Sweaty Palms

Larcian clasped his hands together, rubbing them nervously as he sat down on the wooden chair that was neatly placed in front of the school's board of directors. He had been instructed to go in for his school's application, it was eerily similar to an interview which Larcian was.. to say the least, bad at doing. He tapped his foot repeatedly waiting for the administration staff to come in and sit in their chairs. His eyes ran along each chair, counting nine in total. It was threatening being in this large room alone. The first thing that had actually caught his attention when he entered was the giant curved desk in the room and the seat placed in the middle, which is was where Larcian was designated to sit.

The arch-like desk surrounding him on three of his four sides was beautiful and neatly cleaned despite having several sets of files in place for each staff member. There was also a small tablet that was placed on an area of the desk closest to him. Very much within grabbing range if he were to lean forward to grab it. He eventually snapped back to the files on the desk, placing his attention on them. He strained his eyes to look at the files and see if he could gleam anything from them before giving up as it was hard to read words upside down.

The only thing he could really read was "Stamina Enhancement" which he assumed to be what they knew about his abilities, which was technically correct but also just the very tip of the ice-burg. Stamina Enhancement wasn't the ability Larcian awakened, what he actually got was the awakening of what he called the 'God Point System' simply because from what he could tell, it gave him the powers of a god. He hadn't really experimented with it much or dug into it because the only thing on his mind was immediately applying to an awakener's college. It was right before entrance exams that he realized that he probably shouldn't show off his godlike power and instead used the system to randomly create a basic F tier ability. Which ended up being a simple stamina enhancement skill.

Larcian snapped out of his thoughts as he heard the shuffling of feet and muffled voices talking behind the door leading into the exam room. His foot tapping became faster before he forcefully stopped it by placing his hand on his knee. He took a deep breathe as people started filing in the room. The seats in front of him were promptly filled with what he assumed to be the administration.

Larcian's palms started to sweat, being in front of people of power and authority, especially with a set-up like this made him anxious. He had to prove himself to them, he knew he did. Larcian knew he had passed the exams with flying colors, the questions were so easy he could've done them asleep. Which he did for some!

The only thing he was truly nervous about was the ability testing, which for a school primarily focused around abilities and powerful awakeners, was the most important and deciding factor of whether he managed to get into the college of his dream. Golden Mind School of Awakeners the only place other than an ivy league school that would bring about a tremendous amount of fame, power and recognition if you were to graduate. What Larcian was after most however was the instant B class hunter certification. With that he could most likely be able to bring in enough money to support his ill father and little siblings. But that was only a dream for now because he wouldn't have a future if he didn't manage to get into the college.

The sound of the files being shuffled and folders being opened once again snapped Larcian out of it. He didn't know who specifically to focus on until the man directly in front of him started talking. "Larcian Noanmes. Do you know why you're here?" Larcian straightened himself, responding with a simple "No sir," as he shook his head. "I was just instructed to come here after receiving an email from the school about having a hearing."

The man in front of Larcian nodded towards a lady seated to the left side of Larcian, "Ms. Lucre?" Lucre shifted the files in her hand before speaking. "Mr. Noanmes, the reason you are here, in this hearing, is to decide whether you get to enter into Golden Mind or not. Several of the faculty have looked at your exam scores and have found it beyond exemplary. Myself included, however as you may know we here at Golden Mind prioritize training, teaching and leading the next generation of Awakeners," Lucre looked down at her files, switching the one in her hand for another one. "One of our most important factors in deciding who is to be counted in the next generation is an Awakeners ability. Which is what you severely lack in. While you seem to be very intelligent you don't seem to be especially strong."

Several of the staff had started to shift in their seat, placing the entirety of their focus on Larcian at the moment. He could feel all of their eyes on him causing him to start shifting in his seat as well. His eyes were focused on Ms. Lucre as she continued to speak. "Strength is what matters here at Golden Mind, but technically intelligence is a form of strength that could make up for your poor abilities as an awakener. Which is why we're here to decide if you enter or not. The current vote is 4:5, letting you enter, or not. We're hoping you could possibly shed some insight on our decision."

Larcian nodded after hearing her speak thinking of every way the conversation could go and what he could say to help guide their decision and change the vote to lean towards his favor. 'I just need a 4:4 then I can just ask them to watch me and my progress. I've got this.' Larcian smirked as he thought up a course of action. He hesitated before he spoke, this was it. If he stumbled or said the wrong thing his dreams would be over before they even got to begin.

