"Dop!" Elisa's phone came landing on the bed

She turned to it and patted it gently

"I'm sorry, I just don't know what to do. Sorry ko" she spoke to her phone insanely

This came immediately she was through speaking with the DPO, Elisa, Ruth and Warden Yakubu

She had been on a long call trying her best to ensure that she had updates on Isabella and the Isabella girls

The last person she had spoken to was Ruth and by then she was already aware that one of the Isabella girls had been saved

They both prayed on the phone thanking God before she ended the call

It had been two days since she had made the move to inform Paul that she had accepted his proposal but she was afraid, reason why, she could not tell

She lay on the bed face up thinking of how best she was going to break the news to him

What if Paul was only after her to use her and dump her

She was also afraid of marriage and how to even start the journey was where the problem lay for her

She turned to her stomach which was properly standing out accommodating the baby

Just as thoughts crowded her heart, she felt a sharp pain in her lower abdomen and screamed out

Her mom came running in, asking if she was okay

She sat beside her and tutored her a little about pregnancy while Elisa stared into her face weak

As her mom stood up to leave, she held her by the hand gently and and kissed it

"Mommy, there is something I want to discuss with you about." She said

Mrs Charles Douglas was loving, caring and very attentive whenever Elisa had something to speak to her about

She tensed her body and sat by the bed beckoning on Elisa to speak up

Elisa saw how tensed she was and jokingly asked her to not be afraid as it was nothing to worry about

"Mom," she began. "Do you remember Paul, Evangelist Daniel's son that came for the occasion daddy held?"

"Mmm, yes, yes. The dark handsome young man that you introduced to me as Evangelist Daniel's son." She answered

"Yes Mom. Mom, he has proposed marriage to me." She said and waited for her moms reaction

"Marriage?" She asked calmly

"Is he aware of your condition?" She asked again, this time Elisa responded

"Yes Mommy, and he said that he is following God's leading that I'm his wife. He was here some days ago on a surprise visit"

"Okay," the mother nodded her head showing interest for more

"He said that he wants to marry me and father the baby. I'm really confused mom." Elisa said throwing her face away

"Come here my baby. This is good news if the young man is serious. Ewoo, so I will soon be a grandmother and a mother-in-law, ah this God has blessed me." Mrs Charles Douglas said shaking her body and taking some wealthy dance moves

Elisa became embarrassed by her action and called her; "mom?"

"Yes my baby girl. From the first day I saw that young man with you, I saw a future for you both, just that I was calm."

" But my child, have you prayed about this?" She paused and asked her

Elisa agreed and even shared with her the vision she had the day Paul came and the moment she went to sleep

"Have you given him your consent?" Mrs Charles Douglas asked

"No mummy, I haven't. I'm just scared. That's why I decided to let you know about it first" Elisa said

"Come here my daughter. I have a conviction in my spirit this is the will of God but first, give me your hands let's pray about this." Mrs Charles Douglas said pulling her to herself

The two of them prayed fervently and the mother left telling her that she was going to have some little sleep before leaving for the office

As she went back to sleep, she saw a vision almost the same with the one her daughter saw about her and Paul

Waking up from sleep, she was convinced that this was the will of God for her daughter

She went to the rest room and brushed, then dressed up for office and called Elisa in

"Elisa my child. I have received a message from the Lord. Paul is your husband. Call the young man and speak to him about it before he die waiting" the mother teased and headed out

Elisa hugged her and collected her bag for the car and the driver drove Mrs Charles Douglas for the office

That morning, Elisa summoned the courage and called Paul, breaking the long awaited news to him

Paul was extremely happy and Elisa herself found her peace back

She felt like a heavy rock had been lifted off her chest and she knew that certainly God was involved

After a brief talk, Paul offered to visit again but she declined saying that she would visit them and use the opportunity to see Evangelist Daniel and his wife

That way, she would find out herself if the parents were okay with their son marrying a pregnant sister

After her return, she would then let her dad know about it and await what would follow.