It was 11:39pm. Mrs Ebele had been fast asleep

She flipped her hand to check if her husband was in place, but felt nothing

She battled to chase out the sleep that had held her ransom as she wondered where her husband would be

She called to him in a sleepy tone but he wasn't there

She stood up gently, wrapping the wool of a night gown round her body properly, held the rope on it to a knot and went in search of DPO Ebele

She checked the bathroom but found no one and decided to head for the living room where she also mate nobody

She opened the door to check on the children and mate them sleeping soundly

There could be no other place than the visitor's room. If he is not there, then there is an issue at hand

As she sped up for the visitor's room, she heard muttering sounds of her husband and her heart calmed

She opened slightly and mate him praying fervently

What could it be? She needed not to be told. They had discussed about the Isabella girls before going to bed. Jacky was the subject of consideration

Her husband had been troubled about her. Her's and Susan's execution was just few hours away

She calmly knelt beside him and together, they prayed for the salvation of Jacky. DPO Ebele could be heard praying, pleading and asking God for mercy on her behalf

DPO Ebele and the daughters of Zion had spoken together with Warden Yakubu. They had all agreed that they were going to be praying for the salvation of Jacky that night as they believed although humanly late, it wasn't for God

Initially, Warden Yakubu had developed hate for Jacky due to the gruesome murder of the officers who had engaged them in gun battle

It was after he spoke with DPO Ebele that he forgave and decided to join them in praying for her as he made him believed that there was a force behind her actions

Deborah, Ruth, Elisa and parents as well as Warden Yakubu were all praying for the salvation of Jacky that night

Prayer rained and fire wasn't left out

Lucifer foresaw what was coming but he was too late on it

He quickly sent a deployment of demons to distract the prayers of the daughters and the sons of Zion

The demons came, but were late as the Zionites had been charged in spirit beyond resistance

The more they prayed, the more they had the urge to pray

Isabella who saw it too challenging to allow Jacky go to hell wasn't left out that night

DPO Ebele had also taught her on the importance of intercession

Knowing that this was the only requirement to save Jacky, she prayed fervently

The demon lord was aware of what was coming for him

As he stocked in Jacky, he wanted to return back to hell before the emminent happened but doing so would meant facing the burning rage and wrath of Lucifer. To Lucifer, it was better to fight to defeat than not to resist

As he was burning in fear and anguished, there was a violent shaking in the reams of the spirit

Mighty pills of smoke rose and cleared revealing the fierce face of Micheal; the ark angel

With his sword in his hand, he commanded the demon lord out of Jacky and slew him on his monstrous head as he disappeared back to hell

Jacky was set free although she had sat with her hands shielding her folded knees not knowing what was going on

As angel Micheal disappeared, he appeared to Deborah where she had prayed and fallen asleep. The time at this moment was 5:34am

"Deborah, daughter of Zion!" Micheal called out. "May God be Gracious is delivered. Go and save her" he said

"Who is may God be Gracious?" Deborah asked

A handwriting appeared on the wall and it read; "Jackie: may God be gracious."

"That is what she shall be called in paradise "May God be gracious. Go and save her now! The demon which had withstood her salvation has been casted out." Micheal said

"But why did it take long Micheal?" Deborah asked

"It took long because nothing happens on Earth without the permission of the lords of the earth. The most high has been waiting for your intercession to ascend and He would deliver her" Micheal said

"Mmm I see" Deborah said opening her eyes and was wondering who was Jackie when all of a sudden her mind went to Jacky as she was misspelled

She had even forgotten that the answer to what they were praying for had come as the vision came echoing afresh into her heart

She quickly picked her phone and began calling but none was going through

She checked her time and realized it was almost daybreak

She had to act fast

Jacky's execution was that morning. Although she knew it was early morning, she had no idea the particular time

She picked her Bible placed a lock on her door running to the road

Blessed enough, there was an oncoming vehicle

She stopped the driver and pleaded for a drop as she gave the address of DPO Ebele's home

It took exactly 37 minutes for her to get there

She had no money to pay. She told the driver to hold on while she went knocking on the gate to the house

Shortly, DPO Ebele was out wondering who it was until she mate with her

He payed for the fare and Deborah quickly disclosed to him what was at stake

He rushed into his car and switch it on to keep it warm while he rushed in to put on a dress

He came out shortly rocking in a short. The two went in and he sped off until Deborah pleaded he take it easy

Soon, they were at the correctional facility were they mate the execution officers and Warden Yakubu

Jacky and Susa were been dragged out. DPO Ebele wanted to interrupt the process but the officers were resistant

He ran to Warden Yakubu and briefed him on why they were there

"Alright DPO Ebele, you are right on time. The girls will be given time for their final words before they are executed. If it is God's will for her to be saved, she will" Warden Yakubu finalized as the process continued

Before the execution order was read, the girls were asked if they had something to say before they were executed

Susa was the first to raise her hand

She demanded for a Bible to be given to her and a pen

These were quickly provided for her and she wrote in it and closed it then handed it over

"How about you Jacky?" The execution officer asked

"She remained quiet for few seconds , as if the spirit of God fell on Deborah, she pushed out against officers resistance and yelled

"Jacky! This is your last chance to be saved. Please open your heart and accept Jesus now! Please believe. In few minutes you will be with Him." Her words fell on deaf ears

Then she shouted; "Jacky!" Almost crying

Then Jacky looked up with repentant eyes and said

"I can see Jesus. He is over there waiting. Susa! Jesus is waiting." She said with a tear dropping from her eye as she turned to Susa and Susa gave her a smile

Deborah smiled amidst tears and led her to Jesus and fanalized with a word of prayer for the two

Few seconds following after the execution order was read, they were fired and executed

DPO Ebele requested for the copy of the Bible Susa had written and it read

"I died in the arms of my Lord Jesus. Let all nations come to Him."