Carla Vs Razad

Carla's crazy laughter floated through the air.

However, it was nothing like the cheer that should come from a girl her age.

Instead, it sounded like the sky was angry and it rained down thunder on her opponents

The ground flowed with blood.

Winter was ending. After all, it was the shortest season of the year.

However, for the loud laughter and bloodshed Carla anointed the earth with, the sky seem to bless her for her hard work, by snowing.

It was not too much, and not exactly too little, but just enough to be relevant.

Razad looked around him as his men fell like undesired fruits, something was not right.

It was at this time that he noticed that he had been fighting for some time and yet, Iceberg had not arrived with the reinforcements from the north gate.

He suddenly feared the worst.

Was this a trap to let him lose his life and Iceberg take the throne?

This thought floated in his head like a dark cloud about to rain.