On same night of blood, after Lucifer had dispatched his demons to ensure the killing of the Isabella girls, he himself disappeared from hell with some of his cohorts to Isabella's home

It was four years since the last time Isabella had stepped foot in her biological home

When she was arrested, the parents came visiting but she declined seeing any of them

It was the darkest night since the existence of Roseline; Isabella's mom and her husband

They had gone to bed that night and had fallen asleep firmly when all of a sudden the wind began to blow and the clouds became darker and darker, shielding every ray of light that permeated their home

Roseline began to have a terrible nightmare where she saw a beast with many heads and horns chasing after her with a spare in its hand

The trees and mountains were falling after her and trying their best to close up on her

She kept running and doing her best to secure her life, then her husband appeared in front of her and in a split second fell into a big pit that was emitting flames of dark fire

The earth under her began to burn with anger and she could feel her soul begging for help but shortly, it began to quake and break under

She could see molten magma of colonies of fire wailing under her

The beast chasing after her closed in fast and was almost grapping her throat when she jerked out of bed gasping for air as sweat streamed down her jittering body

She switched on her phone because by then the light had completely gone off, handling over dominion to darkness to reign

The weird and strange feeling she just had in her dream returned and her head began to spine fast and fast

The light on her phone went off and the curtains on her windows rolled apart fast

The wind continued blowing and tossing darkness into the bedroom

She could literally see it transporting Lucifer into her bedroom

Fear gripped her soul and bones and darkness held her breath in suspense

She turned to her husband who had lay face down with hands thrown abroad

She wondered why in the midst of all the darkness of hell he was still fast asleep

Burning with a mixture of anger for her husband and fear for the unseen Lucifer, she tapped him on the shoulder but there was no response

As she persisted, a voice spoke out of the thick darkness

"He is dead!!' The voice sent in shocks of great fear and the vibration caused the walls of the house to tremble in terror

Roseline knew that certainly this was her end

"No!! Who are you and what do you want from me?" She frightened and stood up to run but a force held her to position

"Hahaa!!!! You cannot run away from Lucifer!!!"

"You have forgotten me. I am Lucifer. The child you came to me asking for has turned rebellious against me. She has broken the covenant you and I made" Lucifer said

"What child?" She asked trembling in great fear

"I'm talking about Isabella. Before she was born, you came to ask of her from me and I gave her to you. You brought her back months after she was born and you made a covenant with me that she would serve me all her life. Now she has accepted that righteous one." Lucifer said burning with anger

Roseline could feel his breath on her chest and her throat could also feel his claws as Lucifer's palms closed in on her neck

A screen appeared on the wall with flames of hell burning round it

Roseline could clearly see the times she had visited the native doctor in the quest for child and when she dedicated the child to the shrine vowing that the child would serve it gods

"Please, take her life. I have not done you any wrong. Please spare me! Spare me. I did my best to command her steps after you" She struggled to talk

"Be silent you fool!!! In the arms of the righteous one I do not have the power to harm her. She is surrounded with His protection and i cannot reclaim her back. I have come to take you and your husband in her place" Lucifer said burning with ire

"What about him?" Roseline managed to asked breathlessly pointing a finger on her lifeless husband

"I am done with him and by now my demons must have been torturing his body in hell fire. He is dead!!!" Lucifer answered

"No!!!!" She screamed

Lucifer advanced against her and strangled her to dead

As soon as she died, a demon appeared and dragged her soul away

Isabella's mom and dad died that same night

As Lucifer and his cohorts departed, a heavy thunder stroke the tree which stood at the back of the house and it fell and destroyed part of the building

All together, hell had swung its tail claiming 32 souls in that single night

It was indeed the night of blood

When neighbors woke up the following day, they discovered the scene and checking in, Isabella's parents were confirmed dead

Their bodies were evacuated and handed over to the police

Lucifer had a successful operation that night and hell rejoiced but he wasn't satisfied

He would have called it successful if Jacky and Susa were dead at least

But he would re-strategize on how to bring them to hell before Isabella could have them saved

"Hell!! Hell!! Hell!!! Hell doesn't surrender. Lucifer has conquered!! All hell bow!!!!" The demons in hell sang in their agonies as they welcomed the Isabella and Isabella's parents to hell where they would be tortured forever and ever"