What a... nice room.

Larcian stood in front of his dorm room door, he had been gripping the strap of his bag tight enough to turn his knuckles white. His foot started to tap as it usually does in any situation like this, he was late to starting week, he didn't know or get to introduce himself to his roommate earlier so he really would just be walking a stranger's abode. Despite it also being HIS abode.

He had come a bit later in the day, he spent most of his day walking around the campus getting a feel of what everything was like. He'd still need help getting around to his classes and seeing every part of it, but he spent the majority of his day wandering around the campus grounds trying to find his dorm rooms. Which he thankfully managed to find. He stared intently at the door and it's number tag which displayed the number 134.

'Okay, alright, so action plan. Walk in, if he's in there, which he probably is at this time of day, then just greet him and tell him about you. Easy right? Simple..? Nothing bad could happen right? I mean what's the worst that could happen? Blood everywhere? Everything's torn up? Nahhh... no way right?' Larcian had started to freak himself out, but he just took a deep breath and walked in.

Blood. Everywhere. Couch cushions were ripped up, the whole room itself was over turned as if some creature had ran through here and killed his dorm mate and at the moment it was just awaiting Larcian. Ready to pounce.

Larcian was frozen in.. fear? Shock? He himself couldn't tell what mixture of emotions was brewing in him especially since what he thought was the worst case scenario, well, ended up being the actual scenario.

"What. The. Ever-loving hell happened here." Were the only words Larcian could bring himself to utter. He slowly moved into the room, examining more and more of it. The room was almost exactly mirrored, a writing desk on both sides pressed against the wall (albeit one was already destroyed), two beds positioned adjacent to each other with enough space to allow for a multi-colored rug to fit in-between. The window in their room which led out to the semi-bright day was covered by a blood stained wooden darkening curtain that let just enough light in to dimly fill the blood stained room.

Despite blood covering the room it was clear which side of the space was much more destroyed, one of the beds was still made while the other had its pillows and covers torn up. One of the desks had the chair still pushed into the desk, the other, was unfortunately broken in half. Which was impressive since the desk itself seemed very well made.

Larcian walked further into the room, as he turned to close the door he noticed two bookshelves on either side of the door. Similarly to most things in the room, one had a few shelves broken and indented, as if someone had gotten thrown into it. The other, the neat one, had several books Larcian couldn't read the title of. He sighed, making his way to the carpet between the beds.

The only thing on the mostly destroyed side of the room that wasn't completely broken in half was the small dresser at the foot of each bed, that one just had a bit of blood pooled on top of it which was considerably better than everything else on that side.

While Larcian stood in the center of the room examining it and simply imagining what could've happened here, the door flung open. Two people were at the entrance of his dorm room. One a brown haired guy, fluff and feathers were positioned nicely in his hair and the grey hoodie he was wearing was ever so slightly torn up and covered in blood. The other Larcian couldn't really see because the man in front of him blocked Larcian's view.

'Ah. Okay great, I'm next I guess. The culprit is here.' Larcian calmly resigned himself to his fate before the man spoke. "Oh.. uh. You're my room guy right? Wait no hold on, room mate my bad. Yeah you're my room mate right?" His voice was calm yet also out of breath. Larcian could tell either he ran from the room, or ran to it with his buddy.

Larcian nodded absentmindedly as he got talked to, "Yeah okay my name is Lukas, with a k, cool I know. This lumbering man behind me," Lukas talked as he moved into the room, beckoning the man behind him to also move in. "is Perry. Perry is a big ol' softy. He's shy and doesn't talk too much but he's really sweet. Just don't uh, don't expect much conversation from him y'know?"

Perry smiled and awkwardly waved his hand as he got introduced, despite being a quite large man it was clear he was timid. "Hi." Perry said in a whisper-like tone, had Larcian not been actively focusing on him, his voice probably wouldn't have been heard at all.

As both men made their way into the room Lukas walked forward towards Larcian extending his hand out for a handshake. Which Larcian accepted and responded, "My uh. My name is Larcian. Larcian Noanmes if for some reason you need my full name. So.. Lukas. What the hell happened in here?" Larcian was still partially in shock, his voice slightly faltered as he finished his sentence.

"Oh right yeah the room. So. I'm a summoner right? I uh, let one of my summons loose cus I thought she was gonna be more.. tame. She was in fact. Not. Not even in the slightest. Pretty much instantly attacked me, so we ended up running around, I let my bird summon out to attack her, not.. Successful. She tackled me against the book shelf," he looked around the room, Larcian could see him remembering everything that happened as he recounted his story. "Large cats are surprisingly heavy."

