Make of the Villain's weapon 6 (Ganja Passes...)

A few hours ago...

Chiron looked at the pleading face of the old man before him, and nodded, "Don't worry, I already plan to kill them all."

The pleading look on Ganja's face changed into gratefulness. He was very excited to have heard those words. He continually thanked Chiron over and over again for his kindness. In his eyes, Chiron was practically an otherworldly existence. He thought Chiron to be a god.

While he was definitely right about Chiron being an otherworldly being, he was definitely wrong about him being a god.

Ganja thanked Chiron again and again. He was not aware that Chiron was not just referring to killing the Blacksmith's enemies but much more.

Emma immediately went inside Ganja's room and brought out the bottle of wine.

The moment it was opened, the strong aroma of alcohol filled the room. Emma poured out a full cup for her father and handed it over to him. He nodded and thanked her.