"As I assume all of you know, my ability is a simple F tier stamina enhancement, and although it is not an impressive ability, putting me just beyond the average adult male in terms of running and well, stamina, it's extremely useful for a reason" he gulped as he looked around the room, hearing some people scribbling and seeing others staring at him. "That reason being, I can learn and train my body better. I plan on uhm, using weapons and training with them so having better stamina means I can uh, I can get better at using them quicker than other students.." Larcian trailed off a bit, stopping himself from talking any further as it'd lead to useless rambling if he did.

He looked around as he saw a few people nodding, either out of pity to try and comfort his take on things or because they genuinely thought it was a good point. After the last few pens had been put down and the scribbling had stopped, Ms. Laurce spoke once more. "Thank you for your insight and reasoning Mr. Noanmes. I believe it would be time to retake the vote, correct?" The board of members nodded in unison, the fate of Larcian and his college acceptance would be decided right in front of him.

"Okay then. Those who are in favor of barring Mr. Noanmes from our school, please raise your hands," Four hands rose as she finished speaking, causing Larcian to sigh in relief since he knew that the vote would be in his favor, "Those in favor of allowing Mr. Noanmes into our school, please raise your hand." However contrary to what Larcian thought, only four hands raised, leaving one completely neutral.

All eyes in the room pointed to the sole person who had never raised their hand. A large man, with a body large and built enough that it seemed like the poor tracksuit on him would burst. Larcian could see that the tracksuit was most stressed at the arms, nearly a different shade of red from the rest of the suit from being pressed against by his bulging arms. He spoke with a gruff and low tone. "I'll vote in favor of Mr. Noanmes here if he can hold himself well in a spar against me. You said that you can what? Train quicker with weapons? So a week's time should be good enough to get decent with one right?"

Larcian wasn't sure how to respond, as he thought Ms. Laurce spoke sternly in his stead. "Mr. Cartan, I don't see how that would be a good idea. A student with a, so to say, weak ability and barely any training wouldn't fare well against a combat instructor, wouldn't you agree?"

Martin looked at Larcian then at Ms. Laurce and spoke once more. "Well, he said himself that he can train quickly with weapons and all that. Wouldn't it be best to actually see how well he can get in a week's time? I mean, our students are supposed to be better than the average awakener rabble right?"

Laurce glared at Martin, "I don't agree. A student should not be endangering himself in a spar with a teacher, and although our students are meant to be better I still believe it to be unfair. Furthermore I believe-"

As Laurce opened her mouth to speak Larcian interrupted her, "If it means being able to get your vote in this matter and allowing me to intend this incredible institution then I am more than happy to take you up on the challenge Mr... uh, Cartan?"

Martin's guttural laugh erupted, quickly filling it up the room with the sounds of his amusement. "See Belle? The kid is fine with it, no need to get all twisted up and upset about it," Martin raised his hand, continuing on. "That spirit is what we want in our student's, I'll give him my vote. But I'm still sparring with you in about a week's time buddy. Get ready to be called down to the training room, and just know there will in fact, be hell to pay if you don't show up"

As Martin finished talking, an older man who Larcian assumed to be the director of the school stood up and in a gravelly voice said. "This hearing is now adjourned. Thank you Ms. Laurce for leading this discussion and with that said. We are glad to have you as one of our newest students Mr. Noanmes," As he spoke staff members packed their files and stood up, ready to leave. "Everyone here is now dismissed, although Ms. Laurce please stay here for a second."

Staff members started to leave the room, it took Larcian a second to stand up as his leg had started bouncing and tapping against, but from excitement and relief instead of anxiety and nervousness.

As he finally mustered up the energy to get up and leave the room, the old man spoke to him once more. "Mr. Noanmes, although you were accepted into the school, it was by a very narrow margin. Had it not been for Ms. Laurce fighting on your behalf, you would not have been in the seat you were in just now. With that in mind, I hope you realize what your future will have in store for you. It will be a tough journey for you, especially if you cannot live up to the words you said earlier. Work hard, and train harder. I will expect to see you again in the future Mr. Noanmes, but with all that being said" The director nodded his head at Larcian. "Welcome to Golden Mind, School of Awakeners."