What is she?

Aside from Chiron, captain Timi and commander Hardstone, they were also others watching the fight between Carla and the rebels.

Deamon and Dylan also watched.

They were in charge of destroying the tesseracts that the rebel army commanded.

Naturally, when they were done, they both ran over to see what was going on.

It was a subconscious agreement on first sight not to offend Carla any time in the future.

Meanwhile, when her fight started with Razad, they thought that it was totally impossible.

After all, the difference in strength was just too much.

However, they was something about the tenacity of a mad man that was scary.

Where the source of madness came from was always different.

For some, it was from their pride. Others, it came from fear.

However, for Carla, it came from a perverted form of love.

It was only on the battlefield she felt connected to Chiron, and the tougher the opponent, the stronger the connection.

Women operated by a strong sense of emotion.