Devil's Touch...

Chiron wrapped his fingers around the beating heart and pulled it out of Ganja's chest.

At this point, Emma could hold it in no longer and she broke down completely. Her Knees touched the floor and the tears flowed like a waterfall.

Meanwhile, Chiron took the heart to the sword with the glowing Runes. The closer Chiron brought the heart, the brighter the runes of the sword glowed. When the heart was above it, it was not only glowing, but it was also vibrating fiercely.

The vibration of the sword sang a low HUMMING! sound.

Chiron placed the Heart above the sword and as he squeezed it in, he resumed the Ancient Language of Runes once more. Blood poured into the sword. As it did, not one drop of it went to waste. The sword absorbed everything greedily.

But that was not all. Chiron suddenly felt a suction force from the Sword and let go of the Heart. The moment, the Heart fell on the sword, It was drained entirely of every liquid and moisture, shriveling the heart dry.