervene most especially in the life of Isabella as they visited the facility

Immediately they rounded up the prayer, they boarded his car and drove off to the correctional facility, this time around without any police escort

Warden Yakubu was in his office waiting for them

Sooner, DPO Ebele and the girls alighted in the facility ground and without waiting, Warden Yakubu came out to welcome them smartly

A small Bible was stocked in his left hand as he greeted DPO Ebele and the girls

He then led them inside the cell facilities and brought them to a small room which was new and well furnished with some pews in it and a wooden pulpit at the podium

"You are welcome." He said spreading his hand to show them around

"I had some workers made this place yesterday for fellowship." He said, waiting for feedback

"This is good, very good. Indeed God is good" DPO Ebele said clapping his hands

The girls also rendered their appraisals and felt very glad about it

"I, Warden Yakubu believe that in this place the Lord will be saving many inmates from darkness to light. Please make yourselves comfortable." He said signaling with his finger to be given a minute and he would be back

Soon he was back into the chapel and informed the group that he had called them so that they could pray and dedicate the facility to the glory of God and to also witness to another miracle the Lord had done

"But before we continue, please I want everyone to meet a special friend of mine who would be our guest speaker" he said and everyone turned to one another as if to ask, "guest speaker? Who could that be?"

He clapped his hands and as everybody watched, two prison officers walked in and stood by the side of the pulpit with their arms

Everybody's curiosity went high expecting who the guest speaker was

Shortly, they heard footsteps approaching with the sounds of chains

It was Isabella. She held a small Bible in her hand and walked over to the podium

DPO Ebele and the girls couldn't believe it. It felt like a dream

"Is this Isabella? What has happened to her?" Was the question on everyone's heart

"Good morning everyone. As you all know, my name is Isabella. The former gang leader of the Isabella girls."

"I say former because the old Isabella is gone away and this is the new Isabella. The Isabella of Satan has died and this is the Isabella of Jesus living

"DPO Ebele, and sisters, I know this is strange to you, but I believe you know there is nothing impossible with Jesus, so I don't think you will find it hard to believe that the Isabella you all laboured for is now born again." She paused and everyone clapped joyfully

"I told Warden Yakubu to grant me the wish of making this a surprise to all of you so that you could see it first of all for yourself. He led me to Christ and I'm born again." She said turning to Warden Yakubu

"I don't need to tell you my story again because you are all aware how Satan used us to destroy a lot of thousands of lives. It is hard to believe that Jesus could have mercy on me."

"Thank you DPO Ebele for not giving up on me."

"Praise the Lord!" She concluded and they all shouted a great Hallelujah

This came as a great surprise to DPO Ebele and the girls

He mounted the pulpit and together, they all praised God, giving thanks to him

"My dear daughter Isabella, we all love you but as you now know, Jesus loves you more. You founded the Isabella girls. Now you have a duty to save the other seven girls who awaits execution few days away and in doing so, you will also be partaking in the joy of bringing others out of darkness." DPO Ebele said and left to give her a hug

"My wonderful people of God," Warden Yakubu took over. "Isabella has expressed her wish to have a press release so that she can publicly renounce the Isabella group and ask the entire nation for pardon and forgiveness. Please let's hear from her" Warden Yakubu said giving space for Isabella

"Thank you my wonderful family. I now feel loved; the love I hunted for, for many years without having. Thank you everyone." She said battling with tears

"Last night, I had an encounter with the Lord again and He said that I must publicly renounce every evil work I have built over years and proclaim him"

"I would have asked for a press release but I want to evangelize to the girls in the facility first. Together with those who will agree to follow me, we would publicly renounce our work with the devil and ask for national forgiveness"

"Death is what I am waiting for after that, and I will be happy to breathe my last knowing that there is a better place the Lord will be taking me....."

She concluded and broke down in tears

Everybody gathered round her and after comforting her, she had few minutes with Deborah, Ruth and Elisa and thereafter was taken back into her cell

Now that she was born again, Ruth had more to add into the "I SAW JESUS" book considering that she was the gang leader

She obtained permission from the prison Warden and was to come consecutively to interview Isabella for the purpose of the book until she was satisfied or rather before the execution

The book would be a biography of The Isabella Group and their journey to salvation.