A Lethal Dose 2

However, Chiron gave a side ways dangerous smile. 

Thunder lice plant was one that had the ability to kill a normal person instantly on smelling it. for a cultivator, tasting it was a lethal dose. Considering the fact that Chiron was a bronze rank cultivator, the amount that was required for it to become dangerous for him was not a small amount. 

the worse part about it was that even though this poison was dangerous, it was actually very easy to recognize. After all, everything it touched became black. However, in this party, only red wine had been served. 

this meant that the person that had used thunder lace plant in this drink was skilled enough to even extract the darkening property from it. 

If not those around Chiron like Chief ban would have easily noticed.

Chiron spread his aura sense into the environment, surely, they were a few malicious gazes, but nothing out of the ordinary that would really stand out.