As she kicked for the last time and gave up the ghost, Isabella saw her spirit coming out of her body and the body gradually became cold

Her Lord had stoodby waiting for her as she ran into His arms

Everything around her was now different

The air felt fresher and warmth. The space absent of noise and with calm wearing over all the terrains, she hugged her Lord and He kissed her on the forehead

"Welldone my daughter Isabella." He said and the tone of his voice sent into her body waves of peace, comfort, beauty and joy

As she tightened her soul onto that of her Lord, she wept but no tear dropped

The Lord lifted her face and with a look into it, she could feel His warmth hand filled with love and tenderness

She could feel the smooth touch of the sore of his palms. Becoming curious, she lowered her head to fix her gale on the sores on his feet. The nails on the cross came flashing into her head

The Lord held her by the hand to go home but she turned watching as the prison officers checked properly ensuring that she was completely dead

Shortly, she watched them unhanging her body. These officers had demons possessing them with chains all around their necks

Isabella could see beyond their bodies. Their souls had been starved and stained with blood

Some had legions of demons inhabiting and feeding on their blood

The sight was horrible to behold and she turned her face away in disgust

The Lord allowed her to watch everything that was going on

She looked at a building in the correctional facility and her eyes went through, into an entrance where DPO Ebele was comforting Deborah, Ruth and Elisa

They all had mighty angels standing and guardian them

She turned to her Lord and asked a question without her mouth opening and the Lord answered; "they are weeping because of you. Not because they are ignorant of where you are now, but because they would miss having fellowship with you until the resurrection morning when they shall be joined with you and the saints"

As she watched on, an officer walked into the entrance to beckon on DPO Ebele

Warden Yakubu had stood outside waiting for him

DPO Ebele walked to where he was standing and was taken to where an ambulance stood to convey the body of Isabella

As she watched her own body been wrapped in a body bag and placed in the ambulance, DPO Ebele had a short conversation with Warden Yakubu and he left to meet with the daughters of Zion

They boarded his car and drove off

"Why do those men have chains all around their necks my Lord?" Isabella asked

"These are men under the bondage of the unlawful one. Although they could hang your body, they are blind not to see that their spirit and souls are in great agony by the son of darkness." The Lord said

"Who is this unlawful one and the son of darkness my Lord" Isabella asked again

"He is Lucifer, the one that held your soul, body and spirit to ramson for many years until you gave your life to me" the Lord said

"But my Lord, why didn't you come for me before now? I would have long fallen into your arms" she asked again

"It is written of me; "for I stand on the door knocking. If any shall hear my voice and open up the door, I would come in and dine with the person. I have been knocking all this while Isabella, but your door was shut against me until your sisters cried out onto me and the father showed you mercy." The Lord said

"I died for you long ago and with my blood, I freed you from the son of doom but you were also blind like them to come to me " the Lord said again pointing at the officers

" Who are these my sisters dear Lord? " She asked

"They are all who believe and have given their lives to me and have accepted me as their personal Lord and savior. Deborah, Ruth and Elisa are the few out of many" The Lord answered

"Come quickly I want to show you something" He said taking hold of her hand

In the twinkling of an eye, they were in hell and hell stood still to honor the presence of the Lord as nothing moved

Isabella could see an ocean of fire with hundreds of souls dropping in it each second

She could understand the intensity of the heat by the agonizing display of those in it

"Turn to your right and look ahead of you." The Lord demanded faintly

Turning to the direction, she saw a man at a far distance burning, melting into flames and coming together again

"Do you remember him?" The Lord asked Isabella

"No my Lord. I do not remember." She said

"Do you remember the television evangelist?" The Lord asked her and looking closely, she could clearly see the televangelist

"That is bishop Tunamo!" She screamed. "What is he doing here dear Lord? I killed him that night four years ago." Isabella said broken

"He was one of my servants. I sent him on television each time to preach to you and the Isabella girls which is why he was pronounced on speaking about the Isabella girls and calling them to repentance. One of his responsibility was to raise an altar of prayer for you and the girls but his laxity in praying and interceding for you delayed your salvation." The Lord said

"Could it be why he is in hell my dear Lord." Isabella asked confused

"No my child. He is here because of the sin of fornication. He had slept with a young lady in the hotel that night before you shut him to dead"

"He had no time to ask for mercy as at the time of his dead. Despite serving me all his life, he couldn't stand to the end" the Lord said sadly

Bishop Tunamo was a renowned man of God popular with his on air preaching and salvation messages to the Isabella girls and other hardened criminals. Many had turned from their evil acts to salvation through his ministrations most especially his on air programs

Isabella and her girls were offended by his messages and had planned to kill him

It came as an opportunity when a fellow envious minister contacted them to kill him as they were heavily payed

Initially they had considered how possible it was to kill him with a bullet due to how powerfully anointed he was

That night in Asaba after a mighty crusade he held, the girls traced him to his hotel room and shut him to dead

As at the time Isabella went into the hotel room disguising herself as an attendant, he was found lying naked in bed but Isabella had no idea he had a girl in with him

As she spoke with the Lord, a screen appeared and she could see the girl entered the bathroom before she entered and shot him at once

The news of his controversial dead went viral which led to the complete desertion of his ministry and all that he had built

Although the the lady was arrested, the hotel and investigation by the police confirmed that she was only among the sisters who were attending to his personal needs during his crusade

Isabella wept for his soul but it was too late for anything to be done

"Follow me daughter, I have much I want to show you." The Lord said and walked away as Isabella followed Him."