It was a bright morning. Isabella being fully aware that she was going to address the nation waited patiently in her cell for the time she would be called on

DPO Ebele and the daughters of Zion were all on ground to cheer her up

Just as Warden Yakubu stood up to come out of his office, an officer walked in to inform him that it was time

He turned to his wristwatch and it read 7:56am

"Alright. Is the media all on ground and set?" He asked and the officer affirmed

"That's good. Please have Isabella out and begin the session." Warden Yakubu said and moved to position himself beside the podium where Isabella was to stand

The security was tide that very day. This act gave the media group enough confidence to approach Isabella and to have her deliver her speech

Shortly, she was ushered out handcuffed with chains dragging behind her on the legs

The different broadcasting representatives had already staged their cameras ready to capture the thrilling moment

At 8: 07am, she was asked to speak. She cleared her throat and began

"Greetings wonderful people of our dear country"

"I am Isabella. You all know me and the numerous atrocities I have committed. I'm not worthy standing in your faces today"

"Maybe God has kept me alive so that I can onbehalf of the Isabella girls apologize for all the pains we have caused you before my execution tomorrow"

"I am the only one left of the Isabella girls. Onbehalf of all of us. We are sorry and ask that in our dead as deserving of us, you forgive us and find peace in your hearts. I wish I can bring back the countless lives we have destroyed and cut short but that I can't. All I'm are asking for is healing in your hearts and this great Nation"

"To all those terrorising communities , lives and properties as we once did, I plead to you all to surrender your arms and turn to Jesus who is now my Lord. There is no good end to all of that but only regret."

"The notorious Isabella girls that have terrorized this nation for twelve years will finally be exterminated tommorow."

"Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. In my dead, I hope that many will surrender their arms and follow after Him. Thank you all" she rounded up

Warden Yakubu stepped up and asked if any journalist had questions to ask and hands raised up as he picked randomly

Journalist 1: "Isabella, are you aware that your parents are no more alive? And how do you feel about it?"

Isabella: "yes I'm aware and my only regret is that they died without knowing Jesus"

Journalist 2: "Isabella, what has been your greatest onslaught?"

Isabella: "I have one but won't want to talk about it because doing so would stir up more pains in the hearts of the people. The past must remain behind"

Journalist 3: "you seems to speak much of Jesus. Are you now a Christian?"

Isabella: "I do not know much of what been a Christian is but I can boldly tell you that I'm now born again and a child of Jesus"

Journalist 4: "what message are you living behind as you will be dying tomorrow?"

Isabella: "there is no beauty in crime. The only beauty is Christ Jesus"

Journalist 5: "Isabella are you afraid that you are dying tomorrow?"

Isabella: "no! Not at all. My only fear is that I'm still alive. I'm not worthy of living except for eternity. My Lord Jesus is waiting for me. I can see Him and don't want to keep him waiting"

Journalist 6: "with all the mayhems and atrocious acts you've committed, do you think the nation would forgive you?"

Isabella: "I'm not the nation. I am Isabella. My duty is what I have done; to ask the nation for forgiveness and I ask with believe in my heart that they will forgive otherwise I won't have asked"

Journalist 7: "what inspired you into crime?"

Isabella: "i grew up into a family of violence, hate and poor home training. I needed to build a community of mine where I could feel belonged. I started with a girls cult group and later on formed the Isabella girls. We couldn't differentiate the difference between hate and love, violence and peace"

Journalist 8: "you made mention of a girls cult. Can you educate the people on the girls cult"

Isabella: "the girls cult was formed to have girls rule over boys and to resist male lordship over female. We were into lesbianism and was a crime for a member of the cult to go into a relationship with the opposite sex

Everyone was thrilled with the massive display of intelligence, courage and beautiful responses of Isabella to questions thrown at her

The entire nation had been briefed that she was going to be speaking to the nation and everybody clifed to his or her TV awaiting what a hardened female criminal; first of that kind had to say

But her speech moved the nation that morning to tears

Towards the evening of the same day, the news captured a group having a peaceful display with placards as a show of love to her. Some read;

"Isabella we forgive you", "Isabella we love you", "show mercy to Isabella, etc

A Christian organization which had watched the news had tabled a petition same day to the office of Warden Yakubu for the body of Isabella to be handed over to them for burial

Blessed enough, nobody from Isabella's relatives had come to request for her body so her body would be handed over to the them

This way; for her confession of Christ, Isabella was going to be given a befiting burial as a hero who had ended well

That night, she requested that Deborah, Ruth and Elisa along side DPO Ebele and Warden Yakubu spend time with her in prayers

This took place deep into the night. They had a beautiful fellowship with her and could watch her face glow

She was full of joy and life and couldn't wait to meet her Lord who was waiting to take her home

Early the following morning, Isabella, the former gang leader of the notorious Isabella girls was brought to the table with a rope hanging above it

Her beloveth in Christ; DPO Ebele and the daughters of Zion stood there with her wishing her goodbye until they meet again on the resurrection morning

When it was time for her final words, Isabella encouraged them to continue steadfastly in Christ and told them that she would be waiting to welcome them home

Deborah stepped forward, prayed with her and kissed her forehead

A black hood was put on her face with her hands tied behind

She was lifted and placed on the table

At this moment, DPO Ebele and the daughters of Zion left wishing they could escort her beyond

The rope was brought to her neck and after the execution officer had read the execution order, the table was withdrawn

And all turned their back as Isabella struggled with her breath as she crossed into eternity and said goodbye to this dark world.