"There is much I must show you Isabella my dear child." The Lord said leading her away

As she walked on, she could see thousands of souls dropping in hell each second with loud screams; "No!!!!" "Mercy!!!!" "Help!!!!!" Etc

Despite their pleads, no one payed attention as the raging flames of hell swallowed them up, giving birth to them and taking them in again

"Look at all of them Isabella my child. I died for them! All of them!" The Lord said

Isabella could see him weeping but no tear dropped. She could feel the agonizing pains of her Lord seeing all those people consume by hell

She could not hold herself so she wept even the more

They came to a place which seemed like a pool of liquid but anceant fire with worms devouring the souls that were in it

Isabella could see the people in it mostly men with fewer women weeping, wailing and gnashing their teeth

"Who are these my lord?" She asked

"These are the miracle workers who used my name to make fame for themselves. It is written of me concerning them in Mathew 7:21-23. Despite all that they did, they were workers of iniquity. This is their place my child" the Lord said pitifully

As she drew closer, she could see that this pool traveled far and wide without ends on each side and it was full of such people

Just as she was speaking with her Lord, a being dropped in it screaming in pain

It spoke up when it sighted the Lord

"Ah my Lord! I served you all my life. I did many miraculous works in your name and made your name known to all the nations."

"Please tell the angels to send me back. This is not where I belong. Please Lord deliver me. Save me Lord!!!!!!" He screamed as the flames of hell awaited him

"Thou worker of iniquity. Though you worked for me and had delivered many from hell, some of whom are now in the kingdom, you never walked with me. I waited for you and kept knocking on the door of your heart calling you to repentance but you never answered. You loved the world and used my name to gain it to yourself. Now this is your place; your eternal condemnation. Depart!!!"

At the sound of depart! Hell swallowed him up and he was no more

Isabella screamed and fell at the feet of her Lord

"Ah Lord, have mercy on me. I know him. That is Bishop Rochas Tokura. He was a mighty man of God known All-over the world. I am guilty my Lord. I'm not worthy. This is also my place." Isabella cried as she felt unworthy of the life she had lived

The Lord turned to her smiling and lifted her from where she knelt

"My daughter, salvation is not in this place. Salvation is on earth. This would have been your eternal home of doom but you accepted me while on earth. You have been shown mercy Isabella. Come with me, there is something I must show you

She followed the Lord and soon they were approaching a place of great torment

As they drew nearer, she could hear terrible sounds of agonizing pains and swords crashing against each other. She became curious to know what was going on

There was a large shield demarcating the compartment of hell they were about to enter

A metal gate that was so huge opened up for them on it own accord and Isabella could see what was beyond her knowledge

She could hear screams of billions of souls wailing in great agony. There was no end to what she could see

"This is where you would have been Isabella. This is where you and all the Isabella girls would have been."

"Six of them are here." As soon as the Lord said so, flames of hell vomited them upward and she could see all their faces as the fire was ravaging their souls

Isabella was terribly weeping, not for them but for the pain of what and how she had lived her life which led to what she was seeing

"Isabella!" The Lord called out. "I am sending you back on earth. There is much I am showing you, but you must disclose all to every soul on Earth. You must tell them that hell is real" the Lord said

"But my Lord, my body is dead and my soul is here now with you. How shall it be." She asked curious

"I am the Lord, nothing is hard for me to do. I am sending you to earth but I shall give you another body. Like the second coming of Elijah, I am sending you back to earth but I shall give you another body and your spirit shall dwell in it." The Lord said and Isabella fell on his feet to honor him

She praised her Lord for finding her worthy to correct the errors she had committed in her first life

"You shall be with me for a time and I shall give you another body to speak my word to the nations of the earth" the Lord told her

Although she could not understand fully what the Lord meant by another body, she believed on him

The Lord then brought her to another compartment in hell

This place had no human nor anything earthly. It had a name boldly written on it; "the synagogue of Lucifer."

It was full of demons doing one thing or the other. Initially the presence of the Lord would have caused a create commotion but because of what he wanted to reveal to Isabella, the Lord made himself and that of Isabella not visible to the demons

In the first compartment, she saw demons sitting on screens and were extremely busy operating systems like normal computer operators

"Who are these and what are they doing Lord?" She asked

"These are demons which rule over the social media, television institutions and broadcasting stations.""

"Their work is to lure the children of men to propagate their agenda on medias such as pornography, sexual perversion and immorality." The Lord answered her

"Through this medium, they have hunted down the daughters and sons of Zion. Isabella," the Lord called out. " The daughters and sons of Zion must know that whatever that doesn't glorify me is been sponsored by the devil."

They came into another compartment where they saw demons on machines sewing cloths

"My child Isabella," Christ called out. "This part of Lucifer's synagogue is where different immoral wears are conceived and manufactured. Those manufacturing them physically are only been manipulated by these demons into creating such wears." He said pointing at the demons

As Christ explained, Isabella was weeping greatly because she then realized that there is more to life than it is known in the physical world.