A Lethal Dose

Chiron stepped up the flight of stairs all the way to King Richard who was waiting for him at the end of it. 

By the sides of king Richard were a few family faces. By the king's right was the chief Shaman. And then they was Chief ban on his other side, and then the other chiefs and even a few generals and commanders of the kingdom. They were all dressed lavishly.

Even the chief Shaman had a smile on her face, which in truth was very creepy to Chiron. 

But he had to continue moving forward. Chiron also noticed that in this gathering, his uncle, Victor was missing. 

Chiron reached in front of the King. He looked at the man in the face, and he smirked, while the others except chiron's servants all bowed towards the king. 

There were many nobles that noticed this, and some of them began to whisper, but it did not matter to Chiron. He did not bow before, and he was definitely not going to do it now that there were penalties for it.