"Enough!! I have to end this myself. Mobilise every demon that was assigned to the Isabella girls the day they made a covenant with me." Lucifer burning with anger in hell rose from his throne as hell bowed to honor the fury that danced on his beast of faces

"My mission is to steal, kill and destroy. Now is the time to destroy the Isabella girls before my kingdom is overthrown by their salvation in the righteous one" he continued in ire burning and melting on his face as he flew down to the correctional center

"You trouble marker! I know you would be here waiting for me but this ones belong to me. The Isabella girls are mine." Lucifer said referring to angel Micheal who had stood watch over Isabella to ensure that no harm came to her

"You have been a lier from the beginning. Has it escaped your mind that she has now believed in the righteous one of the most high and has confessed him as her personal Lord and Savior?" Micheal asked Lucifer

"Nothing amongst the sons and daughters of men escapes my knowledge, but you have forgotten."

"Her mother made a covenant with me and she offered her to me before she was born. When she grew into the knowledge of good and of bad, she came to me for power and I made a covenant with her that she would serve me forever." Lucifer accused, moving swiftly to attack Isabella

"You son of the dark, I rebuke you in the name of the Lord! It is written, " whoever that is in CHRIST has become a new creation, the old has past away and behold the new has come" Micheal swung his sword and it held Lucifer to the throat with his legs hanging on the air

"Lucifer you know the truth. Right now go!!! In the name of the lord!" Micheal commanded and he disappeared back to hell trembling and been afraid that what Micheal did to him in their first battle might repeat itself. He touched his throat with his fingers and felt a severe injury dug into it. A liquid substance flooded over it like dark blood

An ancient demon who had seven horns on it head approached him with counsels that appealed his angry soul

"My lord Lucifer. The battle against Isabella can't be won until she deviates from the son of the most high"

"Strike the remaining Isabella girls that are yet to save themselves." Destroy them and bring thier souls into hell"

"Remember that Isabella would soon try to save and deliver them out of our hands." He concluded crawling away into the midst of darkness and burning flames of fire swallowed him up

This counsel pleased Lucifer so much that he commanded all the demons in charge of the Isabella girls to ensure that the mission was accomplished

That night, the demon lord entered one of the Isabella girls and enticed her into convincing the other girls so they could break out of prison

The plan of hell was to use this means to kill them through gun fire by the prison officers while they would try escaping

She lay on the floor in her own cell when all of a sudden she felt a stronger energy and power awakening within her

She jerked to her feet looking terrified and fierced. Against her wish, she went to the small window over her cell and pulled out all the rods in a silent but violent manner

A prison officer was lying at the entry with a bunch of keys in his hand (a demon had gone over to him and had inflicted him with heavy dose of sleep)

Jacky, as she was called went over to him and collected the keys then went in search of the cell that was hosting Isabella

She got there and mate Isabella on her knees praying. Surprised but trying to beat against time, she spoke hastily

"Boss, the way is open. We need to get out of this place now!" She commanded with respect for Isabella her boss

"No Jacky! I'm remaining here. You have to stop this! Don't do this girl! We are guilty of our offenses and deserve to be punished...." Isabella said wishing for more but Jacky caught in

"Isabella we have to go now!" She said and stormed out of the cell

Isabella couldn't imagine. She had no understanding that this was the act of darkness; the work of the demon lord

All the officers on duty had fallen asleep

Warden Yakubu was having a terrible nightmare in his home. He could see it in his dream some inmates escaping from prison

He quickly woke up from sleep and placed a call to the facility but had to call multiple times before he picked

It was then confirmed that the facility was under heavy attack; the Isabella girls had escaped from prison as they did seven years before

The alarm went off, awakening sleeping officers who armed themselves to respond to the massacre the Isabella girls were already causing

Warden Yakubu called for additional security deployment and he himself dressed up for the correctional center stocking his pistol into his uniform

Jacky went in search of the other girls and one after the other set them free

Seven girls in number. They carried some of the officers on duty and locked them up in cells and made their way to the gate of the prison

The outside was heavily guarded but as well, the security personnels were all asleep until the alarm went off

There was a long distance to the outer entrance into the facility

"Two of you take that way. Three of you take that way. I and Susa will take this direction. Shut at any beast that comes against you. Is that understood?" Jacky who had assumed the position of leadership ordered and the girls responded

The girls went in opposite directions killing anything that came their way

The additional deployment arrived and engaged the girls in tough fire

The operation lasted for thirty minutes. Five out of the seven Isabella girls were killed during the process. Jacky and Susa were again apprehended and taken back into the facility

The damage was severe. Twenty seven security officers were killed during the process and facilities destroyed

As this was ongoing, Isabella was in her cell weeping, because she knew that without her, the girls could be easily killed and that could mean that they would miss heaven and go to hell

When the fire ceased, Warden Yakubu made an advance to her cell. He took a deep breath when he mate her weeping in the cell.