His story was interrupted by the sounds of water splashing everywhere, Larcian's focus shifted over to Perry, who was casting water magic on every blood stained spot in the room, cleaning it up nearly instantly and then moving things around so the room slowly got into order.

"...So yeah y'know, that's how the desk got broken, thankfully I remembered to unsummon her before she got to my throat." Lukas' voice droned back in causing Larcian to shake his head in disbelief.

Larcian turned to Lukas, "Does Perry need any help in, fixing up the room?" Causing Lukas to turn around and he promptly apologized to Perry for making him do all the work. As the three cleaned and fixed up the room, they managed to grow a bit of a newfound friendship. From what Larcian could tell, Lukas and Perry had been friends for awhile, possibly since before high school. Larcian wasn't quite sure since he didn't dig too far into it.

As they talked more and more Larcian ended up finding out that Lukas was a C tier summoner, which is how he managed to 'tame' the C+ Class beast, Ferric Cat. The same one which ended up attacking him and destroying the room. That itself was really impressive however, for a college freshman it would be a major achievement to reach anything past D class. Perry on the other hand was just an E class water mage, it seemed as if he only recently awakened since his manipulation of his magic was. Poor. Even in Larcian's eyes.

The room managed to be cleaned before midnight. Which was quite frankly impressive considering it's previous state. Larcian would've imagined another full day's worth of cleaning if it wasn't for Perry.

Lukas decided to accompany Perry back to his dorm leaving Larcian alone in the dorm. He collapsed onto the bed, it was already dark out despite it taking only a few hours of deep cleaning the room. His arms ached from having to rub a large portion of blood out of the rug but he still smiled none the less.

He finally made it into his dream college and it seemed like he made some friends. He'd have to see where his relationship with both of them would go and if he'd be best friends with them or just chill roommates; He was happy with how everything went today still. He couldn't have gotten here without the help of his system, which made him think.

He wanted to explore more of it, he had barely touched and experimented with it because he was more focused on finally being able to apply to Golden Mind. He thought back to when he first got it and the unimaginable happiness he got from awakening.

It was similar to the situation he was in now, laying on a bed in a room he shared with his younger brother. He desperately wished for something in his life to change, and it was a funny coincidence that it did. Maybe his desires for it made the system appear but he wasn't sure. It would've made sense if that was the case though, since from what he knew that's what the system did. Made desire appear.

He remember the gold tinted translucent screen appearing in front of him, there was no build up to it which is the reason he ended up falling off of his bed in a sudden shock. He chuckled to himself, "Point screen open." he mumbled to himself. The screen he recalled opened itself up to him.

A golden screen appeared hovering above his face, he could keep it in place if he focused on keeping it in place but otherwise it moved around with his eyes which was annoying since it covered his view of everything. His eyes scanned over it. A list of tabs presented themselves on the screen.

Total Points: 12








He stared at it with a deep fascination, recalling his mind being overloaded with information when he first opened up the gacha tab. Which he remembered having a few sections to randomly roll for everything else on the list. He only decided on rolling abilities because the information gave him a headache and he didn't wanna risk looking at anything else in that moment. With that roll he acquired his first ability, stamina enhancement. After that night though he never really touched the system again until now, out of fear of the pain from it.

He sighed, he needed to investigate his system more. Even if it meant causing himself some pain and headaches. He resolved himself, "Let's start from the top then right?"

He raised his finger, but he hesitated in front of the tab. His finger suspended in midair as he had an internal struggle. He gulped, steeling his resolve to explore the system, and finally pressed the tab. As the screen opened an unimaginable pain overcame him, this was so much worse than the headache he had last time.

His body was on fire, it felt as if he was being ripped apart and put back together. Strand by strand. Everything went completely dark then it was back again, his mouth felt so incredibly dry, his skin felt like he was being pricked by millions of pins, it felt like his ear drums were about to burst, and he couldn't even scream. A putrid and disgustingly sweet scent filled his nose which made his body convulse as it tried to gag. The pain was the worst in his mind however, his brain was going to explode. He could feel it, the way it felt like it pressed against the inside of his skull made him terrified. Then, all at once. It ended.

It was a miracle he didn't throw up on the newly cleaned carpet, the pain completely and utterly rocked his body and suddenly disappeared. As if he had simply imagined all of it. It was, to say the very least, incredibly traumatizing. It was a pain he knew he wouldn't be able to forget.